Posted: Nov 21, 2024 4:02 PMUpdated: Nov 21, 2024 4:02 PM
Barnsdall Still Recovering From Tornado Six Months Later

Ty Loftis
It is a story of resiliancy for the town of Barnsdall. A little more than six months ago, an EF-4 tornado ripped through the town, tearing homes off their foundation and uprooting trees from the ground in which they were planted.
Their motto from the beginning was Barnsdall strong and as Osage County Emergency Manager Jerry Roberts explains the progress that has been made, the tagline could not have been more fitting.
Areas of Bird Creek had been filled with debris since the storm came through in early May, but with the much needed rainfall over the last month came a blessing to make a majority of that debris go away.
While the rebuilding begins, Roberts says neighborhood roads don't need any more heavy equipment on them. Therefore, he said re-suracing will probably be one of the final things that is done. Roberts did say crews are making repairs where they can, though.
The EF-4 tornado struck the town on May 6th.
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