Community Connection
- Charlene Dew and Brian O'neill Big Brothers Big Sisters 1-27-22
- Bartlesville Chamber President Sherri Wilt 1-26-22
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. 1-25-22
- Bartlesville Arts Association Talks Spring 2022 Classes 1-24-22
- Tom Roane Art Display at Price Tower w/Billie Roane 1-12-22
- Candles for a Cause with Erin Taylor at The Crafty Candle Shoppe 1-12-22
- Bartlesville High School Debate Team w/Trey Cabler 1-12-22
- SAFE Event 1-11-22
- City Matters 1-10-22
- KWON Cooking School 1-10-22
- Wash. Co. Assesor Todd Mathes 1-7-22
- Elder Care w/Abigayl Peterman 1-6-22
- BBBS w/Charlene Dew 1-5-22
- City Matters w/Vice Mayor James Curd
- Chamber w/Sherri Wilt 12-29-21
- City Matters 12-27-21
- Green Country Christmas Explainer w/ Dorea Potter and Tina Romine 12-20-21
- Get Real Ministries 12-17-21
- Tri County Tech w/ Randall Jones 12-16-21
- BDA w/Chris Batchelder 12-14-21
- City Matters 12-12-21
- Family Healthcare Clinic 12-13-12
- OKM Music w/Mikala Curless 12-9-21
- Mayor Dale Copeland 12-7-21
- Green Co. Christmas Update w/Tina Romine 12-6-21
- Elder Care w/ Angie Thompson 12-2-21
- OKM St. Nicklaus Day 12-1-21
- First Prebyterian Church Advent Musical Moments 11-29-21
- The Isaacs at First Baptist w/Dave Wade 11-26-21
- Bartlesville Motorcycle Toy Run 11-25-21
- Bartlesville Chamber w/Sherri Wilt 11-24-21
- OKM w/Mikala Curless 11-23-21
- Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 11-22-21
- Get Real Ministries 11-19-21
- Tri-County Tech 11-18-21
- BPS Supt. Chuck McCauley 11-17-21
- Daybreak Roatary Fantasyland of Lights 11-16-21
- City Matters w/City Councilor Paur Stuart 11-16-21
- Family Healthcare Clinic w/Molly Collins 11-15-21
- Green Country Christmas Special Announcement 11-12-21
- BBBS w/Charlene Dew 11-11-21
- Bartlesville's Got Talent 11-10-21
- Martha's Task Open House w/Laura Walton 11-9-21
- Bartlesville Regional United Way w/Katie Zaun 11-9-21
- CITY MATTERS 11-8-21
- Bartlesville Ladies Club w/Dorea Potter 11-8-21
- Sheriff Scott Owen 11-5-21
- Elder Care 11-4-21
- OKM MUSIC w/Mikal Curless 11-3-21
- Amy Nordhues, Author of of PRAYED UPON 11-3-21
- Bartlesville Community Concerts: American Sweethearts ro Perform for Vets w/Adele Rgister 11-1-21
- Kiwanis Club Wreaths and More/Chrismas Parade w/Karen Wilson 11-1-21
- Green Country Christmas w/ Dorea Potter and Tina Romine 10-29-21
- Daybreak Rotary w/ Keith Brhanham and Razia Jan 10-28-21
- Reformationfest 10-27-21
- Dynamic Independence Event Nov 19 10-26-21
- OKM Christkindl Market w/Mikala Curless 10-26-21
- City Matters 10-25-21
- Building Bridges of Oklahoma w/ Joe Beffer and Gina Elias 10-25-21
- Heart Matters 10-22-21
- Tri County Tech w/Melanie Walker 10-21-21
- Bartlesville Public Schools 10-20-21
- City Matters w/Mayor Copeland 10-19-21
- Cherokee Cheif Chuck Hoskin Jr. 10-18-21
- KLIFE Dodgeball 10-18-21
- Get Real Ministries 10-15-21
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters w/ Charlene Dew 10-14-21
- Tom Mix Museum Fundraisers w/ Fawn Lassiter 10-13-21
- Delaware Tribe Family and Children Services 10-12-21
- City Matters 10-11-21
- Bartlesville Daybreak Rotary w/ Elizabeth Thrash and Keith Branham
- Bartlesville's Got Talent w/Cindy Dronyk and Michael Secora 10-8-21
- BSO with Mark Wood and Laura Kaye from Trans-Siberian Orchestra 10-8-21
- Elder Care w/ Dr Josh Lindblom and Dr Kaitlyn Warren FOUNDATION Therap Specialists 10-7-21
- Cowboy Trade Day w/Kenny Stroud 10-6-21
- City Matters w/City Councilman James Curd 10-5-21
- Women's Ranch Rodeo World Finals Rodeo w/Billie Franks 10-4-21
- OKM Oktoberfest 9-30-21
- Theatre Bartlesville w/Jen Hart and Zoey Gilbert 9-29-21
- Celebration and Wedding Showcase w/ Dorea Potter 9-29-21
- OKWU Foster Ranch Bonanza w/ Dr. Dunn 9-29-21
- Washington County Community Council w/ John Werts, Bobby Lee and Sheriff Owen 9-28-21
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 9-28-21
- Bartlesville City Matters 9-27-21
- Family Promise- Tour De Bville w/ Ashley Sikes 9-24-21
- Bartlesville Regional United Way 9-23-21
- Bartlesville Fall Classic Pockleball Tournament 9-23-21
- OKM Oktoberfest 9-23-21
- Tom Mix Museum Fundraisers 9-22-21
- BPS Chuck McCauley 9-22-21
- Mayor Dale Copeland 9-21-21
- Miles for Mammograms 9-20-21
- Get Real Ministries 9-17-21
- Tri-County Tech w/Dr Tina Strobel 9-16-21
- Luke Holland with Sen. Inhofe's Office 9-15-21
- Operation Clean House 9-15-21
- Oldies-n-Goodies Car Show 9-14-21
- City Matters 9-13-21
- Celebration and Weddings Showcase 9-13-21
- Lowe Family Young Scholars 9/11 Memorial 9-10-21
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters 9-9-21
- City Matters w/Paul Stuart 9-8-21
- OK Workforce w/Don Morris 9-7-21
- Toughest Monster Trucks Tour w/Billie Shea 9-7-21
- Kiwanis Wreathes and More w/ Karen Wilson 9-7-21
- Washington Co. Free Fair w/Rebecca Moses and Martin Blum 9-3-21
- Elder Care w/Christina Bishop 9-2-21
- OKM Oktoberfest w/Mikala Curless 9-1-21
- Family Promise Tour De BVille w/Ashley Sikes 9-1-21
- BPL Liteacy Services w/ Joanie Elmore: Health Literacy 8-31-21
- GSA Pearls on the Prairie w/ Pam Crawford 8-31-21
- Lowe Family Young Scholars 9/11 Event w/Jane Sears and Michael Secora 8-27-21
- OKM Music Oktoberfest w/Mikala Curless 8-26-21
- Freedom Fire 2021 w/Coach Donnie Bostwick 8-25-21
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce w/ Sherri Wilt 8-25-21
- Bartlesville Ladies Connection: Women's Business Expo w/Dorea Potter 8-24-21
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr
- City Matters 8-23-21
- Catholic Community RCIA Open House w/Fr John O'Neill and Kim Barbour 8-23-21
- Mike Mazzei for Treasurer with Earl Sears and John Ford 8-20-21
- Tri-County Tech Dental Hygiene Patient Recruitment w/ Lydia Snyder 8-19-21
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 8-18-21
- City Matters w/Trevor Dorsey 8-17-21
- Big Brothers, Big Sisters w/Charlene Dew and Brian O'Neill 8-13-21
- Agape Mission Talks Empty Bowls Lunch 8-12-21
- Bartlesville Regional United Way talks Fundraising Kick-Off 8-11-21
- Samaritan Growth Talks Sports Spectacular 8-10-21
- City Matters w/ Bartlesville City Officials 8-9-21
- Bartlesville High Officials talk Tuesday's Bruin Bond 8-9-21
- Bartlesville Elder Care Talks Job Openings and Fundraising 8-5-21
- City Councilman Jim Curd on City of Bartlesville happenings 08-02-21
- Radio Auction 7-30-21
- Chamber of Commerce w/Sherri Wilt 7-29-21
- Hauntings at Brown Masnion in Coffeyville w/ Pete Walterschied 7-27-21
- Bartlesville Public Schools w/Granger Meador, Tammie Krause and Staci Bankston 7-26-21
- 40th Annual Green Country Rodeo 7-23-21
- Documentary: Full Court Press: The Ken Zacher Story 7-22-21
- Faith in Business on Community Connection 7-21-21
- Bartlesville Public Schools Upcoming Bond Election, More 7-21-21
- CMT Cast of "Matilda" 7-20-21
- City Matters w/ Ward 4 Billie Roane 7-20-21
- Dynamic Independence 7-19-21
- Constantine Theatre w/Jennifer and Katie Adair 7-19-21
- Get Real Ministries 7-16-21
- Tri County Tech w/ Randall Jones 7-15-21
- Radio Auction w/Dorea Potter 7-13-21
- City Matters 7-12-21
- Movie: FULL COURT PRESS: The Ken Zacher Story w/Producer Dane Warner and Director Chuck Price
- Samaritan Counseling Group Sports Spectacular 7-8-21
- Mayor Dale Copeland 7-7-21
- Author Mary Coley 7-6-21
- Grace Community Church Church Safety Seminar 7-6-21
- Bartlesville Ladies Connection w/ Dorea Potter 7-5-21
- Roadside Survival w/ Walt Brinker 7-2-21
- Washington Co. Commissioner Mike Dunlap 7-2-21
- Elder Care w/ Angie Thompson and Dr. Josh Blom 7-1-21
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce 6-30-21
- FreedomFest w/Karen Wilson 6-29-30
- Retiring FIre Chief John Banks and Incoming Fire Chief David Topping 6-28-21
- Agape Mission Empty Bowls w/Sherri Smith and Brenda Williamson 6-28-21
- Jon Beckloff Shares Mission, Goals of Project Tribute Foundation 06-25-21
- Spirit Church Lead Pastor Darryl Wootton on Transition 06-25-21
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. 06-24-21
- Chase Almy Tells Us about MLB Jr. Home Run Derby on June 26 06-23-21
- Kiddie Park to Hold 2nd Annual 70's Night on Saturday 6-23-21
- Bartlesville City Councilman Paul Stuart on City Matters 6-22-21
- Grace Community Church, Traci Barnes talk about Night of Freedom, Celebrate Recovery 6-21-21
- The Journey Home Bingo Event 6-18-21
- Get Real Ministries 6-18-21
- Tri County Tech w/Karen Hays 6-17-21
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 6-16-21
- Todd Starnes Talks About His New Show on KWON
- Myer Hotels Branson, MO
- City Matters 6-14-21
- SAR/DAR Flag Day w/Steve Domann and Deb Cook 6-14-21
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters - Mentors Needed w/Charlene Dew 6-10-21
- Weezie's Cafe 6-9-21
- Kiwanis Freedom Fest w/ Karen Wilson and Julia May 6-9-21
- Washington Co. Community Council w/ John Werts and Sheriff Scott Owen 6-8-21
- OKM Music w/ Jack Settle 6-8-21
- City Matters w/Trevor Dorsey 6-8-21
- Washngton Co. School Supply Drive w/Cindy Dronyk and Carol Beck 6-7-21
- Capitol Call 6-4-21
- Elder Care w/Angie Thompson and Abby Petermann 6-3-21
- Sunfest w/Stephanie Lief and Carrie Kyroac 5-31-21
- Dewey Antique Show w/Gail Inman 5-28-21
- OKM Music Especially for Kids w/ Rose Hammerschmidt and Tamika Straw 5-27-21
- Boy Scouts Golf Tournament w/Thad Freidman and Phiilip Wright 5-26-21
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce w/ Sherri Wilt 5-26-21
- Bed Bugs and More w/ Daryl Carter 5-26-21
- Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 5-25-21
- City Matters 5-24-21
- Dickerson Park Zoo 5-24-21
- Dewey Church of Christ VBS w/ Ferrick Jones 5-21-21
- Tri-County Tech w/ Kyle Ppool 5-20-21
- Big Brothers/Big SIsters Big Event w/ Charlene Dew and Kelli Edwards 5-19-21
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 5-19-21
- Locally Produced Movies w/ Garrett O'Brien, Ginifer Ree and Sam Ojo
- Sunfest w/ Stephanie Lief and Heather Smith
- City Talk w/ Jim Curd 5-18-21
- Capitol Call 5-14-21
- Get Real Ministries w/Pastor Rando and Shilo Gamble 5-14-21
- Joe L Todd/Author-Historian 5-13-21
- DAR w/Deb Cook 5-12-21
- Bartlesville Lions Club 5-12-21
- OKM Music/Lindsay Deutsch w/ Take 3 5-11-21
- City Matters 5-10-21
- Capitol Call 5-7-21
- Eldercare w/Angie Thompson 5-6-21
- Washington Co Clerk Annette Smith 5-7-21
- OKM/Ion Zanca w/Dallas String Quartet 5-5-21
- Price Tower w/Rick Loyd 5-5-21
- BBBS Big Event w/ Charlene Dew and Melissa Rameriz
- National Day of Prayer w/Debbie Cook 5-4-21
- Bartlesville City Councilor Billie Roane 5-4-21
- On the Rock Ministries with Ken Dossett 5-3-21
- Capitol Call 4-30-21
- Wesleyan Christian School w/Todd Landers 4-29-21
- Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 4-28-21
- Truity Credit Union 4-28-21
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra 4-27-21
- BCF Legacy Hall of Fame Gala w/ Mike Wilt 4-26-2021
- National Day of Prayer w/Dorea Potter 4-23-21
- Kiwanis with Karen Wilson and Rochelle Wilson 4-22-21
- BPS: COVID Measures, Bond Issue and Teacher of the Year 4-21-21
- On the Rock Ministries with Ken Dossett 4-20-21
- Women Empowerment Solutions w/ Eileen Seefluth 4-20-21
- Mayor Copeland 4-20-21
- Kiddie Park 4-19-21
- Cooking Extravaganza w/ Tina Romine and Tami Brinkman 4-19-21
- Capitol Call 4-17-21
- Get Real Ministries 4-16-21
- Tri-County Tech w/ Tara Gotwalt 4-15-21
- OKM Music/Michael Levine w/ Dallas Brass 4-14-21
- City Matters 4-12-21
- Bartlesville Lions Club 4-12-21
- Capitol Call 4-9-21
- Light it Up Blue for PTI w/ Dennis Berry 4-9-21
- Bartlesville Masonic Lodge Monthly Heros w/ Dace Tom 4-8-21
- Dr. Everette Piper Talks About His New Book "Grow Up" 4-7-21
- City Councilor Paul Stuart 4-6-21
- Bartlesville's Got Talent Auditions w/ Shelly Davidson and Michael Secora 4-5-21
- Capitol Call 4 2-21 Powered by Phillips 66
- Judge Linda Thomas 4-2-21
- Gov Stitt and Ed. Secty Ryan Fowler in Studio 4-1-21
- Elder Care w/ Angie Thompson 4-1-21
- Rep Kevin Hern 3-31-21
- Chamber w/Chris Batchlder 3-31-21
- Capitol Call Powered by Phillips 66 3-26-21
- Bartlesville Community Foundation 3-26-21
- BBBS OK w/ Charlene Dew 3-25-21
- Inter-State Farm and Home Show w/ Dorea Potter and Tina Romine 3-24-21
- OKM Touts Lineup/ Scholarships w/ Ryan Martin 3-23-21
- City Matters 3-22-21
- Capitol Call 3-19-21
- BSO 3-19-21
- DAV with Kerric Franco 3-17-21 Video
- City Talk w/ Councilor Trevor Dorsey and BDA President David Wood 3-16-21
- Get Real Ministries 3-15-21
- Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. 3-11-21
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 3-10-21
- City Matters 3-8-21
- IFHS w/ Tina Romine 3-8-21
- Phillips 66 Presents Capitol Call 3-5-21 w/Sen Julie Daniels, Rep. Judd Strom and Rep. Wendi Stearman
- WCEM w/Kary Cox 3-5-21
- Elder Care Day of Giving w/Angie Thompson 3-4-21
- Price Tower w/Rick Loyd 3-3-21
- City Matters w/Vice-Mayor James Curd 3-2-21
- KLIFE-Run the Ville 2-26-21
- Phillips 66 Presents Capitol Call 2-26-21 w/Sen Julie Daniels, Rep. Judd Strom and Rep. Wendi Stearman
- Veterans Connection Organization 2-24-21
- SAFE Event w/Larry Cowan and Kristin Curd 2-23-21
- Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr w/Cherokee Nation 2-23-21
- Lowe Family Young Scholars/ Uncork Your Support-Home Version 2-22-21
- City Matters 2-22-21
- Arvest Forum 2-19-21
- Capitol Call powered by Phillips 66 2-19-21
- SAFE Virtual Event (formerly Daughters of Lot Breakfast) w/Larry Thrash 2-18-21
- City Matters w/Alan Gentges 2-16-15
- Perry Sorrell w/ Bartlett Co-op on Propane Supplies 2-15-21
- Cooking Show w/Tina Romine 2-15-21
- Phillips 66 Presents Capitol Call 2-5-21 w/Sen Julie Daniels, Rep. Judd Strom and Rep. Wendi Stearman
- IFHS Tina Romine 2-12-21
- BBBS/Boomerangs 2-11-21
- BSO w/Karen Wollman and Lauren Green 2-10-21
- City Matters 2-8-21
- Ollie Classes 2-8-21
- Capitol Call 2-5-21
- Arvest Forum w/Rep. Kevin Hern 2-5-21
- Elder Care w/Rachel Holdredge 2-4-21
- OKM Festival and Especially for Kids 2-3-21
- Mayor Dale Copeland 2-2-21
- Capitol Call 1-29-21
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters and Lowe Family Young Scholar Program 1-28-21
- Chamber of Commerce w/ Sheri Wilt 1-27-21
- Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr Cherokee Nation 1-26-21
- City Matters 1-25-21
- Lighthouse Outreach 1-15-21
- Musician Robbi Bell 1-22-21
- Tri-County Tech w/Braden Schovanec 1-21-21
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 1-20-21
- City Matters w/ City Councilor Paul Stuart 1-19-21
- Get Real Ministries w/ Pastor Rando and Shilo Gamble 1-15-21
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kid's Sake w/Charlene Dew 1-14-21
- Price Tower w/ Rick Lloyd 1-13-21
- Paul Hood Provides an Overview for Payroll Protection Program 2 1-12-21
- St John School Gala w/ Elizabeth Thrash and Lori Shelley
- City Matters w/City Mgr Mike Bailey 1-11-12
- Daybreak Rotary w/ Bill Reilly and Pam Crawford 1-11-12
- Arvest Forum 1-8-21
- Stimulus Checks Explained w/ Paul Hood-Hood Associates CPAs 1-8-21
- Oklahoma Workforce w/Don Morris 1-8-21
- Elder Care with Rachel Holdredge 1-7-21
- KWON Cooking Extravaganza and Farm and Home Show w/Tina Romine
- City Talk w/Trevor Dorsey 1-5-21
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra 1-4-21
- Washington Co. Assessor Todd Mathes 1-1-21
- Phillip Wright Cherokee Area Council BSA 12-28-20
- State Rep Wendi Stearman 12-24-20
- Family Health Care Clinic w/Molly Collins 12-21-20
- Green Country Christmas 12-17-20
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 12-16-20
- BRUW 12-14-20
- City Matters COVID Project 12-14 20
- How Oklahoma Conducts Elections with Sen. Julie Daniels and Secty State of Election Board Paul Zirax
- Price Tower w/ Rick Lloyd 12-11-20
- Tri-County Tech w/Kyle Ppool 12-10-20
- OKM Christkindl Market w/Ryan Martin 12-9-20
- Christmas a la carte -Bartlesville Civic Ballet 12-8-20
- Bartlesville Vice Mayor Alan Gentges 12-8-20
- Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 12-8-20
- Green Country Christmas 12-7-20
- Arvest Forum 12-4-20
- Washington Co. Commissioner Mike Bouvier 12-4-20
- Elder Care w/ Jennifer Ennis 12-03-20
- OKM Christkindl Market w/ Phillip Wright 12-02-20
- Tuesday House Christmas Event w/Karen Wilson 12-1-20
- OKM Music #Giving Tuesday and Cristkindl Market w/Ryan Martin11-30-20
- Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge Giving Tuesday 11-27-20
- 33rd Annual Motorcycle Toy Run w/ Amber Reynolds and Elizabeth 11-26-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce "Christmas in the Ville" 11-25-20
- BRUW and Salvation Army w/Katie Zaun and Miss Veronica 11-24-20
- City Matters 11-23-20
- Katie Wilson with Youth and Family Services "Dashing Through the Ville" 11-23-20
- Tri-County Tech Dental w/Abbie Gustafson 11-20-20
- Blair Ellis w/BPS Foundation and Chuck McCauley Bartlesville Public Schools 11-19-20
- Bartlesville Mayor Dale Copeland 11-17-20
- Bridge Houses/A Fresh Start Resale Boutique 11-16-20
- Sen. James Lankford Talks COVID-19, Joe Biden and the Intelligence Briefings
- BSO Bravo, Beethoven 11-13-20
- Daybreak Rotary Fantasy Land of Lights 11-12-20
- Green Country Christmas 11-11-20
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 11-10-20
- Bartlesville Regional United Way w/Lisa Carey, Katie Zaun and David Austin 11-9-20
- Sheriff Scott Owen 11-6-20
- Eldercare 11-5-20
- OKM w/Price Connors 11-4-20
- Price Tower w/Rick Lloyd 11-4-20
- City Matters with City COuncilor Paul Stuart 11-3-20
- BSA Cherokee Area Council Blood Drive w/ Phillip Wright 11-2-20
- Wendi Stearman (R) Candidate for House Dist 11 11-2-20
- Jason Herr for Ward 2 10-30-20
- Green Country Christmas 10-30-20
- Senator Inhofe 10-29-20
- Bartlesville Regional United Way 10-29-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce w/ Sherri Wilt 10-28-20
- Congressman Kevin Hern 10-27-20
- Kojo Asamoa-Ceasar 10-27-20
- City Matters 10-26-20
- Governor Kevin Stitt 10-23-20
- Erik Terwey Candidate Ward 3 Bartlesville 10-23-20
- Bartlesville Regional United Way w/ Lisa Cary and Katie Zaun 10-22-20
- Oldies-n-Goodies Chip Cruise w/ Ken Harris and Sheroff Owen 10-21-20
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 10-21-20
- City Matters w/City Councilor Jim Curd 10-20-20
- Versus Sports Center Trunk of Treat 10-19-20
- Women's Finals Ranch Rodeo with Billie Franks 10-19-20
- Senator Julie Daniels Breaks Down SQ814 and SQ805 10-16-17
- P.E.A.K. Forum Preview w/ Vanessa Drummond and Geord Halkiades 10-16-20
- Tri-County Tech w/ Wyatt Gerth Creative Marketing Communication Instructor
- Wendi Stearman (R) Candidate OK House Dist 11
- Kiwanis Christmas Parade/Holiday Wreaths and More 10-13-20
- Rumble in the Park/Operation Toy Soldier w/ Scott Holz with Stumpff Funeral Home 10 13 20
- City Matters w/City Mgr Mike Bailey 10-12-20
- Evelyn Rogers (IND) Cadidate fo US House Rep District 1 10-12-20
- Bartlesville Regional United Way w/ Lisa Carey and Katie Zaun 10-9-20
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra w/ Karen Wollman and Lauren Green 10-9-20
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters w/ Charlene Dew and Jeffrey Romines 10-8-20
- OKM Music OktoberNest w/ Ryan Martin 10-7-20
- Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 10-7-20
- Examiner Enterprise Time Capsule 2070 10-6-20
- Rep. Kevin Hern 10-6-20
- Celebration and Wedding Showcase 10-5-20
- Bartlesville Ladies Connection 10-5-20
- District Attorney Kevin Buchanan 10-2-20
- Elder Care w/Cordell Rumsey 10-1-20
- Emilie Tindle (D) OK House Dist 11 Candidate
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce w/ Sherri Wilt 9-20-20
- OKM Music's "OktoberNest" w/John Howk 9-29-20
- Family Promise Tour de Bville 9-28-20
- Family Healthcare Clinic/Miles for Mamograms - Molly Collins 9-25-20
- Wendi Stearman, District 11 Candidate 9 24 20
- Joanie Elmore Literacy Services at the Bartlesville Public Library 9-23-20
- The Return: Call to Repentance w/Peggy Dau 9-22-20
- Democrat Forum w/ Twan James and Karen Wollman 9-22-20
- Bartlesville Pickleball Club Tournament 9-21-20 w/ Kumar Krishnan and Kent Stroman
- Ward 2 Bartlesville City Councilor Paul Stuart 9-18-20
- 3rd Annual KWON KYFM KRIG KPGM Celebration and Wedding Showcase
- Bartlesville Regional United Way 9-16-20
- Bartlesville Public Schools Supt. Chuck McCauley 9-16-20
- Bartlesville City Councilor Jim Curd Ward 3 9-14-20
- City Matters 9-14-20
- More on OLLI Classes 9-11-20
- Price Tower Events w/Rick Lloyd 9-9-20
- OLLI Classes 9-9-20
- BRUW with David Austin and Katie Zaun 9-9-20
- Jason Herr for Ward 2 Bartlesville 9-8-20
- Girl Scouts Pearls on the Prairie w/Pam Crawford 9-7-20
- On The Rock Food Drive Seth Vernon 9-7-20
- Arvest Forum 9-4-20
- Elder Care w/Jennifer Ennis--Flu Shots 9-3-20
- OKM Music Ryan Martin, Mary Lynn Mihm 9-2-20
- Clark Gibson, Musician Performing Live at OKM Music Reformatted Festival 9-2-20
- Congressman Kevin Hern Talks Conventions, COVID, Safety and Jobs 9-1-20
- A Fresh Start Resale Boutique w/Nancy Love-Wilson with Bridge Houses 8-31-20
- FREEDOM FIRE 2020 Concert with Coach Donnie Boswick 8-31-20
- OKM Music: Ion Zanca with the Dallas String Quartet 8-31-20
- Bartlesville Regional United Way w/Chuck McCauley and Lisa Cary 8-28-20
- Emilie Tindle (D) for OK Dist 11 8-28-20
- OK Workforce Don Morris 8-27-20
- Bartlesville Public Library Joni Elmore 8-26-20 VIDEO
- Sheriff Owen 8-25-20
- Family Fromise 8-24-20
- City Matters 8-24-20
- Kojo Asamoa-Caesar (D) Candidate for OK Congressional Dist 1
- Tri-County Tech w/Braden Schovanec and Tosh Wyatt 8-20-20
- Hogan Equine/Finding Connection - An Emotional Intelligence Workshop w/Bryon Hogan
- Bartlesville Public Schools Supt Chuck McCauley 8-19-20
- City Matters-2nd Ward Councilor Paul Stuart 8-18-20
- Sheriff Candidate Jeff Fesler 8-17-20
- GRAMMY-Nominated Cellist Tina Guo/OKM Music Festival 8-17-20
- Sheriff Scott Owen 8-14-20
- Wendi Stearman (R) Dist. 11 Candidate
- Celebraton Wedding Showcase 8-13-20
- City Matters 8-10-20
- Price Tower Events w/ Rick Lloyd 8-10-20
- Elder Care 8-6-20
- OKM Music-Rachel Foote 8-5-20
- St. John School--Fr John O'Neill and Principal Cristel Miller 8-5-20
- City Matters-City Councilor Trevor Dorsey 8-4-20
- Sen. James Inhofe 7-31-20
- Bartlesville Ladies Connection - Dorea Potter 7-30-20
- Cornerstone Classical Academy 7-29-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce w/ Sherri Wilt 7-29-20
- Emillie Tindle (D) Candidate OK House Dist 11 7-28-20
- City Matters 7-27-20
- OKM Music Reformatted Fall Lineup-Rachel Foote 7-27-20
- Radio Auction - Dorea Potter and Tina Romine 7-24-20
- RSU Foundation Virtual Auction w/ Angie Thompson and Travis Peck 7-23-20
- Josef Derryberry w/ Oklahoma Employment Securities Disabled Vet Outreach 7-22-20
- BPS Supt. Chuck McCauley and BPS Foundaition's Blair Ellis 7-22-20
- City Matters w/ Councilor Jim Curd 7-21-20
- Samaritan Counseling and Growth Center w/Larry Cowan and Kristin Curd 7-20-20
- Charlene Dew w/Big Brothers/Big Sisters 7-16-20
- Sen. Julie Daniels Explains the McGirt SCOTUS Ruling 7-16-20
- Cherokee Nation Prinicpal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr Talks SCOTUS, Washington Redskins, COVID-19 and Educational Portals 7 14 20
- City Matters w/Mike Bailey and Michah Siemers 7-13-20
- Bartlesville Radio Auction Set for July 25- Dorea Potter and Tine Romine Give a Preview 7-10-20
- Tower Center at Unity Square Preview Kaci Fouts, Maria Gus, Val Callaghan 7-8-20
- City Matters-- Vice Mayor Alan Gentges 7-7-20
- Elder Care w/Jennifer Ennis 7-6-20
- OKM Music- Jenny Lyn 7-1-20
- KIWANIS Fireworks- Jume Swezey and Konrad Brandemuhl 7-1-20
- Newly Appointed Dewey Fire Chief Shares Experience, Priorities for Department
- Oklahma Business Relief Program-Chris Batchelder w/Arvest Bank
- Derrel FIncher Dist 11 6-29-20
- Race Relations 6-29-20
- National Cowboy Museum/Michael 6-29-20
- Aaron Vaughn for Sheriff 6-26-20
- Gov. Kevin Stitt 6-26-20
- Jill Spitzer Washington Co. Court Clerk 6-26-20
- Sheriff Scott Owen 6-25-20
- Sherri Wilt Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce 6-24-20
- BPS School Board Candidate Andrea Nightingale 6-23-20
- Aaron Vaughn Candidate for Sheriff
- National Cowboy Museum/Seth 6-19-20
- Dist 11 Candidate Wendi Stearman 6-18 20
- Washington Co Clerk Candidate 6-17-20
- Mayor Copeland 6-16-20
- Kiwanis Club Fireworks 6-15-20
- Cornerstone Classical Academy w/ Vanessa Hancock and Heather Deal 6-12-20 VIDEO
- Cornerstone Classical Academy w/Vanessa Hancock and Heather Deal 6-12-20 mp3
- Jeff Fesler Sheriff Candidate 6-11-20
- BartlesvilleLadies Connection Patriotic Picnic 6-10-20
- City Matters 6-8-20
- OKM Music w/ Rose Hammerschmidt and Tamika Straw 6-8-20
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra -Karen Wollman and Lauren Green 6-5-20
- Washington County Court Clerk Jill Spitzer 6-5-20
- Elder Care with Jennifer Ennis 6-4-20
- OKM Music Children's Events 6-3-20
- City Talk w/Councilor Paul Stuart 6-2-20
- Dewey Antiques Show 6-2-20
- Oklahoma Workforce w/Don Morris 5-29-20
- Sheriff Scott Owen 5-28-20
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters w/Charlene w/Charlene Dew 5-27-20 video
- March for Jesus 5-27-20 video
- Sherri Wilt with Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce 5-27-20
- Stormmwalker Ranch - On the Rock Ministries w/Kelley Goodall and Michelle Harris 5-26-20
- Boy Scouts- Philip Wright
- Stormwalker Ranch 5-21-20
- BPS Chuck McCauley 5-20-20
- City Talk w/Trevor Dorsey 5-19-20
- Mark Keeter Candidate Congress Dist 1 5-15-20
