For caregivers seeking support in a casual and welcoming environment, the Open Door Café at Elder Care offers an ideal gathering every Thursday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. This non-traditional caregiver support group provides a relaxed, come-and-go setting where caregivers can unwind, share experiences, and connect with others who understand the challenges of caregiving.
Appearing on a recent episode of COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Michael Colaw with Elder Care said, "The Open Door Café is designed for those who prefer a more informal approach to support groups, where the focus is on fostering connection and providing a much-needed break. Caregivers are welcome to bring their loved ones along, ensuring no one feels left behind. While caregivers socialize with others in similar situations, their loved ones can engage in activities with Dementia Practitioner, Shelia Tucker, in an adjacent room."
There is no need to register ahead of time. The café welcomes anyone providing care for another person. Simply drop by whenever it's most convenient, and enjoy a supportive, understanding space with a cup of coffee in hand.
In addition to the conversations among caregivers, there will be plenty of engaging activities for participants. Caregivers can take a well-deserved break while their loved ones are busy with activities designed to promote engagement and mental stimulation.
Whether you are seeking a community of understanding caregivers or looking to learn something new from the experts, the Open Door Café is the perfect place to find both.
When: Every Thursday, 10:00-11:30 AM
Where: Elder Care, 1223 Swan Drive in Bartlesville at the welcoming café setting
Who Should Attend: Anyone providing care for another person, whether you are adjusting to a new diagnosis or simply looking to connect with fellow caregivers
No Registration Required – Just stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee with us!