Posted: Aug 29, 2024 3:01 PMUpdated: Aug 29, 2024 3:02 PM
Dewey Man Accused of Strangling Wife

On Wednesday afternoon, officers took a report from a female victim who alleged that her husband had threatened to perform an act of violence, including domestic abuse by strangulation. It is alleged that the defendant, Gerald Winn, told the victim to stay upstairs or he would kill her or paralyze her.
As the victim got home from work earlier in the week, Winn's chess set was sitting where the victim sat her lunch bag and purse. After telling Winn it doesn't belong there, he said it will after you, “get removed and sent to your new house.”
After asking if they could share the television, the victim said Winn got in her face and out of nowhere she was on the floor. Winn grabbed her neck and pushed her head into the floor. The victim stated at one point that she thought Winn was going to break her arm. Winn also told the victim that if she tried to leave, he would wreck her car.
The victim had markings on her neck, hand, both arms and left shoulder blade. Winn's bond was set at $75,000 on the condition he has no contact with the alleged victim.
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