Posted: Sep 12, 2024 9:34 AMUpdated: Sep 12, 2024 9:36 AM
Bartlesville Salvation Army Gears Up for the Holidays

Tom Davis
Things are busy with our Bartlesville Salvation Army as they prepare for the upcoming Thanksgiving time Community Meal at the Citadel and the Christmas time Angel Tree. Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Lt. Tonya Swain and Veronica Ramirez talked about both events.
Lt. Swain said the signup for the Christmas time Angel Tree is capped for now. There may be a few more opennings following the screening process. Recognizing that every child deserves to feel the joy of Christmas, The Salvation Army Angel Tree program provides new clothing and toys to more than one-million children in need each year. Once a child is accepted as an Angel, donors like you can shop for their Christmas wish list. Simply pick a tag off the Angel Tree located inside your local Walmart store and other local locations. Once the gifts are received, The Salvation Army will distribute them to families in need for Christmas morning.
Veronica Ramirez said the canned food drive at the area schools kicks off in October. The food collected will go toward the food baskets distributed for Christmas.
Veronica also reminded everyone that the Community Meal is set for November 27, 11 am to 2pm at the Cidatel on North Bucy in Bartlesville. All are welcome and volunteers are needed to help prepare and serve the food.
THE SALVATION ARMY: 101 N Bucy Ave, Bartlesville, OK, United States, Oklahoma; Call 918-336-6454; Email; or log on
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