- Rep. Derrel Fincher 5-14-20
- Stormwalker Ranch Kelly Goodall and Donita Earnest 5-13-20
- Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 5-12-20
- National Day of Prayer in Bartlesville 5-7-20
- Elder Care - Jennifer Ennis 5-7-20
- National Day of Prayer
- OKM Music 5-6-20
- US Sen Lankford 5-6-20
- Congressman Kevin Hern 5-5-20
- OKM #GivingTuesdayNow - Mary Lyn Mihm and Ryan Martin
- Stormwalker Ranch Open for Business Kelley Goodall/Jimmy Blake 5-4-20
- Mayor Copeland Talks Reopening Bartlesville Safely 5-1-20
- Family Healthcare Clinic--Molly Collins 4-30-20
- Aaron Vaugn Running for Washington County Sheriff 4-29-20
- Patricia Phelps Running for Washington County Court Clerk 4-29-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce Sheri Wilt 4-28-20
- City Matters w/ City Manager Mike Bailey 4-27-20
- Truity Credit Union -- Dennis Halpin CEO 4-24-20
- OKM Music Rachel Foote 4-23-20
- Paths to Independence Clair Bartley 4-22-20
- City Matters Vice Mayor Alan Gentges 4-21-20
- Jonathan Small OPCA Talks 4-17-20
- Big Brothers Big Sisters w/Charlene Dew 4-16-20
- Bartlesville Public Schools Chuck McCauley 4-15-20
- Wesleyan Christian School w/Rocky Clark 4-14-20
- City Matters 4-13-20
- Eldercare with Jennifer Ennis 4-9-20
- Pricipal Chief of Cherokee Nation Chuck Hoskin Jr 4-8-20
- Mayor Copleand Talks New Regulations re: COVID-19 4-7-20
- Mayor Copeland on COVID-19 4-6-20
- Judge Linda Thomas 4-3-20
- Sen Inhofe Talks COVID-19 4-1-20
- My Refuge Alternate Fundraiser 4-1-20
- Q & A on Paychack Protection Loan Program Chris Batchelder and Deborah Muggenborg 3-31-20
- Congressman Kevin Hern 3-30-20
- Paths to Independence Clair Bartley 3-30-20
- The Hourney Home Denim and Diamonds w/ Polly Wilson 3-27-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce: Navigating Around COVID-19 Sherri Wilt 3-26-20
- BPS Supt Chuck McCauley 3-25-20
- KLIFE Run the Ville Goes Virtual 3-25-20
- Special City Talk: Emergency COVID-19 Measures 3-24-20
- City Talk 3-23-20
- Washington County Emergency Management's Execitve Director, Kary Cox, discusses COVID-19, precautions to take, what to do if you are feeling sick, more 3-20-2020
- Superintendent Vince Vincent with Dewey Public Schools talks COVID-19, more 3-20-2020
- Director of Development for the Lighthouse Outreach Center, Linda Radaker, talks about needs, their mission for those in need 3.18.2020
- BPS Superintendent Chuck McCauley updates us on the situation surrounding schools during the national pandemic 03-18-2020
- Councilman Paul Stuart talks Tower Center at Unity Square, G.O. Bond Election 3-17-2020
- Connie Lavoie, Pesident of the League of Women Voters in Bartles, talks postponement of Women's Suffrage celebration 3-16-2020
- COVID 19 a Community Perspective
- St. John School Open House-Elizabeth Thrash, Cristel Miller, Elise Enterkin 3-12-20
- Tri-County Tech Lydia Snyder Dental Hygiene Program 3-11-20
- Colorectoal Cancer Awaness Month- Dr Morris 3-10-20
- City Talk 3-9-20
- RSU Foundation Angie Thompson and Nicole McKinney 3-9-20
- Wash Co. EM Kary Cox 3-6-20
- Eldercare with Jennifer Ennis 3-5-20
- KWON Cooking Extravaganza 3-4-20 VIDEO
- Theatre Bartlesville 3-3-20
- City Talk 3 3 20
- Interstate Farm and Home Show 2-28-20
- Heritage Theatre and Tom Mix Museum 2-26-20
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce-Sherri Wilt 2-26-20
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra 2-25-20 VIDEO
- City Talk 2-24-20
- Price Tower Gala-Rick Lloyd 2-24-20
- Boy Scouts Cherokee Area Council Phillip Wright 2-21-20
- Ascension St. John Heart and Cario Vascular Center Dr. Merhle 2-20-20 (VIDEO)
- Warhawk PTSD Dog Program 2-19-20
- RSU Schlolarshp Breakfast 2-19-20
- Kiwanis Celebrates 100 Years in Bartlesville 2-18-20
- OKM Music Brittney Berling 2-17-20
- Senator Lankford 2-13-2020
- Interstate Farm and Home Show 2-12-20
- Cooking Show-Interstate Farm and Home Show Dorea Potter 2-11-20 VIDEO
- Price Tower Wright Chef Comeptition with Rick Lloyd 2-10-20
- County Commissioner Mike Dunlap 2-7-20 VIDEO
- Eldercare 2-6-60
- Big Brothers-Big Sisters with Charlene Dew 2-5-20
- KLIFE Fundraiser 2-4-20
- RSU Scholarship Breakfast 2-3-20
- Phillip's 66 Presents Capitol Call 1-31-20 w/Sen Julie Daniles, Rep Darell Fencher and Rep Judd Strom
- Governor's Prayer Breakfast w/Deb Cook 1 31 20
- Interstate Farm and Home Show 1 30 20
- City Talk 1-27-20 Terry Lauritson and Keith Henry
- Just Between Friends Tulsa with Daven Tackett 1 27 20
- Cherokee Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr 1-24-20
- Rep Darell Fincher 1-23 20
- Warhawk PTSD Service Dog Program Kevin Doncaster and Jeff Ryan (1-22-20)
- Mayor Copeland (1-22-20)
- Sgt Lazear Oklahoma Aemy Natinal Guard (1 20-20)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Charlen Dew and Davis Lewis (1-17-20)
- OKM Music with Brittney Berling "Taste of Mexico" (1-14-20)
- City Talk (1-13-20)
- St John School Gala with Elizabeth Thrash , Lexie Radebaugh and Maggie (1-13-20)
- City Talk w/ City Councilor Paul Stuart (1-7-20)
- Boys and Girls Club Jacob Wilson (1-6-20)
- Washington Co. Assessor Todd Mathes (1-3-2020)
- Interstate Farm and Home Show -- KWON Cooking Show (1-3-2020)
- Eldercare's Jennifer Ennes (01-02-2020)
- Cherokee Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr Talks Registration Act and Gaming Impasse (12-27)
- Visit Bartlesville with Maria Gus (12-26)
- Friend In Deed Free Christmas Meal (12-25)
- Barbara Jake w/Constantine Theatre-Kyle Dillingham (12-24)
- City Matters 12-23
- City Matters w/ City Councilor Trevor Dorsey (12-17)
- Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs and Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra--Kevin Doncaster and Karen Wollman 12-16
- Theatre Bartlesville with Marilyn Johnson (12-13)
- Bartlesville Regional United Way Lisa Cary and David Nelson w/Arvest Wealth Mgmt yalk year-end giving (12-12)
- Dewey City Manager Kevin Trease (12-11)
- Tri County Tech Matthew Songer (12-11)
- Bartlesville Public Library Literacy Services (12-10)
- Green Country Christmas-Dorea Potter and Tina Romine (12-10)
- City Matters (12-9)
- Bartleville Civic Ballet (12-6)
- District 11 District Attorney Kevin Buchanan (12-6)
- Jennifer Ennis with Eldercare (12-5)
- Rick Lloyd with Price Tower (12-4)
- Bartlesville City Councilor Jim Curd (12-3)
- OKM Music's Britney Berling and Price Tower's Rick Lloyd Talk Giving Tuesday (12-02)
- Biker's Toy Run with Amber Reynolds and Elizabeth (11-28)
- Lighthouse Outreach Center with Errol Hada and Toby Thomas--Let's Get Them a Vehicle (11-27)
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce (11-27)
- United Way- Giving Tuesday (11-26)
- City Matters (11-25)
- Connie Lavoie and Library Director Shellie McGill discuss what's new at the Bartlesville Public Library such as Just For Teens and The Friends of the Library's Creative Writing Contest (11-25)
- Earl Sears brings State Treasurer Randy McDaniel to KWON
- Beth Beard with Boys and Girls Club Recognintion Luncheon with keynote speaker Barry Switzer (11-21)
- Kiwanis Holiday Wreaths and More and The Christmas Parade (11-20)
- Bartlesville Public Schools w/Supt. Chuck McCauley (11-20)
- City Matters - Vice Mayor Alan Gentges (11-19)
- United Way and Retirees--Whitney Virden and Pam Crawford (11-18)
- Sgt Daniel Lazear with the Oklahoma Army National Guard (11-15)
- Nowata to embrace railway history, community, and the future when the Union Pacific's 4014 locomotive roles into town on Saturday (11-14)
Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra "With Honor and Thanks"
- City Matters (11-11)
- Green Country Christmas (11-11)
- Bruin Buzz (11-8)
- Connie Lavoie and Kristin Duncan with Friends of the Library talk "Books Sandwiched In"
- Elder Care with Rachel Holderdge (11-7)
- Bartlesville Regional United Way with Lisa Cary, Rick Lloyd, Trevor Dorsey and Beth Dorsey.
- 2019 All-American Patriot Bash Oklahoma with Kevin Doncaster and PTSD Service Dog Program
- City Matters with Mayor Dale Copeland (11-4)
- OKM Music (11-04)
- Everything you need to know about our Green Country Christmas is right here as explained by Dorea Potter and Tina Romine (10-31)
- Angie Bidleman, RN, BSN, MBA, Vice President Nursing Services, Chief Nursing Executive at Ascension St John Hane Phillips tells us about their Medical Mission at Home: A Free Day of Healthcare Saturday Nov. 9rh at Tri County Tech (10-30)
- Regina Diamond with ARF of Bartlesville tells us about the "Puttin' on the Leash" fundraiser set for November 15th (10-29)
- Brett Anderson tells us about the upcoming Caney Valley Recreation Commission Open House Breakfast/Lunch/Craft Fair/Silent Auction and Awards Event
- The Stormwalker Ranch Fall Festival is sure to having something for people of all ages this Thusday (10-28)
- Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs presents 2019 PATRIOT'S BASH
- Get to know Kevin Doncaster with Warhawk PTSD Service Dogs
- The Washington County Fairgrounds in Dewey will hose a local talent show to help Charla McCracken in her fight with breast cancer (10-25)
- Chapter President Clay Cooper with the Big Bluestem Chapter of Quail Forever promotes first annual fundraising banquet (10-23)
- Bartlesville City Councilman Paul Stuart reviews last summer's parking survey and more (10-22)
- Active duty veteran and President of the Warhawk PTSD Service Dog Program Kevin Doncaster discusses the program and the upcoming Patriot Bash (10-21)
- Local talent show to be held at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Dewey will help Charla McCracken in her fight with breast cancer (10-18)
- Bartlesville Regional United Way is asking for your support so they can help their 13 partner agencies in Nowata, Osage and Washington counties (10-17)
- Daybreak Rotary in Bartlesville explains what they do, the upcoming Fantasy Land of Lights and much more (10-16)
- The Tom Mix Museum in Dewey is preparing for the the Haunt of Memories past to be held at the Dewey Cemetery (10-16)
- Bartlesville's city streets will be filled with adventure and spooky tales on Oct. 23rd and 24th as the 10th Annual Ghost Walk haunts the area (10-15)
- Pedaling for Family Promise: Tour De Bville to hit the streets of Bartlesville on Saturday, Oct. 19th starting at 9:00 a.m. (10-15)
- Wesleyan Christian Schools Superintendent Rocky Clark discusses scholarship grant, student stories and upcoming Israel trip (10-14)
- Books Sandwhiched-In is a brown bag, book review event put on at the Bartlesville Public Library (10-10)
- High School Recruitment Specialist Matt Songer for Tri County Technology Center in Bartlesville talks about the vo-tech (10-09)
- Councilman Trevor Dorsey reflects on Monday night's Bartlesville City Council meeting that saw approximately $200,000 go toward Foraker Company (10-08)
- The 10th Annual Ghost Walk is Coming to Downtown Bartlesville with a focus on history and a storied past (10-08)
- Kelley Goodall with Development at Stormwalker Ranch in Dewey talks about the upcoming 2019 Harvest Festival, more (10-07)
- District 2 Washington County Commissioner Mike Bouvier talks about everything you need to know about the County (10-04)
- U.S. Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford discusses impeachment process of President Trump, trade deal with Canada and Mexico (10-04)
- With the flu season upon us, Elder Care is urging you to get your flu shots today or very soon (10-03)
- Applications for Arvest Bank's We Love Teachers campaign will become available soon and $18,000 will be given to Oklahoma teachers (10-02)
- Elder Claud Rosendale with the Barnsdall Christian Church talks about the church and much more (10-01)
- Director Ashley Sikes with Family Promise of Washington County Oklahoma talks about their upcoming event - Tour De Bville (09-27)
- Dewey's Western Heritage Weekend to have Longhorn parade, family fun activities and a boxing match for you to enjoy this Saturday (09-26)
- Bartlesville First Baptist Church welcomes all to their church functions that they put on weekly in their church (09-25)
- The Bartlesville Public Library has health courses, literacy services and so much more for you to benefit from (09-24)
- Dalton Defender Days are coming to the City of Coffeyville on Oct. 4th and 5th and you're invited to the fun and excitement surrounding the City's history (09-24)
- PURSE-uing Purpose event on Thursday, Oct. 24th to benefit Mutual of Bartlesville and you can be a part of this girl's night out (09-23)
- President Dr. Rice of Rogers State University sits down with KWON's Tom Davis to discuss the university, more (09-20)
- Oklahoma Department of Labor Commissioner Leslie Osborn visits Bartlesville to tell the City what her and her department do (09-20)
- Bartlesville Regional United Way breaks record with golf tournament; prepares for Day of Caring (09-19)
- Bartlesville Superintendent Chuck McCauley reflects on things the district would like to explore moving forward (09-18)
- Get ready for the Celebration and Wedding Showcase to take place in downtown Bartlesville on Sept. 22nd (09-13)
- Entertainer Billy Yates talks with KWON's Tom Davis about the Choices Concert Hall to open in Branson, Missouri (09-13)
- The League of Women Voters in Bartlesville helps with voter registration and education; they are also preparing for a Women's Suffrage celebration (09-12)
- The Celebration and Wedding Showcase will take place at The Room at the Top in the Johnstone Sare Building in Downtown Bartlesville (09-11)
- Oktoberfest and OKM Music getting set to put on quite an event in Bartlesville to get October started right (09-11)
- Get to know what St. John Catholic School in Bartlesville is all about as members from the school preare for their dyslexia event on Thursday (09-09)
- You can be a part of Eldercare of Bartlesville's Medicare Part D discussion next Monday, September 9th (09-05)
- Tri County Technology and the Bartlesville Police Department team up to provide East Side Substation in Bartlesville (09-04)
- The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute will kick things off in Bartlesville on Sunday, Sept. 8th at the Haskell Event Center (09-03)
- Washington County Free Fair will offer fun for the whole family on Sept. 5th through Sept. 7th (08-29)
- Bartlesville Regional United Way to kick off new campaign at Bruin Football game on Friday, Sept. 6th (08-28)
- REMINDER: Bartlesville's Got Talent to hit the Bartlesville Community Center on Saturday, Sept. 7th (08-27)
- Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. with the Cherokee Nation shares good news for Cherokee residents living in Bartlesville, more (08-27)
- The Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition to hold Annual Summit on Sept. 12th at the Bartlesville Community Center (08-23)
- Bartlesville Community Center to host Agape Mission's "Empty Bowls" event to help keep the hungry in the community fed (08-23)
- Wesleyan Christian School students work towards their trip to the Holy Land and more this school year (08-22)
- Chairman Shannon Adcock and Member Kristie Hatlestad discuss the upcoming Washington County Free Fair (08-21)
- Will Rogers Complex bid rejected on Monday, enrollment and chronic absenteeism policy changes discussed by Bartlesville Superintendent Chuck McCauley (08-21)
- Mayor Dale Copeland shares his thoughts on Tower Center, other City park projects, and child safety as classes get underway (08-20)
- Bartlesville's Got Talent - the talent show for charity - takes place on Saturday, Sept. 7th at the Bartlesville Community Center (08-20)
- Pearls on the Prairie to benefit Girl Scouts of America in Eastern Oklahoma and the Bartlesville Community (08-19)
- Just Between Friends consignment sale will take place on Sept. 8 through the 14th in Tulsa (08-16)
- Support Sutton Avian Research in Bartlesville at their 21st Annal Wild Brew Craft Beer and Food Crawl fundraiser on Aug. 24th (08-15)
- U.S. Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford calls in for an interview with KWON's Tom Davis (08-14)
- Exciting events and contest are underway in Coffeyville as the 111th Inter-State Fair and Rodeo is underway (08-14)
- Local leaders in education advocate for the 2019 Bond Issue Election for Bartlesville Public Schools (08-12)
- Elizabeth Chambers with Osage 4-H is a State ambassador that talked about 4-H on Friday (08-09)
- Athletic Director Rigdon, Music Instructor Claussen, Head Coach Sport talk Bond Election, more (08-09)
- Agape Mission gears up for its Empty Bowls fundraiser at the Bartlesville Community Center on Tuesday, Aug. 27th (08-08)
- Matt Songer with Tri County Tech gives an overview of the courses the vo-tech has to offer (08-07)
- Bartlesville's Parking Survey results surprise the City; City accepts bids for green space project (08-06)
- Oklahoma Senator Jame Lankford visits the US/Mexico border; wants to prevent further government shutdowns (07-25)
- Inter-State Fair and Rodeo in Coffeyville, Kansas to celebrate 111 years come August (07-24)
- School officials prepare for the 2019 Bond Issue Election to benefit Bartlesville Public Schools (07-22)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition gives updates, offers help to those battling with depression (07-19)
- Washington County School Supply Drive gearing up to give back to local youth across the County (07-18)
- Ward 5 City Councilman Trevor Dorsey discusses parking survey, other matters surrounding the City of Bartlesville (07-16)
- Tri County Tech prepares for exciting events and enrollment for the next semester (07-11)
- Brittney Berling, Mary Lynn Mihm talk OKM Music events and goals for the future (07-10)
- Samaritan Counseling and Growth Center ready for big names at this year's Sports Spectacular (07-08)
- Building Bridges of Oklahoma's Tom O'Connor explains what the organization does (07-05)
- The Special Washington County Election takes place next Tuesday, July 9th (07-05)
- Board President, Executive Director talk Samaritan Counseling & Growth Center (07-03)
- Children's Musical Theater ready to perform Oklahoma! on July 11th through July 14th (07-02)
- Freedom Fest is coming to Bartlesville and has a lot to offer you this 4th of July (07-01)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bartlesville ready for you to join their mentorship efforts (06-27)
- Washington County Commissioner Mike Dunlap talks Special County Election set for Tuesday, July 9th (06-25)
- Tri County Tech in Bartlesville has programming available for you and your children this summer (06-20)
- Bartlesville Public Schools declares Will Rogers Complex as surplus, District has running programs available (06-19)
- The Solid Waste Survey is still available for City of Bartlesville residents; lasts until June 30th (06-18)
- Senator Julie Daniels prepares for Town Hall Meeting at the Bartlesville Library (06-17)
- Friends of Scouting campaign nearing a close for the Cherokee Area Council this year (06-14)
- Bartlesville Community Foundation reflects on this years Hall of Fame Gala (06-13)
- Washington County prepares for the County's resale on Monday, June 10th (06-07)
- Elder Care presents new "Community Voices" program, offers Cool Room Project (06-06)
- Juneteenth to celebrate the abolition of slavery and to bring the community together on June 14 and 15 (06-05)
- Body cameras for Bartlesville Police Officers, relief for flood victims on the mind of the Bartlesville City Council (06-04)
- OKM Music Festival to offer childrens programming each day of 35th Annual event (05-30)
- 28th Annual Dewey Antique Show to take place Saturday at County Fairgrounds (05-26)
- Sunfest on the horizon in Bartlesville as festivities kick off on Friday at Sooner Park (05-27)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition talks suicide prevention (05-24)
- Chamber of Commerce is ready to celebrate 150 years of Coffeyville June 1st (05-23)
- Bond Issue passes to a vote in Bartlesville; BHS to hold graduation Friday (05-22)
- Bartlesville City Councilman Stuart talks about what's happening in town (05-21)
- 66th Annual Big Heart Days events coming to the Barnsdall area fairly soon (05-16)
- U.S. Congressman Frank Lucas discusses New NAFTA Deal, Space Race (05-15)
- Urgent Care's Dr. Edward Vu discusses food safety, prep for Memorial Day (05-14)
- Tri County Tech prepares for upcoming graduation, Summer Camp program (05-14)
- Relay for Life of Nowata, Osage and Washington Counties to hold event this weekend (05-13)
- Glow-in-the-Dark rave, Car Show, more to be offered at Sunfest this month (05-10)
- Doggie Dash 5K and Canine Carnival to take place on Saturday, May 18th in Bartlesville (05-09)
- OKM Music gears up for thier 35th Annual Music Festival, focuses on Children's Programs (05-08)
- Councilman Trevor Dorsey talks about the City of Bartlesville's Monday Council Meeting (05-07)
- Washington County Sheriff Scott Owen explains election proclamation for continuation of quarter-cent sales tax (05-03)
- Only a week away from The Good, The Bad and The Barbecue at Mullendore Cross Bell Ranch (05-02)
- New Bartlesville high school volleyball coach Jen Ward talks with parent advisor Randy Bluhm about next season, more. (04-29)
- Nolan Jones from the Suicide Prevention Coalition and Grand Lake Mental Health Professional, Mattew Sprew had an update on coalition programs (04-26)
- Diabetes and Nutrition Educator Shannon Bailey health and more Thursday (04-25)
- Kristie Jardot talks about upcoming Healing from the Heartbreak of Abortion (04-24)
- Bartlesville Chamber to see Depot Preservation Fund grow in golf fundraiser (04-24)
- Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville to open Sooner Junior Miniature Golf on Sunday (04-23)
- Books Sandwiched In book reviews to take place at the Bartlesville library (04-19)
- Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo set Saturday, April 27th in Claremore (04-18)
- Bartlesville Bond Issue talks to continue at special board meeting next week (04-17)
- Washington County Wellness Initiative holds community assessment survey (04-17)
- Bartlesville Council approves construction management contract Monday (04-16)
- Get ready for the upcoming 30th Annual Scouting Golf Tournament (04-15)
- Relay for Life NOW to change time for 2019 Relay for Life event for survivors (04-12)
- Operation Clean House to offer shredding services in 30th annual event (04-11)
- Voting in Oklahoma Programs aims at encouraging voters to be active (04-10)
- Safe NOW prepares for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes fundraiser event (04-09)
- Friends of the Library extend invitation to join Creative Writing Contest (04-08)
- Washington County District Judge Linda Thomas speaks - Part 1, Part 2 (04-05)
- Elder Care talks about services and events to come to their facility (04-04)
- Director of Strategic Planning Kaci Fouts talks about Woolaroc events (04-03)
- Tower Center, road improvements are important projects in Bartlesville (04-02)
- Find out more on Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri with PEO Sisterhood (03-29)
- Members of the Bartlesville Art Association prepare for Spring Show (03-28)
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce prepares for a wide array of events (03-27)
- Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville to host upcoming Harley Party (03-26)
- Rep. Kevin Hern to speak at Ramona Chamber of Commerce Banquet (03-25)
- Past PEO Sisterhood scholarship recipients reflect on the organization (03-22)
- International Pianist Daniel Epstein to perform Saturday in Bartlesville (03-21)
- Bartlesville Senator Julie Daniels prepares for Thursday White House visit (03-20)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bartlesville in need of mentors for local children (03-20)
- The Many Faces of Love aims to connect local women with the love of God (03-19)
- Copeland commends all volunteers for the City of Bartlesville for stepping up (03-19)
- KWON Cooking Extravaganza approaches its April 2nd kickoff in Bartlesville (03-18)
- Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge to Hold Annual Kite Festival - Part 1, Part 2 (03-15)
- Spring Break quickly approches for Bartlesville Public Schools, other schools (03-14)
- Tri County Technology Center offers Marketing Management program (03-13)
- Bartlesville Civitan Club has Servant's Heart Award Forms available now (03-12)
- First Wesleyan Prophecy Conference comes to Bartlesville Saturday (03-11)
- Washington County Elder Care prepares for 21st annual barbecue event (03-07)
- Ward 2 Councilman Paul Stuart discusses Monday's City Council meeting (03-05)
- Participate in this year's upcoming Relay for Life Talent Showcase (03-04)
- Washington County Emergency Management gears up for fire season, more (03-01)
- The Interstate Farm and Home Show kicks off Friday in Coffeyville, Kansas (02-28)
- Cherokee Area Council BSA reflects on 2018 and focuses on the future (02-27)
- Bartlesville Chamber honors six women in business on Tuesday night (02-27)
- Bartlesville Civitan Club reschedules dedication ceremony, prep for party (02-26)
- Mary Marth Outreach preps for Shamrock the Ville 5K run and more (02-25)
- OKM Music schedules Launch Party, needs volunteers for music festival (02-21)
- City Councilman Trevor Dorsey talks about what's happening in Bartlesville (02-20)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley discusses BPS School Board Meeting (02-19)
- Just Between Friends consignment sale starts at the beginning of March (02-18)
