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Posted: Jan 27, 2025 10:30 AMUpdated: Jan 28, 2025 4:11 AM

Bartlesville Fire Dept is Hiring

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Tom Davis
Appearing on KWON Radio's CITY MATTERS program, Bartlesville Fire Chief H. C. Call reminded everyone that they are hiring at the fire department. 
Call said that they are taking applications until January 31st and there's still a little bit of time left for people to get their application in to come go through the testing process. 
Call said, "We're looking for a men and women who are public servants. We want someone that's dedicated to the community. The work of a firefighter is both physically and emotionally demanding at times. So, um, you know, it requires the most dedicated individuals for that."
The starting salary is just a little over 51,000 for entry level firefighter. It comes with comprehensive benefits, health, dental, vision, life insurance. You get vacation after the first year of employment,sick leave and military leave. And BFD also participates in the Oklahoma firefighters pension and retirement system. After 20 years, you're eligible for retirement. 
According to Call, February the eighth is their written test. Those who pass the written test will be scheduled for a physical agility test, which will be held on February 22nd. After the physical agility test, those that passed get to go on to a panel interview.
The candidates are then selected and sent to Oklahoma City for a doctor's physical for the pension system. Call said that when all is said and done, you wil go through a training program, which, depending on your qualifications, when you come in, can anywhere be anywhere from three weeks to three months, depending on where you are and depending on what qualifications you come in with when we hire you.
Some people already have their firefighter one. If they don't, then we'll have to send them through that, which is about a two and a half week process. 
Yeah. So if you feel that you're being called to serve as a firefighter, then this is your opportunity to join that team through there. But it's not just as simple as that.
The age requirements are 18 to 45. 

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