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Posted: Jun 25, 2024 7:41 AMUpdated: Jun 25, 2024 7:43 AM

Asphalt Temperature Warning!

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Cheyenne Gilkey

The hot topic everywhere is this: it’s hot. Summer is just underway and some places across the U.S. are already reaching their record high temperatures for the season. While you and your families try to stay cool this summer, here are some safety precautions for your furry friends and their paws.


Asphalt temperatures vary depending on how hot the air is. 125° (70-77° for air temperature) can burn your pup's paw pads in about 60 seconds. The real risk comes when it is 85-89° when your pup is liable to have heat strokes and troubles breathing for short snouted dogs (ex: pugs). 

You can avoid these troubles by checking the pavement before walks. If you can not walk on it for 60 seconds or hold your hand on it for 7 seconds, then it is too hot for your dog's paw pads. Plenty of cool water, shade, indoor time, fans, booties, or kiddie pools are also a good way to keep your dog cool during the summer.

First aid for burnt paw pads are similar to what you would do to a burn on a human. You would run the affected paws under cool water, not ice cold water, and bandage the affected paws up. If your dog has a problem with bandages, socks are also a great form of protectant. It is always advised to consult a vet if you notice that your dog's paw pads are burnt.


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