- Red Cross prepares for blood drives in northeast Oklahoma and more (02-15)
- Get ready for the KWON Cooking Extravaganza set for Tuesday, April 2 (02-14)
- Adult Fast Track, high school recruitment happening at Tri County Tech (02-13)
- An Interstate Farm and Home Show and Cooking Extravaganza update (02-12)
- Rogers State University gears up for 10th Annual Scholarship Breakfast (02-11)
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra to woo loved ones with weekend concert (02-08)
- Elder Care operates some services during the poor weather conditions (02-07)
- Area Director Charlene Dew talks mentorship for BBBS - Part 1, Part 2 (02-06)
- Opus No. 35 proceeds will benefit OKM Music, Harmony Project Tulsa (02-06)
- Councilman Jim Curd on park improvements and city council meeting (02-05)
- Commissioner Anlte on county roads, upcomg legislation and building demo (02-01)
- Marlo on Osher Lifelong Learning Institute's enrollment and offered courses (01-31)
- Senator Julie Daniels explains the Senate's goals for 2019 sessions (01-30)
- Learn about The Interstate Farm and Home Show and the KWON Cooking Extravaganza (01-29)
- Tower Green Review Committee to continue meetings in the near future (01-23)
- Superintendent Chuch McCauley reviews BPS meeting Monday night (01-22)
- 17th Annual All That Jazz to be held at Bartlesville's Hillcrest Country Club (01-21)
- PEO Sisterhood awarding PEO Star Scholarship to high school women (01-18)
- Senator Julie Daniels files more reform bills at the filing deadline (01-17)
- Director of Development Elizabeth Thrash talks St. John Catholic School (01-16)
- Find out how to create a team or be a "virtual bowler" for Bowl for Kids' Sake (01-16)
- Tri County Tech's Matthew Songer talks potential campus in Nowata County (01-15)
- City Manager Mike Bailey and Staff on City Matters (1-14)
- PEO Sisterhood representative Mary Johnson discusses PEO Sisterhood (01-11)
- Bartlesville Public Library has four tiers for the literacy programs they offer (01-10)
- RSU Development Officer Angie Thompson talks Bartlesville Scholarship Breakfast (01-09)
- Mayor Dale Copeland shares thoughts on Bartlesville City Council meeting (01-08)
- John and Cassie Mihm with OKM Music talk about upcoming events (01-07)
- Washington County Assessor Todd Mathes explains tax exemptions, more (01-04)
- Elder Care discusses programs to keep the elderly involved during the cold season (01-03)
- KWON Cooking Extravaganza Director Tina Romine, others look for recipes (01-02)
- Senator Julie Daniles explains 2020 Fiscal Year Budget, opioid crisis (01-01)
- New Director Mike Wilt explains what the Bartlsville Community Foundation is (12-28)
- Bartlesville Convention and Visitor Bureau Director Maria Gus shares tourism numbers (12-27)
- Wet weather conditions require extra travel preparation this holiday season (12-26)
- Tri County Technology Center's Kyle Ppool shares what's happening at TCT (12-17)
- Price Tower will have Santa on hand Sunday and Art of the Tree stays until Dec. 25 (12-14)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley on upcoming school board meeting (12-12)
- M'Liss Jenkins, Nolan Jones discuss Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition (12-10)
- Bartlesville Civic Ballet, Inc. to hold four Christmas a la Carte home tours (12-06)
- A Messiah Sing-a-long Comes to the First Presbyterian Church in Bartlesville (12-05)
- City Councilman Trevor Dorsey reflects on Monday's Bartlesville City Council meeting (12-04)
- Green Country Christmas grand prize drawing fun comes to town soon (12-03)
- Elder Care of Bartleville to hold an open house soon to inform the public (11-29)
- Chamber of Commerce President Sherri Wilt talks Christmas in the Ville (11-28)
- Play for Burk gets ready for upcoming holiday events in the city (11-28)
- Friends of the Library prepare for 27th Annual Creative Writing Contest (11-27)
- Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville talks Saturday's Christmas Parade, more (11-26)
- Art of the Tree, Olive Drop coming to the Price Tower in Bartlesville (11-14)
- Nolan Jones and M'Liss Jenkins talk about suicide prevention (11-13)
- Path to Independence talks about upcoming dance on Nov. 17 at the Hilton (11-09)
- Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville to host programs and more (11-08)
- Senator Julie Daniels talks about Election Night results, marijuana laws (11-07)
- Bartlesville Kiwanis Club announces new Christmas Parade start time (11-07)
- Ward 4 City Councilman Alan Gentges recaps Monday's council meeting (11-06)
- House District 10 Candidate Kevin Stacy on state questions, general election (11-05)
- Lieutenant Jon Copeland talks about the Wash. Co. Sheriff's Office holiday programs (11-02)
- Elder Care Community Relations Director Stevie Williams shares services (11-01)
- The Lighthouse Outreach Center expands and Green Country Christmas approaches (10-31)
- United Way has new ways to give to support their $2.3 million goal (10-29)
- Rogers State University talks about Scholarship Breakfast, Giving Tuesday (10-24)
- Candidate Kevin Stacy talks about State Questions on the upcoming ballot (10-23)
- United Way and local partners discuss partnership on KWON (10-22)
- New Scout Executive Philip Wright welcomed by United Way, Cherokee Area Council (10-18)
- Bartlesville Public School updates and fall break announcement (10-17)
- Bartlesville Mayor Dale Copeland updates the public on city happenings (10-16)
- KWON's finest talk about the upcoming Celebration and Wedding Showcase (10-15)
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra talks about upcoming event, guest player (10-12)
- United Way joins the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville in the KWON studios (10-11)
- Tri County Tech's Senior Director of Business Development Tonya Foreman (10-10)
- Nolan Jones with the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition speaks (10-09)
- Kiawanis Club of Bartlesville president discusses Bartlesville Christmas wreaths, more (10-08)
- Elder Care Executive Director Cordell Rumsey talks about offering flu shots (10-04)
- United Way Marketing Manager Paige Kimrey talks pace setters, Red Cross (10-03)
- City councilman Jim Curd discusses last nights city council meeting (10-02)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma Area Director Charlene Dew talks about the program (10-01)
- The Celebration and Wedding Showcase crew talks about the showcase (9-28)
- Ryan Martin and Mary Lynn Mihm with OKM Music speak (9-26)
- Rogers State University Foundation members Angie Thompson and Adit Rosadi speak about International Student Features, more (9-26)
- Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce President Sherri Wilt talks upcoming Christmas plans and more (9-26)
- State House candidate Kevin Stacy running for the District 10 seat talks politics (9-25)
- United Way's Marketing Manager Paige Early joins UW CEO and President Lisa Cary and their partners (9-24)
- Price Tower staff member Carolyn Mock talks about this weekend's Women Artists of the West installment (9-20)
- Getting ready to vote in upcoming elections with Vanessa Drummond, Connie Lavoie (9-19)
- Bartlesville Schools Superintendent Chuck McCauley talks about the BPS Foundation STEM Programs, homecoming, and more (9-19)
- City Councilman Alan Gentges discusses Tower Green project interest, other city happenings (9-18)
- Author Walt Brinker talks about his book and gives tips on roadside survival (9-17)
- Wendy Shaw, David Richardson discuess the future of Boy Scouts, programs (9-14)
- PriceTower Arts Center Curator Deshane Atkins talks Green Space, Women Artists of the West (9-14)
- United Way's Paige Kimrey in marketing talks with United Way agencies about partnership (9-13)
- Tri County Tech CEO Lindel Fields talks about Tri County's purchase of Jarrett Farms (9-12)
- The Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition discusses their upcoming summit in Bartlesville (9-11)
- Nolan Jones and other Washington County Fairground members discuss the fair so far (9-7)
- Race chairman, volunteer with NOW Chapter of American Red Cross discuss upcoming race (9-7)
- Jennifer Ennis with Elder Care's community relations team talks about "Elder Care" (9-6)
- Senior Pastor Jeff Burress talks about finished East Cross Church remodeling with Associate Pastor Chad Perceful (9-5)
- Bartlesvill City officials talk about last night's police force honors and city council meeting (9-5)
- OLLI instructors Barbara Shoff and Kay Little talk about DNA, genealogy with Bartlesville site director Marlo Bailey (9-4)
- Tulsa Air and Space Museum Executive Director Tonya Blansett talks STEM program expansion, museum events (8-31)
- Washington County Free Fair District 2 Board Member Shannon Adcock, others speak (8-29)
- Workforce Specialist Cheryl Ernst talks about the Bartlesville workforce (8-29)
- Tina and Tami Talk About the Upcoming, Annual Bridal Show (8-28)
- Three Members with the Wasington County Free Fair Discuss Fair Activities (8-27)
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at OSU classes start Monday, Sept. 17 (8-23)
- Bartlesville School Superintendent Chuck McCauley opening the school year (8-22)
- District Director with the Cherokee Area Council talks upcoming B.S.A. events (8-22)
- Bartlesville Vice Mayor John Kane talks Bartlesville projects (8-21)
- Stacey Garrett and Anna DeBough share functions with the Community Care Transition Team (8-20)
- Terri Cornett, Wife of Governor Candidate Mick Cornett talks about the campaign trail. (8-17)
- Unopposed House District 10 Democratic Candidate Kevin Stacy awaits challenge (8-16)
- Kevin Hern talks about the Aug. 28 Republican Congressional election
- Monster Truck Driver Darren Migues Talks about Career, Pawhuska Event (8-15)
- RSU President Larry Rice Talks Rogers State (8-13)
- Former OKC Mayor and GOP Gov. Candidate Mick Cornett Talks about the GOP race.(8-10)
- CCTT Comes in to talk about their Health Fair on Aug. 25 (8-10)
- Big Brothers, Big Sisters Area Director Charlene Dew previews their Big Event (8-1)
- Washington County Fair Board Chairman Nolan Jones has a fair update (7-25)
- Inter-State Fair and Rodeo preview with PR spokesman, Katie Allen (7-23)
- Candidate for Oklahoma Governor Mick Cornett is on the campaign trail (7-20)
- Famiy Crisis and Counselling Center reports domestic violence rises in hot weather (7-20)
- Time to help pack the backpacks (7-19)
- Bartlesville School Superintendent, Chuck McCauley getting ready for next year (7-18)
- City Councilman Treavor Dorsey updates Bartlesville city business (7-17)
- The race for First-district Congress seat continues. We talked with Tim Harris (7-16)
- The KWON auction is coming up. Dorea Potter has a preview (7-16)
- The Million Dollar Quartet plays at Branson's Welk Resort Theater. Two of the members (7-13)
- Oklahoma's Senator Jim Inhofe has an update on Washington (7-12)
- Checking in with Oklahomao Lieutenant Governor, Todd Lamb (7-11)
- Nolan Jones and M'Liss Jenkins have a Suicide Prevention update (7-10)
- A Branson preview with Billy Yates from Songwriters in the Round (7-9)
- County Assessor Todd Mathes calls in for Community Connection (7-6)
- Jennifer Ennis comes in to update us on what Elder Care has going on (7-5)
- Nathan Thompson, President of the Kiwanis CLub of Bartlesville, comes in for Freedom Fest (7-4)
- Ward 5 Councilman Trevor Dorsey comes in for the City of Bartlesville (7-3)
- The Children's Musical Theatre comes in for their upcoming production (7-2)
- Nathan Thompson, President of the Kiwanis CLub of Bartlesville, comes in for Freedom Fest (6-28)
- Andy Coleman comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (6-25)
- Tina hustles down the hall to talk about the upcoming KWON Auction (6-22)
- Candidate Tim Harris comes in to speak about his campaign (6-22)
- State Representative District 11 candidate Martin Garber, comes in for his campaign (6-21)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (6-20)
- Linda Thomas comes in to discuss her campaign for District Judge (6-20)
- Alan Gentges comes in for the City of Bartlesville (6-19)
- Dr. Derrel Fincher comes in to talk about his campaign (6-18)
- Victim Support Specialist Melissa Repprecht comes in for Family Crisis & Counseling (6-15)
- Glen Mulready comes in for his Campaign for Labor Commissioner (6-15)
- Linda Murphy comes in to discuss her campaign (6-13)
- Dr. Derrel Fincher comes in to talk about his campaign (6-13)
- Linda Thomas comes in to discuss her campaign for District Judge (6-11)
- Pat Netzer-Willard comes in for the June 12 Forum from the League of Women Voters (6-8)
- Jennifer Ennis comes by for Elder Care (6-7)
- Price Connor and Angelina Boungou come in for the Price Tower (6-6)
- Candidate Tim Harris comes in to speak about his campaign (6-6)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (6-5)
- John J. Kane, Ward 2 City Councilor, comes in for the City of Bartlesville (6-5)
- Cassie Milin and Ryan Martin come in for OKM (6-4)
- Melissa Thournbrugh, Treasurer, and Jennifer Wingo come in for the Washington County Treasurer's Office (6-1)
- Murray Mark Thibodeaux comes in for his campign for 3rd District US Congress (5-31)
- Gail Inman comes in for the Antique and Collectable Association to announce the Dewey Antique Show (5-30)
- Pam Patterson and Carrie Kyrouac come in for Sunfest (5-30)
- Cassie Milin and Ryan Martin come in for OKM (5-29)
- Jordan Lauffer comes in for his campaign for House 2018 (5-29)
- Cassie Harding, Miss Delaware County's Outstanding Teen, comes in to talk about the pagent (5-28)
- Andy Coleman comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (5-25)
- Ashley LaRue, Director of Development, comes in for OKM Music (5-24)
- The Bartlesville Public School District comes in to talk about their last busy meeting (5-23)
- Councilman Trevor Dorsey comes in for the City of Bartlesville to discuss last night's meeting (5-22)
- Victim Support Specialist Melissa Repprecht comes in for Family Crisis & Counseling (5-18)
- Representative Travis Dunlap comes in to talk about his campaign (5-17)
- Sunfest President Stephanie Lief and Co-chair Carrie Kyrouce come in for this year's festival (5-16)
- Angelina Boungou and Tim Hudson come in for the Price Tower Arts Center (5-16)
- State Representative District 11 candidate Martin Garber, comes in for his campaign (5-15)
- Linda Thomas comes in to discuss her campaign for District Judge (5-14)
- Director Ashley Sikes explains Family Promise of Washington County (5-11)
- Nancy Love-Wilson and Kathleen Hargis come in for Bridge Houses (5-11)
- Ken and Terry come in with teh Oldies n' Goodies Car Club (5-10)
- Washington County Suicide Coalition Prevention comes in (5-7)
- District 3 County Commissioner Mike Dunlap calls in for Community Connection (5-4)
- Elder Care comes in for their upcoming fundraiser (5-3)
- Dr. Derrel Fincher comes in to talk about his campaign (5-2)
- Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra brings in Conductor Lauren Green (5-2)
- Duke Epperson, president, comes in for the BCCA (5-1)
- Susan Albert comes by for OKM Music to talk about the festival (4-30)
- Sara Johnson and Paige Earley come in for the Boys & Girls Club's Poker Run (4-26)
- The Chamber of Commerce updates our listeners on the city (4-25)
- The Friends of the Library come to talk about the "Books Sandwiched In" review (4-24)
- Andy Coleman comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (4-23)
- Melissa Rupprecht comes in for Family Crisis & Counseling (4-20)
- The League of Women Voters of Bartlesville come in to discuss "News or Nonsense" to be held on Monday at the Bartlesville Public Library (4-19)
- Councilman Alan Gentges comes to explain last night's Bartlesville City Council (4-17)
- Operation Clean House comes in for this Saturday's event (4-16)
- Connie Lavoie and Shellie McGill come in for Friends of the Library (4-12)
- District 11 District Attorney Kevin Buchanan comes to talk about Justice (4-10)
- BGC Bartlesville brings in Landelle Steanson, Shelly Koster, and Paige Early (4-10)
- Dorea and Tina from Bartlesville Radio hustle down the hall to talk about tomorrow's Cooking Extravaganza (4-9)
- Ramona Chamber of Commerce President Courtney Gagan comes in with the Chamber's Treasurer (4-4)
- Linoa Kay Jones and Ashley LaRue come in for OKM Music (4-3)
- Ward 2 Councilor, John Kane, Comes in for the City of Bartlesville (4-3)
- Bartlesville Campaign Co-Chair, Michele Robertson, comes in to talk about the campaign (4-2)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (3-29)
- Sherri Wilt, President of the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce, gave a chamber update and reminded us to shop local. (3-28)
- Catherine Donaldson of the Coalition for Medicare Choices spoke about Medicare Advantage. (3-29)
- Connie LaVoie from Friends of the Library brings speaker Kay Little in for Books Sandwiched-In (3-26)
- 1st District Congress Candidate Tim Harris comes in to speak about his campaign (3-23)
- Conductor Lauren Green and Operations Director Molly Collins come in for the Bartlesville Symphony to talk about Saturday's concert (3-22)
- Susie Lagal and Toni Harjo come in for the Civitan Club and their Paddle Party (3-21)
- Denim and Diamonds is coming for The Journey Home in Bartlesville (3-20)
- Ward 1 Representative, Mayor Dale Copeland, comes in for the City of Bartlesville (3-20)
- Tami and Tina from Bartlesville Radio hustle down the hall to talk about the upcoming Farm and Home show (3-19)
- Melissa Rupprecht comes in for Family Crisis & Counseling to talk about Domestic Violence and Trauma (3-16)
- Andy Coleman comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (3-15)
- Superintendent Chuck McCaulley comes in for the Bartlesville Public School District (3-14)
- Susan Langel and Toni Harjo alk about the Servant's Heart Awards for the Bartlesville Civitan Club (3-13)
- Errol Hada and Gina Shaw come by for the Lighthouse Outreach Center (3-13)
- Danny and Shelly Holdman from Safe-Now discuss the Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Fundraiser (3-12)
- Michele Robertson, Fortify Campaign Co-Chair, comes in for Bartlesville KLIFE (3-9)
- The Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in with CEO, Jason Barta, and Director of Operations, Jacob Wilson (3-8)
- David McCulloch and Casey Williams come in for Green Country Village
- Melinda Bellatti and Troy Martin come in for the Children's Musical Theatre to announce Shreck the Musical, Jr. (3-7)
- Jim Curd from the City of Bartlesville comes in to update us post-bond election (3-7)
- Dale Copeland comes in as the Ward 1 Council Representative for the City of Bartlesville (3-6)
- Dorea and Tina swing by to announce the KWON Cooking Extravaganza (3-5)
- Chapter President, Tyler Deaton, comes in for the Osage Hills National Wild Turkey Federation (3-2)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator, comes in to update us on what is happening at Elder Care (3-1)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in for Community Connection in this two-part interview (2-28)
- The Interstate Farm and Home Show is coming this weekend (2-27)
- Betsy Barnes and Elizabeth Thrash come in for the Mary Martha Outreach (2-26)
- Shelby Brammer from Theater Bartlesville comes by to announce "Bus Stop" by William Inge (2-23)
- The Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in to update us on he new building, increase in membership, programs and upcoming kickball (2-22)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (2-21)
- Councilman Alan Gentges comes in to explain last night's Bartlesville City Council (2-21)
- Superintendent Chuck McCaulley comes in for the Bartlesville Public School District (2-20)
- Representatives from the Boy Scouts of America come in for Community Connection (2-19)
- David King and Annah Fischer come in for the 2018 G.O. Bond Election Committee (2-15)
- Donna Copeland and Chris Cook came in for the Boy Scouts of America and what Troops are up to in town (2-14)
- First Presbyterian Church's Randy Thompson comes in to talk about upcoming activities (2-13)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (2-13)
- Tami and Tina from Bartlesville Radio hustle down the hall to talk about the upcoming Farm and Home show (2-12)
- Andy Coleman comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (2-9)
- Molly Couins and Lauren Green from the Bartlesville Symphony come in to discuss upcoming performance (2-7)
- Heather Billingsley, Hillary Smith, and Casey Williams come in for Green Country Village to talk about Our Assisted Living (2-7)
- Bartlesville Site Coordinator Marlo Bailey, Appraizer Jim West, and Facilitator of Fun Kevin Bennett, all come in to talk about OLLI at OSU (2-6)
- Ward 3's Jim Curd comes in for the City of Bartlesville (2-6)
- Nick Deason and Starr Peterson from KLIFE come to explain the Banquet Campaign (2-5)
- Washington County Commissioner Mike Bouvier comes in to update us on all of the projects ongoing in Washington County (2-2)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator, comes in to update us on what is happening at Elder Care (2-1)
- Paul Tackett calls in as "Mr. JBF" for Just Between Friends as theyre getting ready for their February 25 Consignment (1-31)
- Alana C. Blackwood comes in for Stop The Abuse to talk about the Comfort Bags Program with Charlie on this Community Connection (1-30)
- Kaleb and Tina come in to talk about the Farm and Home Show (1-29)
- Cathy Costello comes in to discuss her campaign for Oklahoma Labor Commissioner (1-26)
- Patty Leach, Executive Director of Family Healthcare Clinic, comes in for Community Connection (1-25)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in to update us on all of the happenings coming up in Bartlesville (1-24)
- First Presbyterian Church's Randy Thompson comes in to talk about upcoming activities (1-23)
- Executive Director Laura Walton comes in to talk about Martha's Task (1-22)
- John Kane, Ward 2, comes in for the City of Bartlesville to talk about last night's meeting (1-17)
- Jan Hale from the American Red Cross comes in to discuss donating blood (1-15)
- Adam Miller comes in for Bartlesville K-Life (1-11)
- Westside Community Center's Executive Director and Event Chairman come in to announce "All That Jazz" (1-10)
- Wade Daniels comes in to talk about some upcoming music at Bartlesville First Baptist Church (1-9)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (1-8)
- County Assessor Todd Mathes comes in for Community Connection in this two part edition (1-5)
- Elder Care with Jennifer Ennis comes by to tell us about 2018 memberships, upcoming open houses, and more (1-4)
- Bartlesville Mayor Dale Copeland comes in to update us on the City of Bartlesville and last night's Bartlesville City Council Meeting (1-3)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (1-2)
- Dorea Potter from KCD Enterprises comes in for Community Connection to talk about all of the Bartlesville Radio promotions and events coming up (1-2)
- Superintendent Chuck McCaulley comes in to update us on the Bartlesville Public School District in this two part Community Connection (12-28)
- Grace Hospice comes in for Community Connection to talk about its services (12-27)
- Walt Brinker calls in to talk about winter driving and staying safe (12-26)
- Dorea Potter from KCD Enterprises comes in for Community Connection to talk about Bartlesville Radios Green Country Christmas Drawing (12-20)
- Shelly Mai and Michele Robertson come in for Bartlesville KLIFE (12-19)
- Joe Todd from the Eisenhower Presidential Library comes in for Community Connection (12-18)
- Family Crisis and Counceling comes in with Patti Beavers to talk about services for victims (12-15)
- We talked with OkWU's Dr. Everett Piper regarding his Op-Ed in a national publication (12-14)
- Candidate for Oklahoma Governor, Mick Cornett was in to speak about his campaign (12-15)
- The Bartlesville Boys & Girls Club comes in with Senator Julie Daniels for their open house (12-14)
- Superintendent Chuck McCaulley comes in to update us on the Bartlesville Public School District (12-13)
- Washington County Suicide Coalition Prevention comes in with Nolan Jones and M'Liss Jenkins (12-12)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in to talk about all of the events coming up (12-11)
- Tri County Tech comes in to talk about their culinary program (12-8)
- The Bartlesville Ballet comes in to discuss their upcoming performance of "The Nutcracker" for Community Connection (12-7)
- Aunt Pearl comes in for the Cookie Project (12-6)
- The Bartlesville City Council sends Councilman Alan Gentges in for Community Connection (12-5)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (12-5)
- The Bartlesville Friends of the Library come in to talk about their upcoming programs (12-1)
- Green Country Christmas is ongoing this holiday season and comes in for Community Connection (11-30)
- Bartlesville's Big Brothers & Big Sisters comes in for Community Connection (11-29)
- Susan Albers, Marketing Director for OKM Music, announces the Christkindl Market coming on Saturday from 2-to-8 on Dewey Avenue (11-29)
- Ryan Doe and Ryan Reynolds stop in to speak about Bartlesville KLIFE (11-28)
- The Kiwanis Club comes in to talk about this Saturday's Bartlesville Christmas Parade (11-27)
