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Posted: Jun 21, 2024 9:25 AMUpdated: Jun 21, 2024 9:25 AM

Dewey Man Charged with Domestic Abuse by Strangulation

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Chase McNutt

A Dewey man was picked up behind Michael Motors Wednesday evening after an alleged domestic incident in the 200 block of S. Shawnee Ave. Tobi Lagunas was seen in court Thursday afternoon on multiple charges including domestic abuse by strangulation.

According to an affidavit, Lagunas and the victim were arguing when things became physical. The victim alleges that Lagunas threw a glass plate at her, grabbed her throat and squeezed, and slapped her multiple times in the face before throwing her into a baking rack.

Police said they noticed “very obvious” injuries to the victim’s face. Lagunas told officers that he didn’t think that he put his hands on the victim. Lagunas alleged that the victim was being verbally abusive and that she came at him trying to grab his neck.

Laguna’s also had some scratches and small injuries on his face. He was given a $25,000 bond and his next court date is set for July 19th.

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