Posted: Nov 26, 2024 8:53 AMUpdated: Nov 26, 2024 9:00 AM
First Presbyterian Advent Concert Series

Tom Davis
It's time for the Advent Concert Series, which is being held at First Presbyterian Church, 5th and Dewey, the first three Wednesdays at noon in December.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTTION, Kathy Sterwart said the music starts at 12:15pm but you can come early, like around noon and have lunch. The Presbyterian women are making sack lunches again, and the price is holding firm at only $5 per sack lunch. You get a sandwich, some chips, some homemade cookies, and water to go with that.
December 4th: The Joyful Strings Harp Ensemble
December 11th: The Green Country
December 18th: The Trinity Recorder Consort
A special concert will take place on December 13th, at 7pm, with the support of OKM, First Prebyterian will present the Bartlesville Keyboard Orchestra concert.
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