- The Dewey Blizzard arrives on Saturday. Examiner-Enterprize Publisher, Matt Tranquill and Owner of the Heritage Theater Cafe & Pub in Dewey, Giz Robinson tell us about the event. (11-24)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way's President & CEO, Lisa Cary, and Liz Merciez and Whitney Virden all come in to talk about the campaign (11-22)
- Martie Halter and Amber Reynolds come by for the 30th Annual Bartlesville Motorcycle Toy Run (11-20)
- Bartlesville Public School's Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (11-15)
- The Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra's Conductor, Lauren Green, comes in to talk about upcoming performances (11-15)
- Jacob Singrey and Bill Beierschmitt come in to talk about the Fantasy Land of Lights (11-14)
- M'Liss Jenkins, a leadership team member, comes in for the Washington County Wellness Initiative (11-14)
- Green Country Christmas is kicking off the holiday season and comes in for Community Connection (11-13)
- Cheyenne Trail comes in to update us on Tri County Tech (11-10)
- State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister comes by the station during her visit of Bartlesville (11-10)
- Paige Early and Holly Daniels come in for the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville come in to talk about their mission (11-9)
- The Lighthouse Outreach Center comes in with Errol Hada (11-7)
- John Kane, Councilor for Ward 2, comes in for the City of Bartlesville (11-7)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way brings in the Richard Kane YMCA and the MMC in for their current campaign (11-6)
- Jennifer Ennis comes in for Elder Care (11-2)
- Green Country Christmas is kicking off the holiday season and comes in for Community Connection (11-1)
- Karen Wilson and Pat Gamble from the Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville come in to talk about Bartlesville Christmas Wreaths (10-31)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (10-30)
- Dr. Karl Cloninger and MK Kilburn come in for the Stormwalker Ranch (10-27)
- Joe Sears comes by to tell us about his upcoming production at the Heritage Theatre in Dewey (10-26)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in with Kenzie Froebe and Kym Whitmore (10-25)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way brings in the Salvation Army (10-24)
- Wade Daniels comes in to talk about some upcoming music (10-23)
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Rupprecht from Family Crisis & Counseling talk about October and Domestic Violence Awareness Month (10-20)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way comes in to update us on their current campaign (10-19)
- Ann Knight, Actress in "Beyond The Tomb," comes in for the Heritage Theater in Dewey (10-18)
- The Bartlesville Public School Districts Superintendent, Chuck McCauley, comes in for an update (10-18)
- Debbie halpin and Jerri Nicholason come in for Hopestone Cancer Support Center and Birds of A Feather to talk about their upcoming art show (10-17)
- Mayor Dale Copeland comes in to talk about the City of Bartlesville (10-17)
- The Bartlesville Art Association comes in for Community Connection to let us know what they have going on (10-16)
- The A21 Abolish Slavery Walk For Freedom comes in with Mrs. Taraboletti (10-13)
- Cheyenne Trail comes in to update us on Tri County Tech (10-13)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way comes in with the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville (10-12)
- Downtown Bartlesville LTD. Mark Haskell and Elizabeth Thrash come in to talk about the Ghost Walk (10-11)
- Lauren Green and Molly Collins come in for the Bartlesville Sypmhony (10-11)
- Washington County Wellness Initiative's M'Liss Jenkins and Denise Phelps come in for the Suicide Prevention Coalition, Positive Influence Committee, Rx Drug Awareness Town Hall, and more (10-10)
- Jean Jensen comes in for the Paths To Independence (10-10)
- Senator James Lankford calles in with Charlie (10-6)
- Jennifer Ennis comes in for Elder Care (10-5)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign and upcoming event on Thursday (10-4)
- Errol Hada and Linda Radakor come in for the Lighthouse Outreach Center to talk about their upcoming "Same Kind of Different As Me" screening (10-2)
- Susan Albert and Grace Farmer come in for OK Mozart (9-29)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way comes in to share about their exciting on-going campaign (9-29)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in this morning to update us on all the happenings in bartlesville (9-27)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (9-26)
- K-Life comes in to talk about their open house (9-26)
- The League of Women Voters come in with some important updates (9-25)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign and upcoming event on Thursday (9-22)
- Paige Early and Jacob Wilson come in for The Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville to talk about their upcoming Glam Up For Great Futures and their Cal Ripken Summer Camp (9-21)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bartlesville comes in for Community Connection in this two part interview (9-20)
- Bartlesville Public School's Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (9-20)
- Alan Genges, Council Member Representing Ward 4, comes in for the City of Baartlesville (9-19)
- The Bartlesville United Way brings in David Richardson and the Boy Scouts of America this morning (9-18)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (9-15)
- Family Crisis & Counseling's Patti Beavers comes in to talk about volunteer opportunities and their Christmas Extravoganza (9-15)
- Patty Loach and Sherri Smith come in for Family Healthcare and The United Way (9-14)
- Wade Daniel from First Baptist Church comes in for their new program coming this October (9-13)
- Michelle Larkin from the Ravewn Hula Hoop Emporium comes in to talk about World Hoop Day (9-13)
- Executive Director, Sherri Smith, comes in for the Agape Mission (9-12)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition comes in with Amber Thompson and Kim Hill (9-12)
- The 2017 Cow Thieves & Outlaws reunion is coming back to Woolaroc (9-11)
- Cheyenne Trail comes in to update us on programs and things going on at Tri County Tech (9-8)
- Joe Sears comes in to talk about the Salty Seniors Acting Group (9-8)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care comes in to talk about Elder Care's upcoming happenings (9-7)
- City of Bartlesville's Dr. Joseph Callahan comes in to discuss last night's meeting (9-6)
- Gina Elias, CEO of Building Bridges of Oklahoma comes in for Community Connection (9-5)
- Fair Manager, Pam Pollock, comes in for the Washington County Free Fair (9-4)
- Jim Stanton, Race Chairman, and Wes Mosier, Disaster Assistance Team Volunteer, come in for the NOW Chapter of the American Red Cross to talk about their 15th Annual Run For Relief Red Cross (8-31)
- Troy Martin, Joanie Elmore, and Jason Elmore come in for Theater Bartlesville to talk about their upcoming productions (8-29)
- The Washington County Free Fair comes in for this years event (8-28)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (8-25)
- President Tim Wogley comes in for the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association (8-25)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way's Abigail Singrey and Whitney Virden come in to talk about their upcomig kickoff, Sporting Clays Tournament, and more (8-24)
- Bartlesville Public School's Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (8-23)
- Oklahoma State University's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute comes to talk about upcoming classes (8-23)
- Ken White, District Executive for the Cherokee Area Council, comes in to talk about all of the exciting events the Boy Scouts of America has coming up, like the Fishing Derby and popcorn sales (8-23)
- The City of Bartlesville's John Kane comes in to give us an update on the city (8-22)
- Family Crisis & Counseling somes in to check in with whats going on with them (8-18)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb stops in as he tours Oklahoma speaking with the people (8-18)
- The Bartlesville Sports Spectacular comes by to talk about this years spectacle (8-17)
- Light Up The Ville comes in to talk about their lights and their campaign (8-16)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (8-16)
- The Agape Mission's Empty Bowls event is coming, and Brenda Williamson and Sherri Smith come in to explain it (8-15)
- Amy Jenkins, Dedra Morgan, and Celeste Cleary come in for the Bartlesville Art Association (8-15)
- 1st District Congress Candidate Tim Harris comes in to speak about his campaign (8-14)
- Tri County Technology Center comes in to talk about their exciting upcoming semester (8-11)
- Pam Pollock and Janet Vermillion come in for the Washington County Free Fair (8-10)
- Mayor Dale Copeland comes in to discuss the City Council meeting and what's going on in the City of Bartlesville (8-8)
- The Inter-State Fair and Rodeo stops by to talk about all of the exciting events at this years rodeo (8-7)
- Joe Todd comes in for another history lesson about WWII with Charlie (8-4)
- Elder Care stops by to update us on their next project (8-3)
- David Turner, Better Turner, Nancy Warring, and Arlese Bradley all come in for the Bartlesville Toastmasters (8-2)
- Just Between Friends is having a 20 year anniversary "Sellibration" (8-1)
- The Washington County School Supply Drive is coming up to help gather school supplies for children in Washington County (7-31)
- KWONs Annual Auction will be held tomorrow (7-28)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (7-27)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in for Community Connection (7-26)
- 1st District Congress Candidate Tim Harris comes in to speak about his campaign (7-24)
- Patti Beavers, Victim/Court Advocate for Family Crisis & Counseling, comes in to talk about possible triggers for domestic violence (7-21)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (7-20)
- The Bartlesville Big Brothers Big Sisters comes in to talk about what's going on (7-19)
- Weezes Cafe comes in for a delectable Community Connection (7-18)
- Matt Pinnell comes in for a sit down with Charlie (7-17)
- The Salvation Army comes in for part two of our two part Community Connection (7-14)
- Tri County Technology Center comes in for part one of our two part Community Connection (7-14)
- Jeri Melton comes in to talk about our upcoming auction (7-13)
- The Children's Musical Theater comes in for their upcoming productions (7-12)
- Annah Fischer from the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in to give us a summer update (7-10)
- Alan Gentges, Ward 4 Councilman from The City of Bartlesville (7-5)
- Author John Dwyer calls in (7-4)
- Kiwanis Freedom Fest's President, Laren Wilson, comes in to talk about the festivities (7-3)
- Copan Celebrates Independence Day. Here's the fireworks music. (7-1)
- Our Own Dorea Potter sits in this morning (6-30)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce's Sheri Wilt stops by (6-28)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (6-27)
- Tim Harris, Candidate for Congress District 1, comes in to share his beliefs on why he is running (6-23)
- Bartlesville Public School's Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (6-20)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (6-19)
- Martin Garber announces he intends to run for State House District 11 seat (6-19)
- Patti Beavers from Family Crisis & Counseling comes in to share information with us (6-16)
- Freedom Fest comes in to talk about their upcoming festivities (6-15)
- Nolan Jones and M'Liss Jenkins come in for the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition (6-13)
- Kiwanas Club of Bartlesville comes in for Community Connection to talk about their upcoming fundraiser (6-12)
- Chris Mann comes in for Community Connection (6-9)
- Tri County Tech comes in to talk about some of their programs (6-9)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (6-8)
- Joe Todd comes in to give Charlie another history lesson (6-7)
- Charlene Dew, Area Director, comes in to talk about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (6-7)
- Dr. Callahan comes in for Community Connection (6-6)
- Joe Todd comes in to give Charlie a history lesson (6-5)
- Nick Owens and Relay for Life comes in for their Ice Cream Social (6-2)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations from Elder Care, comes in for Elder Care (6-1)
- Express Employment Professionals' Christie Conditt comes in (5-31)
- Relay For Life comes in to talk about their upcoming ice cream social (5-30)
- Ladies Connection and Dorea Potter stop by (5-30)
- Don Clifford from the Caney Valley Antique Power Association comes in for the Antique Tractor & Equipment Show (5-29)
- Miss Teen Oklahoma Project comes in for Community Connection (5-26)
- Susan Albert and Grace Farmer come in for OK Mozart (5-25)
- Ron Adams from the Kiddie Park (5-23)
- Friends of the Library's Connie Lavoie and Mary O'Toole come in for "Books Sandwiched In" (5-23)
- Republican Candidate Andy Coleman comes in for his campaign (5-22)
- Family Crisis & Counseling Center's Patti Beavers and Melissa Rupprecht come to talk about children that witness domestic violence (5-19)
- Karen Wilson and Sharon Hurst come in for the Kiwanis Freedom Fest (5-18)
- Bartlesville Public School's Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (5-17)
- The City of Bartlesville's Ward 1 Councilman Dale Copeland comes in for the City of Bartlesville (5-16)
- Errol Hada and Mark Walker from the Lighthouse Outreach Center come in to talk about thier Chapel Dedication next Sunday (5-15)
- District 11 District Attorney Kevin Buchanan comes in to talk about Justice Reform (5-12)
- Sunfest's Stephanie Lief and Pam Patterson come in (5-11)
- The Price Tower and OK Mozart come in for Community Connection (5-10)
- Washinton County Wellness Initiatives Suicide Prevention Coalition Coordinator M'Liss Jenkins comes in (5-9)
- The Oldies N Goodies Car Show is coming to town, and Ken Harris and Carol Ervin come in to let us know whats happening (5-8)
- Tri County Tech's Cheyenne Stevens comes in with students Alex and Jaqui (5-5)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign for Congress (5-3)
- Jim Curd comes in for the City Council (5-2)
- Bartlesville Symphony's Conductor, Lauren Green, comes in to talk about upcoming works (5-1)
- Family Crisis and Counseling comes in for Community Connection with Charlie this morning (4-28)
- Kevin Bennett and Ann Cleary come in for OLLI to talk about helping people and working together to solve problems (4-27)
- Sheri Wilt comes in for the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce (4-26)
- Connie Lavoie from the League of Women Voters comes in to explain the league and what is going on this spring (4-26)
- Lester Gagen from the Ranch Rodeo comes in (4-25)
- Bartlesville Community Center's Brandon Lewis comes in (4-25)
- Tim Harris, canidate for Congress 1st District, comes in (4-24)
- Congressional candidate, Andy Coleman returns. (4-24)
- Tri County Technology Center is in with Charlie (4-21)
- Brian Worfolk and Micah Siemers come in for Operation Clean House, on April 22 (4-20)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley stops in to talk about the BPSD (4-19)
- City Council Ward 4 Member Alan Gentges comes in to talk about the Bartlesville City Council (4-18)
- Journey Home comes in to talk with Charlie (4-17)
- Washington County Commissioner Mike Bouvier came in to talk about what's going on in the county (4-14)
- The Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville's CEO Jason Barta and Director of Development and Marketing Annah Fischer, come in to talk about the 7th Annual Harley Party (4-13)
- Candidate Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his candidacy for Congress (4-12)
- President Clinton Hansesn comes in for his PlayForBurk Foundation (4-12)
- Amber Thompson and Denise Phelps come in for the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition (4-11)
- Joe L. Todd, Historian, comes in to talk about the Bataan Death March (4-10)
- Connie Lavoie and Joe Williams from the Friends of the Library come in to talk about their upcomming event (4-7)
- Sharon M. Hurst, a Co-Chairman for the Bartlesville 4th of July Freedom Fest, comes in to talk about the "Honor Our Heroes" activity at Freedom Fest for 2017 (4-6)
- Charlene Dew, Area Director, and Rachelle Wilson, a Big Sister, come in for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (4-5)
- Joseph Callahan from the City of Bartlesville comes in to talk about the City Council (4-4)
- Dorea Potter and Jeri Melton talk about the KWON Cooking Extravaganza (4-3)
- Shelby Brammer, Artistic Director for Theater Bartlesville talks about her upcoming production of Enchanted April (3-30)
- Carol Ervin, Residential Consultant for Capitol Hill Redevelopment, talks about TIF 2 Grant Projects with the BRTA (3-28)
- Price Connors, Marva Stroman, and Jill Heinreich from the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra come in to talk about their upcoming gala (3-27)
- Andy Coleman, Candidate for US Congress (OK-1) comes in with the Friends od Andy Coleman (3-24)
- The Herritage Theater Cafe & Pub comes in to talk about the "Cafe Murder" murder mystery play coming up on March 25 (3-23)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley stops in to talk about the BPSD (3-22)
- Vice Mayor John Kane from the City of Bartlesville comes in for Community Connection (3-21)
- Patti Beavers, Victim Advocate from Family Crisis & Counseling, talks about victim services and community awareness (3-17)
- Justin Krebbs, President of BancFirst, comes in (3-16)
- First Presbyterian's Organist, Randy Thompson, chats with Charlie (3-15)
- Kismet Okyere, the 2016-2017 Youth of the Year from the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in with Annah Fischer, Director of Resource Development & Marketing (3-14)
- The Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra tallks with Charlie about their next performance (3-13)
- Kassidy McKee and Mack Savala from Tri County Tech stop in (3-10)
- Josh Yates and Jenifer Harbour from the OSU Extension Office are talking about 4H (3-9)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb calls in for Community Connection (3-8)
- City of Bartlesville's Mayor and Ward 1 representative, Dale Copeland, comes in to talk about the City Council Meeting (3-7)
- Mary Martha Outreach's Jamie Wood and Mark Haskell come in to talk about Shamrock The Ville 5K & Couch Race (3-3)
- Jennifer Ennis, Communications Relations for Elder Care, comes in (3-2)
- The Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in for one of our two-part Community Connection (2-28)
- Nowata Sheriff Richard Miller comes in for one of our two-part Community Connection (2-28)
- OK Mozart's Susan Albert and Grace farmer come in to talk about the new fundraiser, "OK Mozart Goes USO" (2-27)
- The Interstate Farm & Home Show's Jeri Melton steps in to talk about the event (2-23)
- Ward 3 City Councilman Jim Curd comes in to discuss the city (2-22)
- Joe Todd comes in to this mornings Community Connection (2-20)
- Commissioner Mitch Antle comes in for Washington County (2-17)
- Just Between Friends' Daven Tackett comes in to talk about the 20 Years of Bargains Sell-abration (2-16)
- Joe Todd comes in to this mornings Community Connection (2-15)
- Andy Coleman is running for U.S. Congress for the 1st Congressional District of Oklahoma (2-14)
- Our own Jeri Melton comes in to talk about the Interstate Farm & Home Show (2-13)
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Rupprecht from Family Crisis & Counseling Services come in to talk about Teen Dating Violence Awareness (2-10)
- Theater Director Kevin Muich from the Heritage Theater Cafe & Pub stops in (2-9)
- Kay Little, teacher and committee member from OLLI comes in (2-8)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition's Amber Thompson and Mliss Jenkins talk about the Summit 2 Training (2-7)
- Alan Gentges, Ward 4 Council Member, comes in for the Bartlesville City Council (2-7)
- Our own Dorea Potter comes in this morning (2-6)
- Tri County Tech stops in (2-3)
- Community Connection holds a Capitol Call today (2-3)
- Bartlesville's Elder Care comes in (2-2)
- Brandon Lewis from Bartlesville Community Concerts comes in to talk about the upcoming concerts (2-1)
- Bartlesville Theater's Chelbie Bea talks about the new production, "Grapes of Wrath" (1-31)
- The Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce comes in to talk about the city (1-25)
- The Bartlesville City Council's Dr. Joseph Callahan from Ward 5 comes in to discuss the city (1-25)
- The Heritage Theater Cafe and Pub (1-24)
- Mark Haskell and Elizabeth Thrash from the Mary Martha Outreach come in to talk about Shamrock The Ville 5K and Couch Race (1-23)
- Patti Beavers from Family Crisis & Counseling talks about OK VINE (1-20)
- Charlene Dew and Glenn Bonner come in for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (1-19)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in to talk about the Bartlesville Public School District (1-18)
- The Cooking Extravaganza is gearing up to get underway (1-16)
- Westside Community Center (1-13)
- Republican Todd Lamb calls in to KWON (1-11)
- The Suicide Coalition of Bartlesville is today's guest (1-10)
- Marketing Coordinator Kyla from Tri County Tech comes in (1-6)
- Senator James Lankford calls in to talk to Charlie about Obamacare (1-5)
- Donnie Lavoie from the Friends of the Library comes in with Sidney Brammer, last year's 1st place prize winner in poetry (1-4)
- Alan Gentges comes in to talk about the City of Bartlesville (1-3)
- Fire Chief Bill Hollander comes in this morning (12-27)
- City of Bartlesville's John Kane of Ward 2, comes in for Community Connection (12-22)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley stops in to talk about the BPSD (12-21)
- Dorea Potter and Jeri Melton are gearing up for the Green Country Christmas Ticket Drawing (12-19)
- Family Crisis & Counseling's Melissa Rupprecht comes in to talk about domestic violence and the holidays (12-16)
- The Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra comes in to talk about their upcoming performances (12-15)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb calls in for a capitol call (12-14)
- Our own Dorea Potter comes in to talk about the Green County Christmas ticket drawing (12-13)
- Washington County SPCA President, Janis Blanton, sits in with Ben and talks about all that is going on with the SPCA (12-12)
- Cheyenne Stevens from Tri County Tech brings in Ike House and William Randall from the Precision Manufacturing Program (12-9)
- Deshane Atkins Williams from the Price Tower and Riker from Wrestling for a Cause come talk about their exciting shows that are coming up (12-8)
- Oral Historian Joe Todd comes in to give Charlie a history lesson (12-7)
- Festival of the Nativity Committee Chair Melanie Bayles comes in to talk about the event (12-7)
- The Salvation Army comes in to talk about their 2016 campaign (12-6)
- Dale Copeland, newly elected mayor, comes in to speak about the City of Bartlesville (12-6)
- Bartlesville Radio's own Dorea Potter comes in for this mornings programming (12-5)
- Jude DeLapp comes in to talk with Charlie this morning (12-2)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator, comes in for Elder Care (12-1)
- Sherri Wilt comes in to talk about the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce (11-30)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma sends in Charlene Dew and Kaleb Potter for Community Connection (11-30)
- Lisa Cary, CEO, Abigail Singrey, Marketing Manager, and Kristen Ergenbright, Campaign Manager from the Bartlesville Regional United Way (11-29)
- The Bartlesville Kiwanas Club calls in to talk about the upcoming Christmas Parade (11-28)
- Author Rita Brumm and Santa Claus are in to talk about Rita's new book, The Jingle Factor (11-25)
- Author Walt Brinker calls in for Community Connection (11-25)
- Chuck McCauley comes in to talk about the Bartlesville Public Schools (11-23)
- Ted Lockin comes in this morning for Community Connection (11-22)
- The Salvation Army comes in to talk about this year's Red Kettle Drive (11-22)
- Patti Beavers, from Family Crisis & Counseling Services, comes in to talk about stress and the holidays (11-18)
- Pam Crawford, Board Vice President, and Lindsey Deutsch, violinist and guest artist, comes in for the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra (11-18)
- Annah Fischer from the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in to update us about the club (11-17)
- Fantasy Land Of Lights' Bill Riley comes in to talk about this years Fantasy Land Of Lights (11-16)
- Executive Director Shawn Crawford and Director of Community Outreach Mirelle Onukwube come in for the Bartlesville Community Foundation (11-16)
- The Bartlesville United Way comes in today with one of their partner agencies (11-15)
- Jeri Melton from KWON KRIG KYFM KPGM comes in to talk about Green Country Christmas (11-14)
- Tri County Tech Cosmetology Students Tessa White and Tapanga Martinez stopped in to talk about the program and their services from the salon (11-11)
- Cirque Dreams Holidaze manager and two cast members stopped by KWON studios prior to their opening performance Sunday night at the Bartlesville Community Center.
