Crime, Bartlesville
Posted: Oct 29, 2024 1:53 PMUpdated: Oct 29, 2024 2:54 PM
Man arrested on 3rd Felony DUI charge of year

Alex Benzegala
A man was in Washington County District Court on Tuesday facing felony Driving Under the Influence charges. 40-year-old Justin Don Phelps was arrested on Monday night in Bartlesville shortly after 8 p.m when he was pulled over by Bartlesville Police on a traffic stop.
Court Documents show that Phelps told police that he had smoked Methamphetamines earlier in the day.
After an SFST test and various sobriety tests Phelps was transported to the Washington County Jail where Phelps admitted to drinking an alcholic beverage before the traffic stop.
Phelps was charged with Felony driving a motor vehicle while under the influece of drugs and is his 3rd felony charge of the offense this year.
Phelps is being held on a $500,000 bond and his next court appearance is Nov. 1 at 9 a.m.
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