Posted: Dec 04, 2024 9:56 AMUpdated: Dec 04, 2024 9:56 AM
The 25th Annual Bartlesville Radio Green Country Christmas Continues!

Tom Davis
Look for the local businesses with the poster of the green tree on the door and ask for your your free little green numbered ticket. An additional ticket will be given for each ten dollars of your purchase.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Promotions Director Tina Romine said our Green COutry Christmas Contest is off to a great start KWON-KYFM-KRIG and KPGM has been announcing ten winning numbers each weekday for daily prizes with the 12 grand prizes to be announced and awarded on December 19th.
According to Tina, you could win $5,000 from KWON, KYFM, KRIG and KPGM plus chances to win 3000, 2000, and then five chances to win 1000 from the Cherokee Casino, Ramona on December 19th.
Tina anncounced even more prizes, including: Two round trips anywhere in the continental U.S. from Spears Travel; Some construction services from Ritchie Roofing and Construction; Serta Queen mattress from Michael's Carpet and Sleep Center; One-year membership to the new Adams Golf Course from the city of Bartlesville; The $660 gas cards from Phillips 66; A full detail for a car, SUV, or pickup, a front brake job and an oil change from Doenges Toyota; Gift certificates from Green Thumb Nursery and Greenhouse: a recliner from Bob Loftus. Shed added,"That's only half"
Full contest rules, prizes and sponsors can be found at
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