- Lauren Green, Director of the Bartlesville Symphony, brings in General Manager D'Lynn Everett (11-10)
- Kerry Ickleberry, the Bartlesville Public Schools Safe School Coordinator, comes in with Nancy Warring and M'liss Jenkins (11-9)
- City of Bartlesville's John Kane comes in to talk about the City Council and Ward 2 (11-8)
- Sheriff Rick Silver from Washington County comes in this morning (11-4)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care comes in (11-3)
- The Ramona Chamber of Commerce's Lester Gagan comes in to talk about the Fall Festival (11-2)
- The Bartlesville United Way comes in with the Boys & Girls Club this morning (11-1)
- Julie Daniels, Candidate for Senate, comes in to talk about her campaign (10-31)
- Incumbent Tom Gorman comes in to talk about his campaign (10-28)
- Theater of Bartlesville comes in to talk about their next production (10-28)
- Family Healthcare Clinic brings Kristen Ergenbright and Patty Leach in for Community Connection (10-27)
- Sherri Wilt, Executive Director for the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce, comes in this morning (10-26)
- Pastor Robert Lanier and Pastor Naomi Lanier come in to talk about the Day of Prayer for USA (10-25)
- City Council Candidate James Curd comes in to talk his campaign (10-25)
- Main Street Bartlesville's Elizabeth Thrash and Mark Haskell come in to talk about Halloween activities downtown (10-21)
- Family Crisis & Counseling's Patti Beavers comes in to talk about Domestic Violence Awareness Month (10-21)
- The Bartlesville United Way came in to talk with Charlie this morning (10-20)
- Alan Gentges comes in for the second Community Connection (10-19)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in for Community Connection (10-19)
- Dale Copeland comes in for the City of Bartlesville (10-19)
- Diana Garrett and Alesa Hoftis from Dynamic Independence comes in (10-17)
- Tri County Tech comes in this morning to speak with Charlie (10-14)
- Annah Fisher from the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in to give a club update and to talk about upcoming events (10-13)
- James Curd, City Council Ward Three Candidate (10-12)
- Kimberly Hill from the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition (10-11)
- The Bartlesville Regional United Way brings in Abigail Singrey, Marketing Manager, and Kristen Ergenbright, Campaign Manager (10-10)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator, comes in from Elder Care (10-6)
- Julie Daniels, candidate for the State Senate, talks about her Senate Campaign (10-3)
- The Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra comes in to talk about upcoming performances (9-30)
- Sharon Wolfe comes in to talk about the Moms in Prayer (9-30)
- Deshane Atkins-Williams comes in for the Bartlesville Film Society and the Price Tower (9-29)
- Sherri Wilt from the Bartlesville Regional Chamber of Commerce comes in this morning (9-28)
- The United Way came in with The Salvation Army and The Agape Mission (9-27)
- The League of Women Voters of Bartlesville came in to discuss the importance of voting (9-26)
- The Oklahoma Bluegrass Festival calls in this morning (9-23)
- Annah Fischer from the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville comes in this morning (9-22)
- Youth and Family Services' Katie Weatherly and Laura Sabine come in this morning (9-22)
- Bartlesville Schools comes in for Community Connection (9-21)
- City of Bartlesville's Dale Copeland (9-20)
- The United Way came in with the Boys & Girls Club of Nowata and Elder Care, to talk about what the campaign is working for (9-19)
- Patti Beavers comes in to talk about Family Crisis & Counseling Center (9-16)
- Beyond the Borders International's Katrina Kavmacharya, Founder and President, comes in to talk about the Bazaar and Craft Festival Event (9-16)
- Charlene Dew and Darrell Weaver, Area Director and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma, come in to talk about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (9-15)
- Shelby Brammer and Troy Martin, the Artistic Director and Board Member/Actor of the Theatre Bartlesville, come in to talk about Ringdowns of Democracy (9-13)
- Tri County Tech comes in this morning to talk with Charlie (9-9)
- Bartlesville Symphony Conductor, Lauren Green, comes in to talk about the symphony (9-8)
- City Councilor, Ward 2, John Kane comes in for the City of Bartlesville (9-7)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition's Nolan Jones, M'Liss Jenkins and Amber Thompson come in to discuss Summit #4 (9-6)
- The United Way talks about their recent goal (9-5)
- Eric Ashlock (9-2)
- Jenniffer Ennis from Elder Care stops in (9-1)
- United Way comes in to talk with Charlie (8-31)
- Andria McCollough and Angela Mowery come in from the Beth More Live Simulcast-Eastern Heights baptist Church (8-31)
- Dan Gordon, a writer from the Theater Bartlesville, comes in to talk with Charlie (8-30)
- The Washington County Free Fair's Manager, Pam Pollock, stops in to talk about the Free Fair (8-29)
- The Now Chapter American Red Cross comes in to talk about their "Run 4 Relief" (8-26)
- The Bartlesville Film Society's Mario Valenciano, comes in to talk about the September 9th screening of "The Big Lebowski" (8-25)
- Diane Dixon and Linda Radaker from OLLI come in to talk about classes starting (8-24)
- Tami Brinkman comes in to talk about the Taste of Home Cooking Show (8-23)
- Chuck McCauley, Superintendent, Scott Bilser, Board President, and Vanessa Drummond, a community member and parent, come in for Bartlesville Public Schools (8-22)
- Virginia DeFrees and Steve DeFrees, both Student Board Members, come to talk about OSU OLLI (8-19)
- Marty Raybon of Shenandoah called in to talk about the band (8-18)
- Student Jack Williams, BHS Teacher Bon Bennett, and Superintendent Chuck McCauley from Bartlesville Public Schools come in to talk about the Bond Proposal (8-17)
- Robert Wadsworth, Executive Director of the Hope Clinic, comes in to talk about the free clinic and they three years of operation (8-17)
- Joel Rabin, a proponent of "Vote No" for the August 23rd School Bond, comes in to share his views (8-17)
- Dale Copeland, Council Member Ward 5 to Ward , comes in to talk about the City of Bartlesville (8-16)
- The Washington County Free Fair's Pam Pollock and Janet Vermillion come in to discuss the Washington County Free Fair (8-15)
- Kayla Toker and Cheyenne Stevens from Tri County Tech come in to talk with Charlie (8-12)
- Lauren Green, Director for the Bartlesville Symphony, talks about hosting first graders for an upcoming concert (8-11)
- Hopestone Cancer Support Center of Bartlesville's Executive Director, Debbie Halpin, comes in to talk about the center (8-10)
- Alesa Hoftis and Stella Shoff from the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition came in to talk about membership, the Annual Summit on September 9, and the impact on individuals with disabilities (8-9)
- Dan Droege and Roger Box come in to talk about the School Bond (8-8)
- County Clerk Jill Spitzer comes in to talk with Charlie (8-5)
- Daven Tacket comes in to talk about Just Between Friends in Tulsa (8-5)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relation Coordinator for Elder Care, stopped by today (8-4)
- Katie Allen from the Inter-State Fair and Rodeo calls in to talk about the fair, exhibits, and livestock shows (8-3)
- The City of Bartlesville's Ward 5 (Soon to be Ward 1), Dale Copeland comes in (8-2)
- The Bartlesville Roundup Club's President and Vice President, Charles Powell and Kyle Caulson, come in to tell us about the 35th Annual Green Country Rodeo (8-1)
- Our own Dorea Potter comes in to talk about this years Annual Radio Auction (7-29)
- The Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Oklahoma's Area Director, Charlene Dew, and Big Brother Dr. William Davito come in to talk about the program (7-28)
- Sherri Wilt from the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce stops in (7-27)
- The Washington County School Supply Drive's Vice President, Carol Beck, comes in to talk about the drive (7-26)
- Ruth Nicholas calls in to talk about the Inter-State Fair and Rodeo (7-25)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley and Bartlesville High senior Jack Williams talk about the Bartlesville Bruin Bond and (7-21)
- Superintendent Chuck McCauley comes in to talk about Bartlesville Public Schools (7-20)
- Councilman Ted Lockin comes in to talk about the City of Bartlesville (7-19)
- Jerilyn Melton comes in to talk about the 104.9 KRIG Real County & Doenges Family of Autos Country Showdown Finale
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Rupprecht from Family Crisis and Counseling Services come in to talk about "Chip in for No More Violence Casino Night" (7-15)
- Mike Flood, Tourism Director, comes in to talk about the Shenandoah "Reloaded" Tour (7-14)
- Dorea Potter comes in to talk about this years Annual Radio Auction in this two part interview (7-13)
- Nolan jones and M'Liss Jenkins from the Washington County Wellness Initiative and the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition come in to talk about Suicide Awareness Prevention and the opioid overdose epidemic (7-12)
- Annah Fischer, Director of Resource Development & Marketing for the Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville stops in (7-12)
- Carol Beck and Sherri Smith come in to talk about the Washington County School Supply Drive (7-11)
- Kyla Toker, Marketing & Communications Coordinatior for Tri County Tech stops in (7-8)
- Jennifer Ennis stops by to talk about Elder Care (7-7)
- Ted Lockin, First Ward on the City Council, comes in to talk about the City of Bartlesville (7-6)
- Jan Watt, a Co-Producer for the Children's Musical Theater, comes in to talk about the upcoming production (7-5)
- Freedom Fest comes in to talk about this years festival in this two part interview (7-4)
- Chuck McCauley, new Superintendent, and Clint Mosslewhite from Bartlesville Public Schools come in to talk about (7-1)
- Charlene Dew from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma and Marama Bayles from Lowe Family Young Scholars Program come in and talk to Charlie (6-30)
- Jim Bridenstine comes in on Election Day to talk with Charlie (6-28)
- Deshane Atkins-Wiliams comes in to talk about the upcoming events at the Price Tower Arts Center (6-29)
- Jean Oliver speaks with Charlie on this Monday morning (6-27)
- First District House candidate Tom Atkinson calls in this morning to talk with Charlie (6-24)
- Nathan Thompson, Karen Wilson, and Natalie May come in to talk about the upcoming Freedom Fest (6-24)
- The Bartlesville Amateur Radio Club will be having their Field Day on June 25, 2016. Pete Slater and Matthew Sheets come in to talk about what it is and how to get involved.
- Jean Oliver sits down with Charlie (6-22)
- Shaun Henisey, President of the Bartlesville Film Society, sits down to talk about their next screening (6-22)
- Mayor Tom Gorman came in to discuss development plans in Bartlesville (6-21)
- Kim Northcutt, the Event Co-Chair for Relay for Life, sits down with Charlie (6-20)
- Patti Beavers from the Family Crisis & Counseling Services comes in to talk about their Casino Night invitation (6-17)
- OK Mozart's Randy Thompson was in to speak about the festivities (6-16)
- Lizabeth Rolson from OK Mozart stopped in to talk about the festival (6-15)
- Candidate for Washington County District 2 Commissioner Johnny Johnson (6-14)
- OK Mozart's Randy Thompson was in to speak about the festival (6-13)
- The City of Bartlesville came in to speak (6-13)
- County Commissioner Mike Bouvier was in to talk to Charlie (6-10)
- Sara Finton from Tri County Tech was in on Friday (6-10)
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service sits down to talk (6-8)
- Connie Lavorie visits about the League of Women Voters of Bartlesville (6-7)
- Express Employment Professionals come in to talk about Brand it Blue Day (6-6)
- Jennifer Ennis speaks about Elder Care (6-2)
- Nathan Thompson, Communications Chair for Freedom Fest and Sharon Hurst, Chair talked with Charlie about the Fourth of July Event (5-27).
- Stephanie Lief President of Sunfest was in to talk about the festival. (5-25)
- Community Connection 5-25
- Candidate for State Senate District 29 seat, Julie Daniels was in to talk about her campaign. (5-23)
- Community Connection 5-20
- OK Mozart sits in (5-18)
- Community Connection 5-18
- Jeri Melton reminds us that Wednesday is the deadline to sign up for this weekend's preliminary competition for the Country Showdown. (5-16)
- Kyla Toker is in from Tri-County Tech with an update on summer and fall classes. (5/13)
- Director of "The Kansas Open", Joe Sears is in to talk about the play's Oklahoma Premiere (5-12)
- Lighthouse Director, Errol Hada and Lighthouse Resident, Jena Rubatt are in with an update(5-11)
- Charlie Spoke with Oklahoma Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb this morning (5-11)
- Oldies 'n Goodies Car Club President Ken Harris and Vice-President Emmerich Lakadowsch preview this weekend's show (5-10)
- Washington County SPCA President, Dana Doornbos-Kiersey and 1st Vice-President, Darlene Shoemake want you to know about this wekend's Open House (5-10)
- District 1 Washington County Commissioner, Mitch Antle talks county business this morning. (5-6)
- Charlie spends some time interviewing Sentaor James Lankford (5-5)
- It's a full weekend of activities. Lauren Green is in from Bartlesville Symphony and then we feature Elder Care as they get set for The Good, the Bad, and the Barbeque. (5-5)
- We welcome in Journey Home Hospice to tell us about their latest event (5-4)
- Shawn Henisey updates the latest feature for the Bartlesville Film Society, "Casablanca" (5/3)
- A Bartlesville Art Association update from Amy Jenkins and Dedra Morgan (5-2)
- Lauren Green and D'Lynn Everett are in from the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra (4-29)
- Bartlesville Chamber Executive Director, Sherri Wilt has an April Update (4-27)
- Washington County Commissioner Mike Bouvier has a campaign update. (4-20)
- Dr. Randy Thompson of OK Mozart wants you to know about a couple of events (4-19)
- Jean Jensen in with information on the Paths to Independence "Light it Up Blue" 5K (4-18)
- Charlene Dew with Big Brothers Big Sisters. (4-14)
- Annah Fischer talks about B & G Club Harley Party. (4-11)
- Kyla Toker and Sar Finton from Tri County Tech. (4-8)
- Jennifer Ennis with Elder Care. (4-7)
- Mike Bouvier talks about Washington County Commissioners. (4-6)
- Jeri Melton talks about 2nd Annual Doenges KRIG Country Showdown. (4-6)
- Mayor Tom Gorman and Councilman Joseph Callahan talk about Bartlesville. (4-5)
- Deshane Atkins, Kristen Duncan and Drew Harry with Bartlesville Film Society. (4-5)
- Jeri Melton talks about Taste of Home Cooking School. (4-4)
- Chris Barton for Osage Enterprises. (3-31)
- Jody Burch talks about Stages2 Change. (3-30)
- Sherri Wilt of Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce. (3-30)
- Nolan Jones from Washington County Suicide Coalition. (3-29)
- Linda Wickham and Nick Owen talk about Relay for Life. (3-28)
- Loren Spivak Free Market Warrior. (3-25)
- Tami Brinkman and Jeri Melton Taste of home Cooking School. (3-24)
- Annah Fischer and Larry Lewis Boys & Girls Club. (3-23)
- Joe Sears with Heritage Theater. (3-23)
- Joanie Elmore and Shelby Brammer talk about Theater Bartlesville. (3-23)
- Patti Beavers Family Crisis and Counseling Center. (3-18)
- Pepper Hume talks about Heritage Theater. (3-17)
- Deshane Atkins Williams happenings at Price Tower. (3-16)
- Caney Valley Historical Society "Night at the Museum" (3-15)
- Price Conners and Jill Heinrich talk about Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. (3-15)
- Connie Lavoie Friends of the Library. (3-14)
- Kyla Toker from Tri County Tech. (3-10)
- Annah Fischer with Boys and Girls Club. (3-10)
- Lester Gagnon with Ramona Chamber of Commerce. (3-9)
- Jamye Ryan for BPSD. (3-9)
- John Kane of Bartlesville City Council. (3-8)
- Jamie Wood and Mark Haskell talk about Shamrock the Ville (3-8)
- Brandon Lewis of Community Concert Association. (3-7)
- Kary Cox of Washington County Emergency Management. (3-4)
- Jennifer Ennis of Elder Care. (3-3)
- D'Lynn Everett and Laren Green of BSO. (3-2)
- Tom Merrill from BancFirst talks about Ag Forum. (3-2)
- Tami Brinkman talks about Taste of Home Cooking School. (3-1)
- Joe Sears talks about Eddie Lee, Eddie Lee at Dewey Heritage Theater. (2-26)
- D'Lynn Everett Price Tower Arts Center. (2-25)
- Nathan Christensen Artistic Director for Seven Lively Arts. (2-24)
- Kym Whitmore of Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce. (2-24)
- Dale Copeland with Bartlesville City Council. (2-23)
- Pat Netzer and Connie Lavoie of Bartlesville League of Women Voters. (2-22)
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Ruprecht of Family Crisis & Counseling. (2-19)
- Charlene Dew and Brian O'Neill Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma (2-18)
- Dr. Gary Quinn Superintendent at BPSD. (2-17)
- Washington County Suicide Coalition. (2-16)
- Jeri Melton and Tami Brinkman Spring Fashion and Bridal Expo. (2-15)
- Chris Barton of Osage Enterprises. (2-12)
- Joe Sears with Dewey Community Center Heritage Theater. (2-11)
- Kyla Toker and Sara Finton of Tri County Tech. (2-10)
- Devin Tackett with Just Between Friends. (2-9)
- D Lynn Everett and Maestro Lauren Green of Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. (2-8)
- Mike Bouvier Washington County Board of Commissioners. (2-5)
- Jennifer Ellis from Elder Care. (2-4)
- Troy Martin of Theater Bartlesville "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. (2-3)
- Tom Gorman talks about Bartlesville City Council. (2-2)
- D'Lynn Everett and Price Connors Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. (2-2)
- Dwight Short and Kay Little talk about OLLI. (2-1)
- Dorea Potter with community events. (1-29)
- Julie Daniels candidate for Senate District 29. (1-28)
- Sherri Wilt with Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce. (1-27)
- Nolan Jones and Alesa Loftis Washington County Suicide Prevention. (1-26)
- Virgil Reese, OLLI instructor. (1-25)
- Dr. Randy Thompson OK Mozart Launch Party. (1-22)
- Tom Cubbage, OLLI Instructor The Great Secrets of the D Day Invasion. (1-21)
- Tom Gorman, Mayor of Bartlesville. (1-20)
- Jamie Ryan Community Relations Director at BPSD. (1-19)
- Virgil Reese, OLLI Instructor Genetic Engineering. (1-18)
- Patti Beavers from Family Crisis & Counseling Center. (1-15)
- Connie Lavoie Bartlesville Friends of the Library. (1-12)
- Anne Cleary talks about OLLI. (1-11)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care. (1-7)
- Dorea Potter talks about Ladies Connection. (1-6)
- John Kane with City Matters. (1-5)
- John Malone talks about eye health. (1-4)
- Charlie Taraboletti talks about Crime Stoppers. (12-30)
- Joe Sears with Old Fashioned New Year's Eve. (12-29)
- Friends in Deed Part 2. (12-25)
- Friends in Deed Part 1. (12-25)
- Blue Stem Cardiology. (12-23)
- Dorea Potter with Green Country Christmas. 12-21)
- Patti Beavers from Family Crisis and Counseling Center. (12-17)
- Carol Ervin Capitol Hill Grant program. (12-15)
- Dr. Quinn from BPSD. (12-14)
- Joe Sears Aunt Pearls Cookie Project. (12-11)
- Sarah Finton and Laura Walls from Tri County Tech. (12-11)
- Dr Randy Thompson from OK Mozart. (12-10)
- George Halikiades Christmas Dinner with Friends in Deed. (12-9)
