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Regional News

Posted: Mar 25, 2025 4:09 AMUpdated: Mar 25, 2025 4:09 AM

CCC and ICC Agree to Discuss Consolidation

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Sheri Garris and James Copeland

Coffeyville Community College and Independence Community College could be consolidating.

At tonight's CCC and ICC Board of Trustees meetings, both boards voted 6-0 in favor of a resolution of intent to begin discussions between the two schools in regards to consolidation.  This is only a preliminary agreement and both schools agreed that if they cannot agree to terms between them, that both votes would be nullified.

ICC Board Chair Dr. Cynthia Sherwood says this was not an easy decision, but cites multiple factors including downward enrollment over the past decade at Kansas community colleges and the pressure from the Kansas legislature on institutions serving southeast Kansas.

Sherwood says the ICC and CCC Boards will contact the Kansas Board of Regents to notify them the intent to proceed with a consolidation. A special election will then be called, and the ballot question before voters will state: “Shall Independence Community College and Coffeyville Community College consolidate into a united community college system?” 

Sherwood says if voters approve the measure, the decisions to be made will be numerous and the public's input is encouraged.

ICC has also canceled their search for a new president and Jonathan Sadhoo will stay on as president for the immediate future.


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