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Posted: Jun 21, 2024 1:10 PMUpdated: Jun 21, 2024 1:10 PM

Pawhuska City Council Adopts 2024-2025 Budget

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Ty Loftis
At a special city council meeting in Pawhuska on Thursday, the council was presented with two options on adopting the 2024-2025 budget for the City of Pawhuska.
City Manager Jerry Eubanks lays out the two options that the council had to choose from
When referring to the second budgetary option of the 1.2 million dollar transfer, Eubanks said that the council can go in and modify the budget, but it is also important to be smart in how they spend their money.
Pawhuska council member Mark Buchanan had this to say before making a motion to adopt the option B plan.
Council member Steve Tolson was the descenting no vote, citing that there is no contingency plan in options A or B if something were to happen that would drain City funds, but said it would be easier to recover from option A's plan.  

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