- Ted Lockin from Bartlesville City Council. (12-8)
- Dorea Potter with Green Country Christmas. (12-7)
- Jennifer Ennis of Elder Care. (12-3)
- Price Connors and Deshane Atkins Williams of Price Tower (12-2)
- Martie Halter with Bartlesville Motorcycle Toy Run (11-27)
- Randy Weatherly Fantasy Land of Lights. (11-24)
- Karen Wilson with Bartlesville Kiwanis Club. (11-24)
- Jody Burch with Susan Kenney with Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma. (11-23)
- Joe Sears talks about Heritage Theater. (11-20)
- Family Crisis and Counseling. (11-20)
- Errol Hada of Lighthouse Outreach Center
- Dr. Randy Thompson talks about Ambler Hall concert on Friday. (11-18)
- John Kane, Bartlesville city councilman with City Matters. (11-17)
- Maestro Lauren Green talks about upcoming BSO concert (11-17)
- Jamie Wood talks about Mary Martha Outreach programs. (11-16)
- Charlotte Smith, local author, talks about her book, "Murder, Murder, Everywhere." (11-13)
- Sara Finton and Laura Walls from Tri-County Tech talks about current classes. (11-13)
- Jennifer Ennis talks about Elder Care programs. (11-12)
- Jean Jensen of Paths to Independence (11-11)
- Sherry Smith talks about Agape Missions goals. (11-11)
- M liss Jenkins from Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition. (11-10)
- Tami Brinkman and Jeri Melton talk about Green Country Christmas. (11-9)
- Sharon Reese Beauty for Ashes Tour for Women's Empowerment. (11-6)
- Seven Lively Arts previews their next production. (11-5)
- Deshane Williams and Price Connors talk about Price Tower. (11-4)
- Dori Potter and Jeri Melton talk about Green Country Christmas. (11-2)
- Pat Netzer-Willard Bartlesville League of Women Voters. (10-29)
- Reverend Sebastian Obima talks about Charity Centre Kenya. (10-28)
- Treasure Standeford, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Nowata. (10-28)
- Sherri Wilt talks about upcoming Bartlesville Regional Chamber of Commerce events. (10-28)
- Karen Leinen member of the Women's Ministry Group talks about "A Christmas Gathering" (10-27)
- Patty Leach, Executive Director at Family Healthcare Clinic talks about available services. (10-27)
- Joe Sears of Theater Bartlesville talks about Halloween events. (10-26)
- Dr Randy Thompson of OK Mozart talks about Friday concert. (10-22)
- Dr Gary Quinn of BPSD. (10-21)
- Mark Haskell of Mainstreet Bartlesville talks about Ghost Walk. (10-20)
- Debbie Halpin Exec Director Hopestone Cancer Support Center talks about Caregiver Tea Party. (10-20)
- Morris McCorvey and Annah Fischer talk about programs at Westside Community Center. (10-19)
- Halloween with Joe Sears. (10-16)
- Kevin and Carol talk about Dracula at Theater Bartlesvile. (10-15)
- Annah Fischer of BRUW talks about fundraising for campaign and Boy Scouts. (10-13)
- Elizabeth Thrash of Mainstreet Bartlesville talks about the Ghost Walk. (10-9)
- Sara Finton and Lauren Walls of Tri-County Tech. (10-9)
- Jennifer Ennis of Elder Care talks about flu shots and Parkinson's Support Group. (10-8)
- Wade Daniel Minister of Music at First Baptist Church. (10-7)
- Byron Boles Interim Exec Director at Price Tower. (10-7)
- M'liss Jenkins of Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition. (10-6)
- Lauren Green and D'Lynn Everett of Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. (10-6)
- Tami Brinkman and Jeri Melton talk about Taste of Home. (10-5)
- Brad Johnson Washington County Treasurer. (10-2)
- Lakita Tanner and Doyle Swan of Fraternal Order of Eagles. (10-2)
- Annah Fischer of BRUW talks about ways to donate. (10-1)
- Annah Fischer of BRUW talks about current programs. (9-29)
- Tami Brinkman and Jeri Melton talk about Taste of Home in Owasso. (9-29)
- Carol Ervin talks about available programs and workshops at Capitol Hill and Washington County Affordable Housing Coalition. (9-28)
- Tiffany Frye talks about Miles for Mammograms. (9-25)
- Jeri Melton talks about upcoming Taste of Home event. (9-25)
- Annah Fischer talks about United Way programs. (9-24)
- Dr Randy Thompson Ok Mozart and Ambler Hall. (9-23)
- Dr Gary Quinn reports on the BPSD meeting. (9-23)
- Larry Thrash and Tiffany Frye Western Heritage Weekend. (9-22)
- Caney Valley Schools Superintendent Rick Peters Bond Vote (9-22)
- Joe Sears talks about the "Salty Seniors" acting troupe. (9-22)
- Annah Fischer of BRUW talks about the 2016 campaign. (9-21)
- Patti Beavers Family Crisis and Counseling Center with Halloween Hustle (9-18)
- Todd Starnes, FOX News. (9-18)
- Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma committee members Pam Crawford and Lori Esser. Savannah Style. (9-17)
- OLLI courses Larry Souders and Kyle Thoreson. (9-16)
- Lauren Green Maestro of the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra. (9-16)
- Church Women United, Jeanette Pearson and Pat Netzer. (9-15)
- OLLI course Tom Cubbage. (9-15)
- BRUW...Jody Burch, Annah Fischer and Abigail Singrey. (9-14)
- Tri County Tech Kyla Toker and Sara Finton talk about Strategy Center. (9-11)
- Elder Care community coordinator Jennifer Ennis. (9-10)
- Bartlesville City councilman John Kane talks about city business. (9-9)
- Group from Seven Lively Arts talks about Downtown Radio Players. (9-7)
- Doyle Swan and Lakita Tanner of F.O,E. talks about People Helping Pantries. (9-4)
- Joanie Elmore and Troy Martin from Theater Bartlesville. (9-1)
- Kay Litle and Betty Keim talk about OLLI courses. (9-1)
- Pam Pollock, manager of Washington County Free Fair. (8-31)
- Fritz Green talks about OLLI course, The Web in a Nutshell. (8-28)
- Diane Dixon, Volunteer Social Chair for the OLLI program. (8-27)
- Mirelle Onukwube of Boys and Girls Club Gear Up for Greatness (8-25)
- Patti Beavers from Family Crisis & Counseling Services. (8-21)
- Chris Barton from Osage Casino. (8-20)
- Dr. Gary Quinn, BPSD Superintendent. (8-19)
- Larry Bergner Director Washington County Health Department. (8-18)
- Doann Nguyen Bartlesville City Council. (8-18)
- Tiffany Bruce and Kyla Toker of Tri County Tech. (8-14)
- Jennifer Ennis Community Relations Coordinator from Elder Care talks about senior programs. (8-13)
- Henry Liga of Building Bridges Oklahoma. (8-12)
- Nolan Jones, treasurer of Washington County Suicide Prevention. (8-11)
- Daven Tackett talks about Just Between Friends event. (8-11)
- Jim Stanton of the American Red Cross talks about upcoming fundraisers. (8-10)
- Dr Randy Thompson of OK Mozart. (8-7)
- Downtown Radio Players. (8-6)
- Jeremy Russ Director of Sutton Center and Wild Brew fundraiser. (8-4)
- Sherri Smith of Agape Mission talks about Empty Bowls fundraiser. (8-4)
- Annah Fischer of United Way. (8-3)
- Ruth Nicklaus talks about Inter-State Rodeo. (7-31)
- Sheri Wilt talks about upcoming Chamber of Commerce events. (7-29)
- Carol Ervin and Eric Jaekel Washington County Affordable Housing. (7-28)
- Charlene Dew and Kevin Chen Big Brothers Big Sisters and the BIG Event on the Bayou. (7-28)
- Pam Pollock Washington County Free Fair. (7-27)
- Evan Farbach talks baseball tournaments in Bartlesville. (7-22)
- City Matters with Councilman Ted Lockin. (7-21)
- Abigail Singrey and Annah Fischer of United Way talk about new campaign. (7-20)
- Cranston Dodds, Director of Children's Musical Theater talks about Mary Poppins. (7-16)
- Ruth Nicolaus talks about the 2015 Inter-State Fair and Rodeo in Coffeyville. (7-15)
- Dorea Potter talking about KWON Auction. (7-14)
- Jeri Melton and contestants talk about KRIG Country Showdown. (7-13)
- Tiffany Bruce and Kyla Toker of Tri County Tech talk about fall classes. (7-10)
- Jennifer Ennis of Elder Care talks about available programs. (7-9)
- Leslie Graham talks about Quilt show this weekend. (7-8)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville Councilman, talks about sales tax increase. (7-7)
- Russell Vaclaw, District Judge talks about Washington County Court. (7-3)
- Pam Pollock and others talk about Washington County Free Fair. (7-2)
- Byron Boles, Interim Exec Director of Price Tower Arts Center. (7-1)
- Sherri Smith and Carol Beck talk about Washington County Schools Supply Drive. (6-30)
- Sharon Hurst and Karen Wilson talk about Freedom Fest (6-29)
- Jeri Melton talks about the KRIG Country Showdown. (6-26)
- Senator James Lankford talks about the Affordable Care Act. (6-26)
- Chris Baron of Osage Casino. (6-25)
- Tami Brinkman talks about the KWON Radio Auction on July 25th. (6-24)
- Dan Gordon talks about Tallgrass Theatre Festival. (6-23)
- Jeri Melton talks about County Showdown semi final on Thursday. (6-23)
- Jody Burch and Annah Fischer talk about upcoming United Way campaign. (6-22)
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Ruprecht of Family Crisis & Counseling. (6-19)
- KRIG Country Showdown with Jeri Melton. (6-18)
- John Kane and Mike Bailey talk about City Matters. (6-16)
- Tiffany Bruce and Kyla Toker of Tri County Tech talk about enrolling for upcoming programs. (6-12)
- Courtney Fuller from Ramona Chamber of Commerce talks about Alumni Weekend. (6-12)
- Stevie Williams from Elder Care talks about available programs for seniors. (6-11)
- Freedom Fest staff talks about this year's contests and the need for volunteers. (6-10)
- Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition members talk about seniors. (6-9)
- Tim Rockwell, Wrestling for a Cause. The Fight for Kyrian (6-8)
- Dr. Randy Thompson and Judy Moreland of OK Mozart talk about the upcoming event. (6-4)
- Byron Boles, Interim Executive Director at Price Tower, talks about activities and new menu items. (6-3)
- Giz Robison and and Kevin Mnich talk about upcoming events at Heritage Theater in Dewey. (6-2)
- Doenges Car Talk (5-28)
- Stephanie Lief and Pamela Patteson talk about Bartlesville Sunfest (5-27)
- Leonelle Hill and Annah Fischer, of Bartlesville Regional United Way, talk about the next campaign. (5-26)
- Gail Inman, manager of Antique & Collectible Association, talks about June 6th show. (5-25)
- World War II Veteran Allen Richter talks about his war memories and Memorial Day. (5-25)
- Don Clifford, President of the Caney Valley Antique Power Association talks about Pioneer Days. (5-22)
- Mark Beckwith of Nevus Outreach talks about upcoming fundraiser. (5-21)
- Pastor Dr. Randy Schuneman has published a new book. We talk about it with him about Sewn Together By God. (5-22)
- Dr Gary Quinn, BPSD Superintendent, talks about construction and end of school year activities. (5-20)
- Dale Copeland, City Council, talks budget, city pools and Memorial Day ceremony at White Rose Cemetery. (5-19)
- Tiffany Bruce and Kyla Toker of Tri County Tech talk about upcoming programs. (5-18)
- Cheryl Streets and Adam Cribbs talk about Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville. (5-15)
- Stevie Williams, Director of Community Relations at Elder Care talks about programs. (5-14)
- Stephanie Lief and Pam Patteson talk about Sunfest. (5-13)
- Stella Shoff from Suicide Prevention Coalition talks about services and resources. (5-12)
- Karen Wilson and Sharon Hurst, co-chairs of Bartlesville Freedom Fest, talk about the event. (5-11)
- Ed Gordon with City Matters. (5-11)
- Ok Mozart Exec Director Dr. Randy Thompson talks about the upcoming festival. (5-7)
- Byron Boles, Price Tower Interim Executive Director, discusses upcoming events. (5-6)
- Attorney David Smith shares information on Osage settlement for mismanagement of trust funds by federal government. (5-5)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville Vice Mayor, discusses City Matters. (5-5)
- Jim Bridenstine, U.S. Congressman, talks about OK National Guard and the federal budget. (5-5)
- Ken Harris and Emmerich Lakadosch from Oldies 'N Goodies Car Show. (5-4)
- Brad Johnson, Washington County Treasurer, talks about the budget. (5-1)
- Lauren Green of the Bartlesville Symphony talks about Saturday's Symphonic Rock show. (4-30)
- Penny Meadows of Mutual Girls Club talks about summer programs and enrollment. (4-29)
- Kym Whitmore of Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce talks about May events. (4-29)
- Jeri Melton talks about Country Showdown sponsored by Doenges Family of Autos. (4-28)
- Ed Gordon with City Matters. (4-27)
- Jody Burch of the Bartlesville United Way and Gina Elias of Bridges Out of Poverty introduce a new local initiative (4-27)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care talks about programs and "The Good, The Bad and The BBQ." (4-23)
- Dr. Gary Quinn, BPSD Superintendent, talks about construction and school events. (4-22)
- Morris McCorrey, Poetry Night at Theater Bartlesville. (4-21)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville 5th Ward Councilman, discusses City Matters. (4-21)
- Lester Gajan, Chairman of the Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo, talks about the upcoming event. (4-20)
- Patti Beavers, Victim Advocate Volunteer Coordinator at Family Crisis and Counseling Center shares information. (4-17)
- Paths to Independence-Audra Bridendolph speaks about Light It Up Blue Bartlesville, taking place April 25th. (4-16)
- State AG Scott Pruitt talks about religious freedom in public schools. (4-15)
- Childrens Svcs Administrator at Grand Lake Mental Health Center Kimberly Hill talks about Suicide Prevention and Awareness. (4-14)
- Bartlesville Project Engineer Daryl Worley talks about the April 25th "Operation Clean House" (4-14)
- City Matters with City Manager Ed Gordon talks about things happening in Bartlesville with city staff. (4-13)
- Bartlesville's Bluestem Cardiology and Jane Phillips Medical Center continue to advance Bartlesville's Quality of Life. Mike Wilt explains. (4-13)
- Tri-County Tech has some fresh offerings and invites you to the Dental Technology Lab (4-10)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb talks turkey hunt in western Oklahoma and a chance to talk about economic event. (4-8)
- Fran Stallings is the MC for Tapestry Tales, Tulsa's Storytelling Festival. (4-7)
- Jeri Melton talks about the upcoming Country Showdown. (4-7)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville First Ward, talks about City Matters. (4-7)
- Tami Brinkman and Jamie Dunn talk about the Taste of Home Cooking Class. (4-6)
- Jean Jensen, co-founder Paths to Independence, talks about Autism Awareness Month and "Light It Up Blue Bartlesville." (4-3)
- Mitch Antle, Washington County Commissioner District 1, discusses infrastructure projects. (4-3)
- Chad Perceful, East Cross UMC talks about the meaning of Easter. (4-2)
- Amy Haley, Price Tower Director of Marketing Development, talks about current exhibitions and the upcoming egg drop. (4-1)
- Shelby Brammer, guest director of Our Town at Theater Bartlesville, talks about the production. (3-31)
- Mirelle Onukwube, with Boys & Girls Club of Bartlesville talks about the Poker Run and Harley Party on April 18th. (3-30)
- Terrence Gibson and Yulia Pashchenko, students at OKWU talk about All Sons and Daughters Concert. (3-27)
- Jennifer Evans, Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care. (3-26)
- Jamie Dunn talks about the upcoming Taste of Home Cooking School on April 7th. (3-25)
- Charlene Dew, Director of Bartlesville Area Big Brothers, Big Sisters talks about how to volunteer and the choosing of Big Brother, Big Sister of the Year. (3-24)
- Jody Burch, CEO of Bartlesville Regional United Way. (3-23)
- Ed Gordon, Bartlesville City Manager and City Matters. (3-23)
- Gail Mills, OSU Cooperative Extension Educator for Washington County, talks about family nutrition. (3-20)
- Patti Beavers, Volunteer Coordinator for Family Crisis & Counseling, talks about available services. (3-20)
- Clair Bartley and Joleigh Chancellor talk about Paths to Independence and Light it Up Blue, Bartlesville. (3-19)
- Ed Gordon, Bartlesville City Manager talks about sales tax distribution. (3-17)
- Joe Sears talks about Cowboy Dinner Theater and Eddie Lee, Eddie Lee. (3-16)
- Amber Wilson and Lauren Walls, Tri-County Enrollment Specialists discuss class opportunities. (3-13)
- Sandra Marshall of Dewey Merchant's Co-op talks about events coming up this Saturday, March 14th. (3-12)
- Dr Gary Quinn, of BPSD, talks about construction and Spring Break. (3-11)
- Doug Quinn, President of "The Journey Home," talks about an upcoming fundraising event. (3-10)
- M'liss Jenkins, of the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition, talks about available programs (3-10)
- Ed Gordon and Terry Lauritsen, City of Bartlesville talk about City Matters. (3-9)
- Kary Cox, Washington County Emergency Mgmt Director talks about emergency situations. (3-6)
- Senator John Lankford talks about President Obama's Immigration Policy. (3-5)
- Amy Haley, Marketing Director at Price Tower, talks about available tours. (3-4)
- Robert Reeves about the Distinguished Young Women group and upcoming pageant. (3-3)
- Jamie Dunn and Dorea Potter discuss Taste of Home Cooking School. (3-2)
- Joe Sears of Theater Bartlesville talks about upcoming productions. (2-27)
- Jessica Ennis of Elder Care talks about senior services. (2-26)
- Ramona Chamber President and Vice President discuss annual Recognition Dinner. (2-25)
- Sheri Wilt, Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce, talks about success of Business and Home Show. (2-25)
- Jody Burch, CEO and Director of Bartlesville Regional United Way talks about non profit grant training. (2-24)
- Kaleb Potter talks about the upcoming Bridal and Fashion Show. (2-23)
- Family Crisis & Counseling Center representatives talk about sexual abuse of teens. (2-20)
- Scott Pruitt, State's AG, talks about immigration reform. (2-19)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville City Council, talks about Public Works and the Water Treatment Plant. (2/18)
- Dr. Randy Thompson previews the OK Mozart St. Patty's Day Event (2-17)
- Amy Haley, Price Tower Marketing Director, talks about changes and upcoming events. (2-16)
- Tiffany Bruce of Tri-County Tech talks about available classes and adult education. (2-13)
- Lt Governor Todd Lamb talks about upcoming legislation. (2-12)
- Chad Englehart of Phillips 66 Splash Club talks about coming events. (2-11)
- Stella Shoff and Kym Puga of Washington County Suicide Prevention New Programs (2-10)
- Kevin Mnich and Joe Sears talk about the play, Almost Main. (2-9)
- Mike Bouvier, Washington County Board Commissioner talks about the budget. (2-6)
- OLLI instructors, Joe Sears and Michelle Martin, discuss their courses. (2-5)
- OLLI instructors, Virgil Reese and Nikki Hanna, discuss their courses. (2-4)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville City Councilman, reviews Monday night's meeting (2-3)
- Larry Souders, OLLI instructor, talks about class on Five Civilized Tribes. (2-2)
- RuthAnn Sirbaugh, Director of the OLLI program talks about upcoming classes. (1-30)
- Dorea Potter and Tami Brinkman talk about the upcoming Spring Bridal and Fashion Show. (1-29)
- Marilyn Blumer and Pat Metzer from Bartlesville LWV talk about 95th anniversary
- Sherri Wilt, Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce, talks about February events. (1-28)
- Jean Jensen of Paths to Independence talks about the upcoming "Wish Upon a Star" event. (1-27)
- United Way Marketing Coordinator Abigail Singrey, CEO Jody Burch talk about Campaign (1-26)
- Patty Beavers talks about the focus on domestic violence. (1-23)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care talks about fitness for seniors. (1-22)
- John J Kane and Kary Cox talk about Bartlesville and Washington County Emergency Management issues.
