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Posted: Jul 30, 2024 7:04 AMUpdated: Jul 30, 2024 8:04 AM

Olenburger and Fox Propelled 2024 Indians

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We will spend some time wrapping up the 2024 Doenges Ford Indians over the next several days.

Bartlesville’s boys of summer finished up a 23-15-1 season with a loss in the finals of the Oklahoma State Legion Tournament on Saturday afternoon.

One of the best parts of the summer for Bartlesville was the return of a couple older former Bruins who propelled the Tribe early on.

Eric Olenburger and Luke Fox are no strangers to Bill Doenges Memorial Stadium, but neither had played meaningful time there for more than a year. Both were seniors in 2023 for Bartlesville High baseball.

In Olenburger’s first season with the summer program, he was brilliant behind the plate and in the batter’s box. Olenburger hit .317 with nine doubles.

Meanwhile Luke Fox was in his fifth year with the Indians. Fox missed most of 2023 because of an injury, but he returned to form this summer. Fox led the club with a .355 average, going 29-29 stealing bases. All that while patrolling centerfield nearly every game.

More wrapping up the season that it was with the Indians over the next week.

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