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Posted: Aug 28, 2024 10:02 AMUpdated: Aug 28, 2024 10:02 AM

OLLI Fall Courses Begin Soon

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Nathan Thompson
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, also known as OLLI, through Oklahoma State University keeps seniors active and social with several courses, travel and social activities geared toward adults 50 and better.
Appearing on Community Connection OLLI's Bartlesville Site Coordinator Amy Finney says some online discussions are beginning next month, and the ever popular free in-person Tuesday town halls will start in October at a new location.
Registration is required for the free town halls, which begin their 6-week stretch on Oct. 1. Additional activities that follow the Tuesday town halls and Wednesday special programs to require paid enrollment in OLLI.
CLICK HERE to register and enroll for OLLI courses.
Listen to "OLLI 8-28" on Spreaker.

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