- Charlene Dew, Area Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters (1-20)
- Sydney Newcomb of Caney Valley H.S. AP History Class about "Night at the Museum" (1-19)
- Lauren Greene of Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra on Community Connection (1-16)
- Stella Shoff from Washington County Suicide Prevention updated us on Community Connection (1-13)
- Tiffany and Kyla from Tri-County Technology Center talked about the upcoming semester of classes at Tri-County. (1-9)
- Doanne Nguyen from the Bartlesville City Council discussed Monday's meeting. (1-6)
- Todd Mathes joined us this morning to talk about the assessor's position. (1-5)
- Dorea Potter previews upcoming Bartlesville Ladies Connection Meetings. (12-31)
- Amy Haley, Director of Marketing for the Price Tower, discusses the upcoming Olive Drop. (12-29)
- George Halkiades, Chair of the Friends in Deed Dinner, previewed the annual event. (12-24)
- Jeff Burress and Chad Percival from East Cross United Methodist Church, came in to talk about their Christmas Eve Services. (12-22)
- Markwayne Mullin, 2nd District Congressman, updated us on Washington D.C. (12-18)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public Schools, gave an update on construction and other events in the schools. (12-17)
- Dale Copeland from the City of Bartlesville gave us the latest from the city. (12-16)
- Rod MacIlvaine was joined by his father Bill to talk about Bill's new book, "Love Letters From the Front." (12-15)
- Patti Beavers from Family and Crisis Counseling Center talked about the signs a person may show when contemplating suicide. (12-12)
- Randy Thompson, Executive Director for OK Mozart, previewed the announcement party coming up January 22nd. (12-11)
- Sarah Ginton and Lauren Walls from Tri-County Tech announced the upcoming community education classes. (12-10)
- Stella Shoff from Washington County Suicide Prevention talked about general opportunities through the coalition. (12-9)
- Julie Daniels from Boys and Girls Club discussed the latest goings on in The Club, including the club's 60 year anniversary. (12-8)
- Jennifer Ennis from Eldercare talked about all the activities going on in December at Eldercare. (12-4)
- Amy Haley, Director of Marketing and Development from the Price Tower discussed the latest from the Price Tower. (12-3)
- Dorea Potter outlined this month's Bartlesville Ladies Connection program (12-1)
- Tina Gray from the Miracle Temple Church of God in Christ previewed their upcoming 12th Annual Christmas Banquet. (11-28)
- Chris Barton gave us the latest from Osage Enterprises/Casino. (11-25)
- Dorea Potter spoke about the ongoing Green Country Christmas Giveaway. This year more then $35,000 in cash and prizes will be given away. (11-24)
- Jody Burch, Executive Director of the Bartlesville Regional United Way, discussed the ongoing fundraising campaign. (11-21)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public Schools discussed the latest from BPSD. (11-19)
- Karen Wilson, VP of the Downtown Bartlesville Kiwanis, talked about all the exciting events coming up for the Christmas Season, including the parade. (11-18)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 2 City Councilman, reviewed Monday night's City Council meeting. (11-18)
- Nancy Leonard-Matthews and Fran Stallings previewed the upcoming Tellabration set for Friday. (11-17)
- Martie Halter and Chelsea Pendergraft announced this year's 27th Annual Bartlesville Motorcycle Toy Run set for Saturday, December 6th. (11-17)
- Crystal, Patti and Gina from Family Crisis and Counseling Center talked about the center and how it helps the community. (11-14)
- Maestro Lauren Green of the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra previewed Saturday's "Audience Favorites" concert. (11-13)
- Charlie Daniels, OK Mozart Chairman, talked about the upcoming launch party set for January 22. (11-12)
- Jamie Wood from Mary Martha Outreach talked about the outreach and how the United Way helps it. (11-10)
- Rick Silver, Washington County Sheriff, previewed the upcoming Citizens Police Academy set tp begin in early January. (11-7)
- Stevie Williams, Director of Community Relations for Elder Care talked about the upcoming open house set for December 1st. (11-6)
- Amy Haley from the Price Tower Arts Center discussed the need for volunteers as well as the opportunity for renting party space. (11-5)
- DoAnne Nguyen, Ward 4 representative from the Bartlesville City Council reviewed Monday night's meeting with us. (11-4)
- Dorea Potter outlined the rules and prizes for this years' "Green Country Christmas" Giveaway. (11-3)
- Laura Robertson from Paths to Independence joined us to talk about the upcoming progressive dinner. (10-31)
- Anthony Tucker, Candidate for the District 10 Oklahoma House Seat, spoke this morning. (10-30)
- Sherri Wilt from the Chamber of Commerce, discussed, among other things, the upcoming Chamber After Hours event. (10-29)
- Travis Dunlap, Candidate for the District 10 Oklahoma House Seat, spoke this morning. (10-28)
- Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Attorney General, talked about a multitude of topics, including crime mapping. (10-24)
- Jean Jensen from Paths to Independence, talked about the upcoming fundraiser, their 3rd annual progressive dinner. (10-23)
- Dr. Gary Quinn, Bartlesville Schools' Superintendent, outlined ongoings at the school. (10-22)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 2 City Councilman, discussed the goings on in the city this morning. (10-21)
- Patty Leach, Director of the Family Healthcare Clinic, discussed the United Way's help for her organization. (10-20)
- Joy Hofmeister, candidate for State Superintendent, described her ideas for education in the state. (10-16)
- Troy Martin and Dana Gore joined us to talk about the upcoming Downtown Ghost Walk. (10-15)
- Dorea Potter talked about today's Taste of Home Cooking Show in Owasso. (10-14)
- Abigail Singrey from United Way was joined by Robert Phillips from the YMCA to talk about the ongoing United Way campaign and how it helps the "Y." (10-13)
- Patti Beavers and Melissa Rupprecht from Family Crisis and Counseling discussed how their organization helps those in need. (10-10)
- Jean Jensen, Co-Founder of Paths to Independence, previewed the 3rd Annual Progressive Dinner Party set for November 8th. (10-9)
- Todd Lamb, Oklahoma's Lieutenant Governor, spoke with Charlie this morning. (10-8)
- Tom Gorman, Mayor of the City of Bartlesville, discussed Monday night's meeting. (10-7)
- Jason Barta, Executive Director for the Bartlesville Area Boys and Girls Club talked about how United Way helps his organization. (10-6)
- Jennifer Ennis Community Relations Coordinator from Elder Care talked about upcoming events. (10-2)
- Deshane Atkins and Judy Duvall from Price Tower Arts Center talked about the current exhibition as well as volunteer work. (10-1)
- Dawn Venne, Vocational Director from EmployAbility Inc, talked about how the United Way assists her organization. (9-30)
- Stacy and Anna from the Community Care Transitions Team previewed the upcoming health fair. (9-29)
- Larry Thrash and Rod Nicholas spoke about the upcoming Western Heritage Days in Dewey. (9-26)
- Lauren Green from the Bartlesville Symphony previewed their upcoming season. (9-26)
- Sherri Smith and Abigail Singrey from the Bartlesville Regional United Way shared some success stories from local organizations the United Way assists. (9-25)
- Chris Barton from Osage Enterprises gave an update on the latest with the Osage gaming and businesses. (9-23)
- Larry Sanders and Diane Dixon, Instructors from the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute talked about their classes, World Religions and Metal Aerobics. (9-22)
- Kristin Jones and Abigail Singrey from the United Way were joined by Majors Michael and Lori Barnhouse from the Salvation Army to talk about the UW's ongoing fundraising campaign. (9-19)
- Morris McCorvey Executive Director for the Westside Center talked about the fall Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Classes. (9-18)
- Chris Tanea, Bartlesville Public Schools Community Relations Coordinator gave us the latest update from the school system. (9-17)
- Bartlesville Vice-Mayor Ted Lockin was in to discuss the previous evening's meeting. (9-16)
- Abigail Singrey, Patti Beavers and Kristin Lambert, representing the United Way and the Family Crisis and Counseling Center talked about the ongonig United Way Campaign and the fundraiseer set for Saturday. (9-12)
- Kay Little, Barbara Garrison and Vicki Stewart from OLLI talked about the upcoming classes. (9-10)
- Pam Crawford, Board Member of the Girl Scouts of Eastern OK, spoke with us about Pearls and Pinot set for Sept. 29. (9-9)
- Larry Thrash talked about the upcoming Western Heritage Weekend. (9-8)
- Mike Dunlap, County Commissioner, discussed the ogings on in the county including the free fair and road and bridge projects. (9-5)
- Members of the United Way joined us to talk about the ongoing Fund Drive. (9-4)
- Dorea Potter announced that tickets for the Owasso Taste of Home Cooking School are now for sale. (9-2)
- Jim Bridenstine was interviewed in August, this is the interview. (9-2)
- Pam Pollock reminded us of the Washington County Free Fair set for this weekend. (9-1)
- Lisa Jander, Author of Dater's Ed talked about safe teen dating. (8-29)
- Diana Garrett and Trish Wooldridge from Dynamic Independence previewed the upcoming Accessible Festival set for September 6. (8-29)
- Beth DeGeer spoke about the electronic items available at the Bartlesville Public Library. (8-28)
- Sherri Wilt from the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce updated us on the latest goings on at The Chamber. (8-27)
- Charlie Daniels and Kristin Jones from the Boy Scouts discussed how United Way assists the organization. (8-26)
- Nolan Jones and M'liss Jenkins from Washington County Suicide Prevention joined us this morning. (8-25)
- Gubernatorial Candidate Joe Dorman described some planks in his platform this morning. (8-22)
- Abigail Singrey, Jody Burch, and Kristin Jones from the Bartlesville Regional United Way discussed the upcoming fundraising campaign. (8-22)
- Chad Perceful and Jeff Burress from East Cross UMC announced that East Cross is releasing a CD at Sunday's Annual Beach Party. (8-21)
- Dr. Gary Quinn updated us on school construction and other events in the Bartlesville School District. (8-20)
- Doanne Nguyen, City Councilor for Ward 4 joined us to discuss proceedings of Monday's Bartlesville City Council Meeting. (8-19)
- Pam Pollock, Washington County Free Fair Manager talked about the need for volunteers for the upcoming 100th Washington County Free Fair. (8-18)
- Jim Stanton Race Chairman for the 12th Annual Run For Relief talked about the upcoming race. (8-15)
- Kristin Jones, Abigail Singrey from the Bartlesville Regional United Way and Dejah Covick from the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma talked about upcoming United Way events. (8-14)
- Ruth Nicolaus joined us to talk about the ongoing 106th Inter-State Fair and Rodeo in Coffeyville. (8-12)
- Suzanne Jette-Duhon talked about this weekend's Samaritan Sports Spectacular featuring OSU's Baseball Coach, Josh Holliday. (8-11)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison form Family Crisis and Counseling reviewed the Mad Hatter Tea Party and talked about the services at Family Crisis and Counseling. (8-8)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care talked about the latest at Elder Care. (8-7)
- Carol Whitebrook, Cherokee Area Council Scout Executive talked about the life learning programs that are part of the BSA as well as upcoming activities. (8-6)
- Amy Hailey from the Price Tower Arts Center joined us to outline the Family Arts Festival. (8-4)
- Pam Pollock, Washington County Free Fair Manager talked about the 100th Annual Free Fair, set for September 2-6. (8-1)
- Mirelle Onukwube and Brad Doenges talked about the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville this morning. (7-31)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce talked about upcoming chamber events and the launch of the new BACC Webpage set for Friday. (7-30)
- Ed Gordon was joined by Police Chief Tom Holland and Utilities Director Terry Lauritsen to talk about the state of the city. (7-28)
- Dorea Potter talked about the upcoming Bartlesville Radio Auction set for Saturday morning. (7-25)
- Carol Beck, Vice President of the Washington County School Supply Drive talked about the upcoming pack the backpacks school supply drive. (7-24)
- Chris Tanea Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Schools previewed the upcoming school year. (7-23)
- Tom Gorman, Mayor of Bartlesville, updated us on the latest goings on in Bartlesville. (7-22)
- Ann Cleary, Board Member from the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute @ OSU talked about new classes starting Sept. 22. (7-18)
- Tracye Caughell, Children's Musical Theatre Producer discussed this weekend's performance of Peter Pan. (7-15)
- Tami Brinkman outlines this year's annual radio auction coming up next Saturday. (7-14)
- Sylvia Starr Community Liaison for Family Crisis and Counseling Center talked about the anonymous address program. (7-11)
- Dan Gordon and Joe Sears joined us to talk about the Tallgrass Theatre Festival. (7-10)
- Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb spoke this morning about his latest trip to Washington D.C. (7-9)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville Vice-Mayor, outlined Monday evening's City Council Meeting. (7-8)
- Joe Sears and Troy Martin talked about Theater Bartlesville and the upcoming Audition Workshops. (7-7)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator from Elder Care was with us this morning. (7-3)
- Amy Hailey from the Price Tower Arts Center talked about the 4th of July Holiday Hours at the Price Tower as well as upcoming events. (7-2)
- Ray Rothko of the Astra Arts Festival outlined this year's events. (7-1)
- Sherri Smith, Founding Board Member of the Washington County School Supply Drive announced the opening of enrollment for the program. (6-30)
- Vicki Walden discussed the Conerstone Classical Academy Thursday morning. (6-26)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce joined us this morning. (6-25)
- Chris Barton from Osage Enterprises described some of the tasty things found at the Osage Casinos. (6-24)
- Mark Brashear and Tara Owens previewed the upcoming H.O.T. Street Party. (6-23)
- Evelyn Rogers, Candidate for US Senate joined us to talk about her platform. (6-20)
- Markwayne Mullin, Oklahoma Congressman, discussed politics this morning. (6-19)
- Todd Lamb, Oklahoma Lt. Governor, joined us to discuss Oklahoma summer activities. (6-18)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 4 Bartlesville City Councilman, joined us for discussion. (6-17)
- Sharon Hurst and Dejah Covick, Chair and Co-Chair, respectively, of Freedom Fest, discussed the annual 4th of July event in Bartlesville. (6-16)
- Moni Heinrich and Janet Vermillion from the Ramona Chamber of Commerce joined us to talk about this weekend's Caney Valley Homecoming celebration. (6-13)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison for the Family Crisis and Counseling Center spoke with us this morning. (6-13)
- Carol Lynn Fry and Kevin Mnich from Pegasus Productions spoke about the upcoming art walk as well as the life size puppet shows to be presented to the public Friday. (6-11)
- Joe Dorman, Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate outlined his platform. (6-10)
- Ed Gordon, Mike Bailey, and Terry Lauritsen from the City of Bartlesville discussed the latest developments in the city. (6-9)
- Mitch Antle, Community Development Officer from Washington County Community Development, discusses Smart 911 and Homeowner's Insurance Affordability Act. (6-6)
- Randy Thompson, Executive Director for OK Mozart, and Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care, discuss their respective organizations. (6-5)
- Judy Duvall and Amy Haley from the Price Tower Arts Center previewed the newest feature in the gallery. (6-4)
- Ted Lockin, Vice-Mayor and Doann Nguyen, Council Member, joined us from the Bartlesville City Council and discussed Monday evening's meeting. (6-3)
- Andy Craig, Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate joined us for a discussion about his candidacy. (6-2)
- Aaron Delozier, Independent candidate for U.S. Senate talked about his candidacy for the seat and why he's running. (5-30)
- Erick Wyatt, Republican candidate for the 6 year U.S. Senate seat. (5-29)
- Sherri Wilt, President of the Bartlesville Regional Chamber of Commerce. (5-28)
- D. Jean McBride-Samuels, Republican candidate for the 6 year U.S. Senate seat. (5-27)
- Don Clifford, President of the Caney Valley Antique Power Association talked about the upcoming CVAPA Tractor Show. (5-23)
- Kevin Crow, Candidate for U.S. Senate, set forth his platform. (5-22)
- Natalie May and Pam Patteson previewed the upcoming SUNFEST festivities. (5-21)
- Gary Quinn, Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent talked about the closing of the school year and gave updates on the 2013 bond issue. (5-21)
- David Preston, Executive Director of the OKWU Foundation, discussed the Foster Bonanza Fundraiser. (5-20)
- Tom Gorman, Bartlesville Mayor, outlined Monday's city council meeting, including the budget forum. (5-20)
- Bill Viner, Candidate for Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner spoke about his candidacy. (5-19)
- Dorea Potter shared information about the Bartlesville Ladies Connection. (5-19)
- John Doak, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner, was in earlier this week and recorded this interview. He discusses the film about the Moore Tornado, "Where Was God?" (5-16)
- Markwayne Mullin joined us to discuss the need for citizen legislators. (5-15)
- Andrea Dreiden from Jane Phillips talked about the 1 year anniversary of the Congestive Heart Failure Clinic at Bluestem Cardiology as well as the upcoming heart walk. (5-13)
- Ann Cleary from the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute spoke with us about the summer courses beginning May 20. (5-12)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison from Family Crisis and Counseling joined us for today's Community Connection. (5-9)
- Emmerich Lakadosch, KenHarris, and Carol Ervin previewed this weekend's Oldies 'N Goodies Car Show. (5-8)
- Amy Haley and Judy Duvall from the Price Tower talked about the Arts Center and the Hotel at the historic building. (5-7)
- Dale Copeland, Ward 5 City Councilman, discussed Monday's City Council Meeting. (5-6)
- Mike Bishop from the Pine Mountain Theater in Eureka Springs talked about the beauty of the area and the Great Passion Play. (5-5)
- Brad Johnson, Washington County Treasurer joined us to talk about what it is his office does. (5-2)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care previewed their upcoming fundraiser, The Good, the Bad and the Bar-b-que. (5-1)
- Sheri Wilt, President of the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce reviewed the Rebranding Bartlesville Forum. (4-30)
- Lauren Green and LeeGroth Olsen from the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra previewed the upcoming Disney Concert this weekend. (4-29)
- Errol Hada, Director of the Lighthouse Outreach Center spoke with us about what services are offered at the lighthouse and how you can get involved. (4-28)
- Chris Barton, Osage Nation Enterprises Spokesman, updated us on the latest at the casino especially a free lunch buffet for mothers on Mothers' Day. (4-25)
- Superintendent Gary Quinn updated us on the latest from Bartlesville Schools. (4-23)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville Vice-Mayor, discussed the latest from Bartlesville City Council. (4-22)
- David Emery from Phillips 66 and Daryl Worley from the City of Bartlesville talked about this Saturday's Operation Clean House. (4-21)
- Reborn Fellowship Church has something special planned for Easter. We get more from Bishop Glenn Dickson
- Green Country Ranch Rodeo is coming. We get more from Lester Gagin, Tim Fuller, and Angel Barrows.
- Wesleyan Christian School Students are asking for your participation in a service project. We get more from Director of Development, Jan Boomer.
- Chad Perceful, Associate Pastor from East Cross United Methodist Church talked with us about Holy Week Services, including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. (4-15)
- Mike Wilt from the Bluestem Foundation, alerted us to the upcoming Heart Walk. (4-14)
- Lee GrothOlsen, General Manager for the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra, previewed their Alt*Aft concert, "The Composer is Dead." (4-10)
- Josh Peek, PRCA Competition Cowboy, chatted with us about the ProRodeo National Championship to be held this weekend in Guthrie. (4-9)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 2 City Councilman, updated us on the latest goings on from the City of Bartlesville. (4-8)
- Dorea Potter excited us with tasty information about the Taste of Home Cooking School. (4-7)
- Jennifer Ennis Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care informed us about this year's "The Good The Bad and The Bar-b-que." (4-3)
- Christy Johnson joined us to talk about the upcoming Lady's Connection event set for the 10th. (4-2)
- Mirelle Onukwube from the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville told us about the upcoming Harley Party. (4-1)
- Kevin Mnich from Theater Bartlesville enticed us with information about the upcoming play "Fox on the Fairway." (3-31)
- Jean Jenson from Paths to Independence reminded us that April is Autism Awareness Month. (3-28)
- Marty Scott from Liverpool Legends talked about their upcoming concert in Bartlesville. (3-28)
- Chris Barton from Osage Enterprises, discussed the new boutique hotels in Skiatook and Ponca City. (3-27)
- Sherri Wilt, President of the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce, gave a chamber update and reminded us to shop local. (3-26)
- Amy Haley, Director of Marketing and Foundation Development for Price Tower Arts Center shared information about the upcoming Egg Drop at the Price Tower. (3-25)
- Jamie Dunn from the Taste of Home Cooking School previewed the upcoming event. (3-24)
- Markwayne Mullin, Second District Congressman talked about the latest out of Washington. (3-20)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public Schools, talked about teacher of the year results and gave a construction update. (3-19)
- Ed Gordon, Terry Lauritsen and Mike Bailey from the City of Bartlesville talked about the latest from the city. (3-18)
- Joy Collins and other members of Bartians For Academic Freedom described their worries about Common Core. (3-17)
- Phyllis Wood and Sylvia Star from Family Crisis and Counseling talked about the batterers program. (3-14)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb joined us this morning for our Community Connection. (3-13)
- Dan Gordon, Writer and Director talked about his upcoming play, "The Kingdom of Democracy" (3-12)
- Jamie Wood and Mark Haskell from Mary Martha Outreach described the upcoming Shamrock The 'Ville coming up March 15th. (3-11)
- Jeanice Robertson-Young from the Washington County Chapter of the Red Cross spoke with us about their upcoming Chili Feed. (3-10)
- Jamie Dunn tantalized us with talk about the upcoming Taste of Home Cooking School. (3-7)
- Lester Gagan and Janet Vermillion from the Ramona Chamber of Commerce joined us to talk about the Chamber's Celebration Banquet set for the 14th. (3-5)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville Ward 5 City Councilman recapped Monday evening's city council meeting. (3-4)
- Dawn Lundwall, JPMC Manager of Wellness Services told us about the upcoming 2014 Heart Walk. (3-3)
- Kelsey Stevens, Flowco Coordinator described the Flowco Program, a 5k walk.jog training program beginning March 17th. (2-28)
- Aunt Pearl, Joe Sears, and Rita Barnes spoke with us about tonight's Mardi Gras Party to be held at the Community Center. (2-28)
- Maestro Lauren Green of the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra previewed this weekend's concert, Music with a View. (2-27)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Regional Chamber of Commerce started by reviewing the Business and Home Show, then talked about manufacturing in Bartlesville. (2-26)
- Kent Butler previewed this season's Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs. (2-25)
- Jamie Dunn, talked about the upcoming Taste of Home Cooking School. (2-24)
- Tami Brinkman previewed Sarurday's Spring and Bridal Show. (2-21)
- Mayor Tom Gorman discussed Tuesday's City Council Meeting this morning. (2-19)
- Chris Tanea, Bartlesville Schools Public Relations Coordinator discussed Monday night's School Board meeting. (2-18)
- John Monroe, Natural Vision Improvement Educator talked about eye health. (2-17)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison for Family Crisis & Counseling spoke with us about their Dating Violence Prevention Program. (2-14)
- Chris Barton from Osage Business Enterprises shared some of the specials going on at the casino for Valentines Day. (2-13)
- Tami Brinkman informs us about The Spring and Bridal Fashion Show as part of this morning's Community Connection. (2-11)
- Kimberly Wright who plays Audrey in Theatre Bartlevsille's upcoming show "Little Shop of Horrors" tells us about the show. (2-10)
- Mike Bouvier, Washington County Commissioner, talked with us about biking and bike lanes on roads. (2-8)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Director for Elder Care spoke with us about the things Elder Care does for its residents. (2-6)
- City Councilman Ted Lockin joined us this morning and discussed TIF districts. (2-4)
- Fran Stallings introduced her OLLI class, "Topics in StoryTELLING." (2-3)
- Daryl Doughty from OLLI talked with us about his class, "Our Neighbor, the Sky". (1-30)
- Jan Dreiling filled us in on more upcoming classes from OLLI. (1-28)
- Charlene Dew, from Big Brothers Big Sisters spoke with us about the upcoming Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser. (1-27)
- Brad Pleima from Bartlett & West told us about the free showing of "The Cherokee Word for Water" set for Feb. 7th at the Community Center. (1-24)
- Constantine Kitsopoulos, Artistic Director for OK Mozart, invites you to join him for the Launch Party. (1-23)
- Morris McCorvey Instructor from the Oklahoma Lifelong Learning Institute talked with us about the classes to be offered in February. (1-22)
- Ward 2 Representative Mike McGrew of the Bartlesville City Council filled us in on the latest in the city. (1-21)
- Get signed up for one or more of the OLLI @ OSU courses in Bartlesville. Find out more from Friday's Community Connection. (1-17)
- Lee Groth-Olson and David Kazmierzak from the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra preview Saturday night's concert. (1-16)
- Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt commented on the Federal Court ruling on the state's constitutional amendment defining marriage and on the Affordable Care Act (1-15)
- Ed Gordon and Chief Tom Holland update several items on City Matters (1-13)
- Charlene Dew of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma tells how you can get involved with Bowl For Kids Sake or be paired with a young person is a Big Brother/Big Sister. (1-13)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liason for Family Crisis and Counseling Center told us that January is Stalking Awareness Month and told us how to protect ourselves. (1-10)
- County Assessor Todd Mathes talked about the record high assessment of Washington County. (1-3)
- Jennifer Ennis Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care talked about the latest goings on at Elder Care. (1-2)
- Today was a special Community Connection looking back at the top events of 2013. (1-1)
- Dorea Potter spoke with us about the Bartlesville Ladies Connection. (12-31)
- Carol Whitebook from the Cherokee Area Council of Boy Scouts of America talked with us about the upcoming Friends of Scouting Patron Dinner set for February 27. (12-30)
- Congressman Jim Bridenstine joined us to talk about fiscal responsibility in government. (12-27)
- John Lamb from Bartlesville's Crimestoppers talked about the organization and what it does in the community. (12-26)
- Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma's Attorney General, spoke with us about the affordable care act and Oklahoma's lawsuit challenging the A.C.A. (12-23)
- Chris Barton from Osage Casino talked about the Green Country Christmas Drawing and their upcoming New Year's Eve Party. (12-19)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Schools keeps us updated on events at the school, including the latest on the bond issue. (12-18)
- Vice Mayor Ted Lockin spoke about last night's Bartlesville City Council Meeting. (12-17)
- Dorea Potter outlined this years Green Country Christmas grand prize drawing set for Friday, December 20. (12-16)
- Randy Weatherly, Co-chairman of Daybreak Rotary joined us to talk aobut the Fantasyland of Lights. (12-12)
- Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb joined us this morning to outline charitable organizations across the state. (12-11)
- Chad Perceful, Jeff Burres and Ariel Ortega from East Cross United Methodist Church informed us about their choir cantata and Christmas Eve Services. (12-10)
- Band Leader Corky of Corky Davis and the Cowboy Swing told us about their show this Saturday at Theater Bartlesville. (12-9)
- Ruth Nash from the Miracle Temple joined us to talk about the upcoming Rudy Awards. (12-6)
- Kieth Henry Bartlesville Director of Public Works outlines what his crews are doing to combat the slick streets. (12-6)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care spoke with us about the Christmas Celebration coming up on the 19th. (12-5)
- Lizabeth Rolfson and Beth Knudsen talked with us about the upcoming Bartlesville Nativity Showcase, Christmas Concert and Canned Food Drive set for this weekend. (12-4)
- Ted Lockin spoke with us about Monday night's City Council meeting. (12-3)
- Dayne McCoy joined us to talk about Downtown Bartlesville Inc's "Holidays in the 'Ville" event. (11-29)
- Jerry Yarnell, judge for the Artfest 2013, talks about the event coming up on Dec. 6, 7, 8. (11-28)
- Sherri Wilt from the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce joined us to talk about upcoming events with the chamber. (11-27)
- Martie Halter, Founder of the Bartlesville Motorcycle Toy Run, talked with us about the upcoming 26th annual Bartlesville Toy Run set for December 7th.
