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Posted: Mar 18, 2025 9:36 AMUpdated: Mar 18, 2025 9:36 AM

CITY MATTERS: Bartlesville City Council Prepares for Strategic Planning Workshop, Debates Flock Cameras

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Tom Davis
Bartlesville City Councilor Tim Sherrick recently appeared on KWON Radio’s City Matters program to talk about some upcoming city initiatives, including a strategic planning workshop and the debate over the controversial Flock cameras.
Sherrick said the workshop that is scheduled for Monday will focus on shaping Bartlesville’s next strategic plan. Councilors will outline their vision for the city’s future, addressing infrastructure, quality of life, and public safety concerns. The plan will contribute to the broader Endeavor 2045 initiative, which aims to guide long-term city development.
Sherrick said  that he is hearing public safety concerns, such as aging tornado sirens, from residents. He encouraged citizens to engage with council members to share their priorities.
The councilor then talked about the recent debate surrounding Flock security cameras, which use license plate reading technology. Some argue the cameras aid law enforcement, others, including Sherrick, have raised concerns over privacy and potential constitutional violations. The city council has agreed to move the issue to a public vote, but Sherrick said that there are som legal complexities that need to be worked out.
Other city matters, including road repairs and upcoming seasonal services, were also discussed. Residents can find contact information for their council representatives on the city's website.

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