- Jody Burch, Interim Director of Bartlesville United Way, talked about what The United Way does with your donations. (11-22)
- Stacy Garrett and Linda Hendricks from the Community Care Transitions Team talked about their upcoming health fair. (11-21)
- Chris Tanea, Bartlesvill Schools Community Relations Coordinator, discussed the recently released A-F report card for the district. (11-20)
- Mike McGraw, Bartlesville Ward 2 City Councilman talked about sales tax and how it helps the city. (11-19)
- Fran Stallings of the Green Country Tallgrass Tellers told us about the upcoming Tellabration set for Saturday. (11-18)
- We started off the week by talking about Green Country Christmas, Monday was the first day tickets were drawn for winners. (11-16)
- Pat Netzer and Ann Cleary from the Women's Network talked with us about their November 24th reception for the final volume of Taproots. (11-15)
- Becky Simpson and Dejah Covick from the Girl Scouts talked about how the United Way and how it helps them. (11-14)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb joined us this morning to talk about schools and the economics of the state. (11-13)
- Lauren Green and Lee Groth Olson of the Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra previewed their Rodgers and Hammerstein concert this weekend. (11-12)
- Morris McCorvey, Executive Director of the Westside Community Center, talked about how the United Way helps The Center and the ongoing United Way Fund Drive. (11-11)
- Karen Wilson explained to us about Lifesaver International, a public safety program to protect and find missing persons due to wandering. (11-8)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liason for Family Crisis and Couseling shared some success stories with us this morning. (11-8)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator for Eldercare, was joined by Jody Burch of United Way to talk about how United Way helps and why its important to donate. (11-7)
- Barbara Schmidt, Co-chair of the Projects Division of the Pilot Club of Bartlesville, talked with us about their antique show running this weekend. (11-6)
- Dorea Potter told us about everyone's favorite giveaway, Green Country Christmas. (11-6)
- Dale Copeland, Ward 5 City Councilman for Bartlesville talked with us about Monday's City Council meeting and told us about free leaf and grass collection coming up. (11-5)
- Keith Sheffield, Executive Director of the Samaritan Counseling and Growth Center joined us to talk about the United Way Campaign. (11-4)
- Lauren Thompson of Wesleyan Christian School talked about the Veterans' Day Program set for November 11th at Bartlesville Municipal Airport. (11-4)
- Jean Jensen, Board President of Paths to Independence School, described how her school helps children with autism. (11-1)
- Mitch Antle, Washington County Community Development Officer, discussed Enhanced 911 and Grographic Information Systems. (11-1)
- Lizabeth Rolfson and Warren Mayer from Theater Bartlesville talked about their upcoming show, The Real Inspector Hound. (10-31)
- Susan Mueller, Director of the Bartlesville Choral Society, previewed the season and Sunday's concert. (10-30)
- Tami Brinkman previews the upcoming Green Country Christmas Campaign. (10-30)
- We review Rick Santorum's visit to Oklahoma Wesleyan University to preview his new film. (10-29)
- Michael Costillo and Karla Jones from the OESC talked about opportunities for job training. (10-28)
- Stacy Garrett from the Community Care Transitions Team was in to tell us about their upcoming Transitions of Care Health Fair. (10-25)
- Patty Leach, Executive Director of the Family Healthcare Clinic talked about how money from the United Way campaign helps her organization. (10-24)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Schools, gave an update on all things school realted. (10-23)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville Ward 5 City Councilman talked about what's going on in the city of Bartlesville. (10-22)
- Major Michael Barnhouse and Major Lori Barnhouse from The Salvation Army talked with Jody Burch from the United Way about the fund-raising campaign that is currently ongoing. (10-21)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison from Family Crisis and Counseling Center was joined by Jody Burch from The United Way to talk about the ongoing United Way campaign. (10-18)
- Lauren Green, Bartlesville Symphony Orchestra Music Director, previewed the rest of the 2013-2014 season. (10-17)
- Mark Doyen from the Tuxedo Lions Club and Terri Koonce from Prevent Blindness Oklahoma discussed thier cooperative effort to provide free vision screenings in Bartlesville. (10-16)
- Robert Phillips, CEO of Richard Kane Family YMCA, together with Jody Burch from the United Way talked about the ongoing United Way Fundraising Campaign. (10-15)
- Lt. Governor Todd Lamb discussed ongoing events in the state and the country. (10-14)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison for Family Crisis and Counseling, joined us to tell us about Dancing for a Cause, a fundraising event to be held Oct. 12 starting at 6:30 (10-11)
- Mirelle Pierini, Director of Resource Development and Marketing for the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville, talked about how the United Way's campaign helps her organization. (10-10)
- Deshane Atkins, Judy DuVall, and Lori Esser from the Price Tower Arts Center excited us with information about the Family Arts Festival set for this Saturday. (10-9)
- Mike McGrew Ward 2 City Councilman spoke about Monday evening's City Council meeting. (10-8)
- Jamie Wood, Executive Director of Mary Martha Outreach was joined by United Way Interim Director Jody Burch to further our understanding of the United Way campaign. (10-7)
- Dawn Venne, Employability Director of Vocational Services, joined United Way interim Director Jody Burch to talk about the ongoing funraising campaign. (10-4)
- Jennifer Ennis, Elder Care Community Relations Director, talked with us about Elder Care's Flu Clinic and other medical programs. (10-3)
- Sherri Smith, Agape's Executive Director, Edith Francis and Jimilyn McKeehan, both from Green Country Village, joined Interim Director of Bartlesville Area United Way to talk about their ongoing campaign. (10-2)
- Carol Whitebook, Scout Executive for the Cerokee Area Council joined Jody Burch, Interim Director for United Way on this morning's Community Connection. (9-30)
- Jody Burch, Interim Director for United Way of Bartlesville, gave an update on their annual campaign. (9-27)
- Dorea Potter told us about the upcoming Taste of Home Cooking Show coming up on the 1st in Owasso. (9-26)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce talked about economic development and quality of life in Bartlesville. (9-25)
- Larry Thrash, Rod Nicholas and Calli Newman joined us to talk about the upcoming Dewey Wild West Show. (9-24)
- Jody Burch, Abigail Singrey, and Cherie Carrington from the Bartlesville Regional United Way talked about their ongoing fundraising program. (9-23)
- Dr. Martin Banschbach, who teaches one of the Osher Lifelong Learning courses in Bartlesville talked about some of the topics in his course which begins Wednesday, September 25th. (9-19)
- Chris Tanea, Bartlesville Public Schools Community Relations Director updated us on what's going on around the school district. (9-18)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 2 City Councilor explained conduit financing. (9-17)
- Roy Hamilton, a cultural specialist for the Cherokee Nation, told us about his OLLI class, The Story of the Cherokee People. (9-16)
- Sylvia Star from Family Crisis and Counseling, joined us for today's Community Connection (9-13)
- Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb talked about the special session of the Oklahoma State Legislature. (9-11)
- Joey Eidson, Principal of Madison Middle School was joined by Hannah King, Max Goad, and Tommy Lindsly, Madison students to talk about the upcoming Mustang Run. (9-10)
- Stella Shoff, Co-Leader of The Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition announced the start of Suicide Prevention Week. (9-9)
- Sgt. Brandon Cranor and Ofc. Derrin Jorgensen from the Washington County Sheriff's Office explained the "About Face" Program. (9-6)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator for Elder Care, updated us on the Senior Seminar Strategy Series. (9-5)
- Jody Burch, a member of the Bartlesville Public Schools' Long Range Facilities Planning Committee joined us and explained more about the upcoming September 10th Bond Election. (9-4)
- Mike McGrew, Ward 2 City Councilman from Bartlesville talked about last night's City Council Meeting. (9-4)
- Brent Johannsen of the US Title Series spoke with us about the event this weekend. (9-3)
- Pam Pollock from the Washington County Free Fair updated us on the fair this weekend. (9-2)
- Pam Crawford of the Girl Scouts brought cookies and information about the Girl Scouts Centennial Celebration. (8-30)
- Tracye Caughell joined us to talk about the upcoming school bond election set for September 10th. (8-30)
- Diane Dixon, an instructor for OLLI gave an introduction to her class about Mental Aerobics. (8-29)
- Sheri Wilt from the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce spoke with us about the Legislative Golf Tournament. (8-28)
- Robert Wadsworth and Linda Sheets from Hope Medical Clinic talked with us about their clinic. (8-27)
- Kay Little and Betty Kein, presenters from OLLI talked about The Civil War in Indian Territory. (8-26)
- Pam Pollock was back and updated us on the upcoming Washington County Free Fair. (8-23)
- RuthAnn Sirbaugh was joined by Nikki Hannah, both from the OLLI, and outlined the Beyond Aging Well course. (8-22)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public Schools updated us on ongoing construction projects. (8-21)
- Dale Copeland, Ward 5 Bartlesville City Councilman, discussed the purchase of land for the new safety complex. (8-20)
- RuthAnn Sirbaugh, Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) of Oklahoma State University talked about classes being held in Bartlesville this fall.
- Jo Griffith joined us this morning to talk about the Oklahoma Indian Summer Festival to be held September 12-15. (8-16)
- The upcoming Green Country Championships were discussed this morning. (8-15)
- Jim Stanton and Tammie Lewis, representatives from the Washington County Red Cross informed us about the upcoming 5k run here in Bartlesville. (8-13)
- Sherri Smith and Brenda Williamson from the Agape Mission of Bartlesville talked with us about the upcoming Empty Bowls event. (8-12)
- Sylvia Starr, Leasha Snell, Marilyn Powell and Chance Parsons from Family Crisis and Counseling and the Washington County Anti-Drug Network joined us this morning. (8-9)
- Charlene Dew from the Bartlesville Big Brothers and Big Sisters talked about the need for 'Bigs'. (8-8)
- Ruth Nicholas talked with us about the upcoming Interstate Fair and Rodeo. (8-7)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville City Councilman, discussed the expansion of the City's safety center. (8-6)
- Pam Pollock was back and updated us on entry forms for the Washington County Free Fair. (8-5)
- Pam Pollock, Washington County Free Fair Manager, described some of the events in the upcoming 99th Annual Washington County Free Fair. (8-2)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Director for Elder Care, told us about their upcoming Senior Strategies Seminar (8-1)
- Sheri Wilt, Executive Director of the Bartlesville Area Chamber of Commerce, explained the sales tax holiday. (7-31)
- Chris Barton of Osage Nation Enterprises gave an update on their latest. (7-30)
- Congressman Markwayne Mullin spoke with us about Obamacare. (7-29)
- Dorea Potter and Kaitlin Loyd talked with us about tomorrow's Radio Auction. (7-26)
- Sherri Smith and Carol Beck were in this morning to talk about the Washington County School Supply Drive. (7-25)
- Pam Pollock, Washington County Free Fair Manager told us about the upcoming 99th Annual Washington County Free Fair. (7-23)
- Sherri Smith, Executive Director of the Agape Mission, explained about the Empty Bowls Event coming up August 20. (7-22)
- Chris Wilson, Director of Downtown Bartlesville spoke with us about new businesses downtown. (7-19)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public Schools updated us on what's going in around the school district. (7-17)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville City Councilman, talked about Monday night's City council meeting. (7-16)
- Betty Keim, Educational Coordinator for the Bartlesville Area History Museum introduced us to their summer camp, (7-15)
- Sylvia Starr and Leasha Snell joined us from Family Crisis and Counseling this morning. (7-12)
- Charlene Dew and Shelley Kostez from Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Oklahomatalked about The Big Event August 24th. (7-11)
- D'Lynn Everett, told us about the YMCA Sing, Dance, Act Broadway Workshop (7-9)
- Mark Brashear, Co-Chair of the HOT Street Party, talked with us about the plans for the opening event this friday. (7-8)
- Brad Johnson, Washington County Treasurer, talked with us about his job and the treasurer's office. (7-5)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care spoke with us on this Fourth of July. (7-4)
- Stella Sheff, a voluteer with the Washington County Suicide Prevention Coalition and Survivors Support Group talked this morning about Suicide Awareness/Prevention. (7-3)
- Ted Lockin, Bartlesville's Vice-Mayor spoke with us this morning about Monday's City Council Meeting. (7-2)
- Carol Beck and Sherri Smith from the Washington County Supply Drive talked about the Pack the Backpacks campaign. (6-28)
- Waymond White, President of the Kiwanis Club, talked about events occuring at this year's Freedom Fest. (6-27)
- Dorea Potter talked about the upcoming radio auction and the Bartlesville Ladies Connection (6-25)
- Waymond White, Kiwanis President, and D'Lynn Everett, Freedom Fest Entertainment Coordinator, talk with us about some of the new activities for this year's Freedom Fest. (6-21)
- Members of the Tulsa Praise Orchestra talked about their upcoming concert set for June 23rd at the Highland Park Baptist Church. (6-20)
- Chris Tanea, Community Relations Coordinator for Bartlesville Public School discussed ongoing construction projects across the district. (6-19)
- Mike McGrew, City Councilman for Bartlesville's Ward 2 talked about the recent 1/2 cent sales tax election and Monday night's City Council meeting. (6-18)
- Cardiologist, Dr. Anderson Mehrle talked about Men's Health Month, June, this morning. (6-17)
- Rachel Wittenbach, Oklahoma Distinguished Young Woman for 2013, talked to us about preparing for the national competition. (6-14)
- Sylvia Starr and Brenda Williamson from the Family Crisis and Counseling Center explained the services they provide to the city. (6-14)
- Lori Esser from the Price Tower Arts Center and Chris Wilson, Executive Director for the Bartlesville Art Walk, told us about the Art Walk scheduled for this weekend. (6-13)
- Jamie Hardesty and Lesa Foster from the American Cancer Society spoke about the upcoming relay for life. (6-12)
- Rick Floyd, a voluteer at the Frank Phillips' Home, and Jackie Bunce spoke about flag raising ceremonies to be held this week. (6-11)
- Heather Robison, Val Callaghan, and Tara Owens from the Comittee for City Progress talked about the upcoming 1/2 cent sales tax election. (6-10)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relations Coordinator spoke to us about Elder Care. (6-6)
- Stella Shoff, Traci Yorman, Andri McCollough, M'Liss Jenkins, and Dr. Pam Grossman, Facilitators for Survivors of Suicide talked about the local suicide support group, "Survivor". (6-5)
- Bartlesville City Manager Ed Gordon, Utility Director Terry Lauritsen, and Former Mayor Julie Daniels were in studio to talk about the 1/2 cent sales tax election.
- Karen WIlson and D'Lynn Everett of the Bartlesville Downtown Kiwanis Club talked about the upcoming Freedom Fest.
- Cheryl Hawkins and Joe Sears were in this morning to talk about Cheryl's show "Altered States" showing this weekend as part of Theatre Bartlesville's Tallgrass Theatre Festival. (5-31)
- Julie Daniels, Mitch Matthiesen, Troy Zellers, and Val Callaghan talked about the upcoming 1/2 cent sales tax election. (5-30)
- Joe Sears, better known as Aunt Pearl, spoke with us this morning. (5-29)
- Gail Inman talks about this Antique and Collectible Association's Antique Show scheduled for June 1st at the Washington County Fair Building.
- Don Clifford highlight's the activities for this year's Caney Valley Antique Power Association's Pioneer Days (5-27).
- Natalie May spoke this morning about the upcoming Sunfest celebration.
- Jamie Hardesty, Volunteer Committee Member spoke with us about this year's upcoming Relay for Life. (5-23)
- Constantine Kitsopoulos, Artistic Director for OK Mozart, spoke with us about this year's festival. (5-22)
- Dale Copeland, Bartlesville City Councilman, talked about the 1/2 cent capital improvement project sales tax this morning. (5-21)
- David Roman, Robert and Naomi Lanier from Eagle Lighthouse Tabernacle were our guests this morning. (5-20)
- Mayor Tom Gorman, former Mayor, Julie Daniels, representative for Oklahoma Wesleyan University Courtney Soland, and representative from 66 Federal Credit Union Lacy Longacre, were in this morning talking about the City half cent Capital Improvement Campaign. (5-17)
- Lori Esser, Marketing & Development Director for the Price Tower Arts Center talked about the new Samara Exhibit opening this week. (5-16)
- Linda Lowe, Volunteer Coordinator for the Washington County SPCA spoke with us about volunteering. (5-15)
- Tara Owens and Mark Brashear spoke about the HOT Street Party set for this Friday night. (5-14)
- Jackie Bunce, Lead of Patriot Employee Networks at Conoco Phillips,and Rick Loyd, Board member of Friends of Franl Phillips Home, were is this morning for Community Connection talking about Community Flag Day Events. (5-13)
- Sylvia Starr, Community Liasion for Family Crisis and Counseling Center, Inc., was in this morning for Community Connections. (5-10)
- Jim French, Emmerich Lakadoseh, and Carol Erwin of Oldies and Goodies Car Club and DBI Inc, were this morning's guest on Community Connections. (5-8)
- Community Connection welcomes City Mayor Tom Gorman on today's program. (5-7)
- On today's community connection, representatives from The Young Professionals of Bartlesville, Tara Owens and Lori Esser were in talking about the May 17th Hot Street Party. (5-6)
- Washington County Assessor, Todd Mathes, was in this morning for Community Connection. (5-3)
- Community Relations Coordinator of Elder Care, Jennifer Enis, was in this morning visiting with Charlie on Community Connections. (5-2)
- Mike Bishop from Pine Mountain Theatre in Branson was today's guest on Community Connection. (5-1)
- Bartlesville Symphony was in this morning talking about this Saturday's performance, "Eternally Elton", on Community Connection. (4-30)
- D'Lynn Everett , Music Teacher of Everett Music Studio Booster Club was in this morning on community connection. ( 4-29 )
- Natalie May, President of the Students for Social Reponsibility of RSU, was in this morning for Community Conneftion. (4-26)
- Hopestone Wellness and Cancer Support Center was in this morning for Community Connection. (4-25)
- Sherry Wilt from the Chamber was is this morning for Community Connection. (4-24)
- Paula Pechonick, Chief of the Delaware Tribe of Indians, and Sherry Rackliff, Executive Director of Child Development, were in this morning for a second round of Community Connection. (4-23)
- Natalie May, chairman of Sunfest, was in this morning visiting with Charlie about Sunfeswt. (4-23)
- Lester Gagan, Chairman of the Green Country Classic Ranch Rodeo, and announcer Tim Fuller, were in this morning visiting with Charlie about the upcoming 8th annual Ranch Rodeo in Claremore Oklahoma. (4-22)
- Jamie Hardesty, volunteer at the American Cancer Society, was in this morning talking about the Relay for Life on Saturday. (4-19)
- Music Director of the Bartlesville Symphony, Lauren Green, and General Manager, Lee Groth Olson, were in this morning for Community Connedction. (4-18)
- Superintendent of the Bartlesville Schools, Dr. Gary Quinn, was in this morning for Community Connection. (4-17)
- Theater Bartlesville's Judy McGlasson previews the upcoming production of "Getting Sarah Married" (4-16)
- Ward 2 City Councilman Mike McGrew was in this morning visiting with Charlie. Main topic was the 1/2 % sales tax. (4-16)
- Jean Jensen of the Washington County American Heart Association was is this morning visiting with Charlie about this Saturday's American Heart relay for life. (4-15)
- Chief Environmental Engineer at Phillips 6,6 Scott Maddox and Daryle Worley, City Engineer, were in this morning visiting about "Operation Clean House" on Saturday April 20th. (4-12)
- Audra Bridendolph, Recreational Therapist, and Laura Robertson, Occupational Therapist from Paths to Independence, were in this morning visiting with Charlie about Paths to Independence school's fundraiser, "Autism in April". (4-11)
- Volunteer Coordinator of the Washington County SPCA Linda Louie, was in this morning for Community Connections. (4-10)
- Sabrina Purkey, owner of 2 Friends & Junk, was in this morning talking with Charlie about the upcoming Travel'n Sparkly "Junk Show" to be held April 20the in Dewey at the Washington County Fairgrounds. (4-9)
- Representatives from the Pilot Club of Bartlesville, President Elect and Co-Chair of the Antique Show, Rose Hammerschmidt, and Chair for the Antique Show, Sammie Clingenpeel, were in this morning visiting with Charlie about the Antique Show and Sale April 1th through the 14th. (4-8)
- County Clerk Jill Spitzer was in this morning for a round of Community Connection. (4-5)
- Jennifer Ennis, Community Relation Coordinator for Elder Care, was in this morning on Community Connection. (4-4)
- Cardiologist, Dr. Anderson Mehrle previews this month's Heart Walk on a Wednesday morning program. (4-3)
- Ward 2 City Councilman Mike McGrew was in this morning visiting with Charlie on Community Connection. (4-2)
- Jennifer McKissick, Executive Director of Hopestone Wellness and Cancer Support Center of Bartlesville, along with Linda MaLoney, volunteer and supporter, and Jan Brieschke, Art Instructor, were in this morning for Community Connection. (4-2)
- Brenda Williamson, Chair Special Events Board, and Sylvia Starr, Community Liaison of Family Crisis and Counseling Center, were in today on Community Connection. (4-1)
- President of Bartlesville's Kiddie Park Ron Adams, was in this morning on Community Connection. (3-29)
- Board President Julie Daniels and Director of Resource-Development and Marketing, Mirelle Pierini, of the Boys and Girls Club of Bartlesville, were in this morning for Community Connection. (3-28)
- Shane Jewell, from Ok Mozart, was visiting with Charlie about the OK Mozart launch party set for April 9th. (3-27)
- Clair Bartley and Jean Jensen were in this morning visiting with Charlie about April National Autism Awareness Month on Community Connection., (3-26)
- Jamie Dunn from Taste of Home Cooking School, along with Dorea Potter of the Bartlesville Radio Stations, were in, visiting with Charlie about tomorrow evening's Taste of Home Cooking School at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center. (3-25)
- Todd Lansdown, Board President and Firefighter of the Osage Hill Rural Fire Fighters Association, was in the morning visiting with Charlie on Community Connection. (3-22)
- Charlie visited with Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb on this morning's Community Connection Program. (3-21)
- On today's Community Connection, City Manager Ed Gordon and President and CEO of Bartlesville Development Corporation, was in this morning. (3-19)
- On today's Community Connection Jennifer McKissick, Founder of Hopestone from Hopestone Wellness and Cancer Support Center, was in visiting with Charlie about upcoming events. (3-18)
- Community Liason for Family Crisis and Counseling Center Sylvia Starr, was in this morning for Community Connections. (3-15)
- Charlene Dew, Area Director of Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Oklahoma, was in this morning on Community Connections. (3-24)
- Bartlesville Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Gary Quinn, was in this morning visiting with Charlie on Community Connection. (3-13)
- Bartlesville City Manager Ed Gordon and the city engineering staff have the update for City Matters. (3-11).
- Volunteer Coordinator for the Washington County SPCA has the reasons you should spay or neuter your pet and get it done early on Monday morning's program. (3-11)
- Community Connection this morning brings Tami Brinkman of the radio station along with Jamie Dunn of the Taste of Home Cooking School, talking with Charlie about the upcoming show at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center March 26th. (3-8)
- Community Relations Coordinator, Jennifer Ennes of Elder Care, was in this morning visiting with Charlie on Community Connections. (3-7)
- The Washington County SPCA has many volunteers that keep the agency functioning so well. Learn more about volumteer opportunities when Charlie talks with Linda Lowe. (3-6)
- Bartlesville City Commissioner Dale Copeland was in this morning for Community Connection. (3-5)
- David Crawford talks to Nick Pomfret and Kristy Valentine about all that is happening at the Richard Kane YMCA. (3-4)
- Community Connection today was with Emergency Management member Kary Cox. (3-1)
- Dorea Potter and Charlie were talking about the Taste of Home Cooking School 2013 that will take place at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center on March 26th (2-28)
- Sherry Wilt from the Bartlesville Chamber was in this morning talking about next week's events in Bartlesville. (2-27)
- Lee Grotholsen, General Manger and Maestro Lauren Green of the Bartlesville Symphony were in this morning on Community Connection. (2-26)
- We double up on Community Connection with Mark Beckwith and Taylor Scott talking about Nevus Outreach and Lester Gagan chatting about the Ramona Chamber of Commerce program scheduled for Friday. (2-25)
- It's City Matters and the subject turns to water issues as well as safety in winter weather. (2-25)
- Wendell Rovenstine talks about Bibles for China on today's Community Connection. (2-21)
- Jennifer Ennis from Elder Care talks about upcoming events and activities. (2-20)
- Tara Trotter is on the air talking about Tri-County Technology Center's Recruitment Fair scheduled for February 25. (2-19)
- Chris Tanea is here to talk about Bartlesville Public Schools. (2-19)
- It's a two-part Community Connection today. We start with Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper talking about Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John Doak's proposed Religious Freedom legislation. Tami Brinkman closes the program talking about the Annual Spring and Bridal Fashion Show. (2-18)
- Lydia Snyder, Dental Hygiene Director-Site Coordinator at Tri County Technology Center, was in talking with Charlie on Community Connection. (2-15)
- Carol Ervin is at the station to talk about the BRTA Capital Hill Redevelopment. (2-24)
- Dewey City Manager Kevin Trease provides an insight as to what is happening in Dewey. (2-12)
- Lori Esser is here to talk about what you can expect to see at the Price Tower Arts Center. (2-12)
- City Manager Ed Gordon, Water Utility Director Terry Lauritsen, and Julie Daniels give the status of area lakes and legislation that would give us more available water when we need it.
- Sylvia Starr, community liasion of Family Crisis and Counseling, Kerry Ickleberry, safe school coordinator, and Kevin Ickleberry, Lieutenant of the Bartlesville Police Department, were in this morning talking with Charlie on Community Connection. (2-8)
- Carol Whitebook and Charlie Daniels are here to talk about the Boy Scouts of America Collaboration Summit and scouting in the media. (2-6)
- Bartlesville Vice-Mayor Ted Lockin gave an update on water issues and more for the city Tuesday morning (2-5)
- County Commissioner, Mike Bouvier, was in this morning talking about county matters. (2-1)
- Water is the subject as another City Matters hits the air. (1-28)
- Billie Roane, office manager at Children's Musical Theatre of Bartlesville, was in this morning visiting with Charlie about "A Little Princess" production for July 18 through the 21st. (1-25)
- City Councilman Mike McGrew calls in to update citizens on what is happening in city government. (1-23)
- Superintendent of Bartlesville Schools Dr. Gary Quinn is our morning guest with information to ahare on what is happening in the District, (1-22)
- Anita Mathis with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is hear to tell Charlie and you about her upcomng presentation on the Deleware Tribe. (-21)
- Risdon (Hank) Hankinson from the Jane Phillips Cardiac Rehab Center, was in talking about congestive heart disease and the recovery process, diet and his personal experience, on today's Community Connection. (1-18)
- Jody Burch and Michael Cole are at the station to talk about the successful United Way campaign and venture grants. (1-16)
- It's City Matters and you can hear about money, police and projects just by listening in. (1-14)
- Learn about the OSU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute on today's edition of Community Connection. (1-14)
- Community Liason Sylvia Starr from Family Crisis and Counseling, was in this morning for Community Connection. (1-11)
- Chris Barton from the Osage Casino, was in this morning visiting with Charlie about upcoming events at the Osage Casinos. (1-10)
- Lieutenant Governor Todd Lamb looks back at 2012, outlines the School Security Task Foce he will chair, and previews his Bartlesville State of the State forum on Wednesday's Community Connection. (1-9)
- City of Bartlesville, ward 5 council member Dale Copeland, visited with Charlie about water conversing tips, power outage at City Hall, and more topics on today's Community Connection Show. (1-8)
- Elder Care starts off the week on KWON's Community Connection. (1-7)
- County Assessor, Todd Mathes, was in this morning to talk about taxes and assessment. (1-4)
- Dawn Lundwall, Manager of Wellness Services, at Jane Phillips Medical Center is here to talk about cardiac rehab. (1-3)
- Our first guest of 2013 is Chris Wilson talking about downtown. Hear about Downtown Bartlesville, Inc. and the Bartlesville Redevelopment Trust Authority. (1-2)
- On this first day of 2013, we take a look back at the past year. Listen to The Year in Review. (1-1)
- Angel Barrows of Blue Star Mothers is our end of the year guest on Coimmunity Connection. (12-31)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (3-29)
- Kevin Hern comes in to talk about his campaign (3-29)