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City of Bartlesville

Posted: Jun 19, 2024 2:45 PMUpdated: Jun 19, 2024 2:45 PM

Gov. Stitt Approves Changes to Bartlesville City Charter

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Nathan Thompson
Gov. Kevin Stitt has approved four amendments to the Bartlesville City Charter.
Voters went to the polls on April 2 and passed four of 10 proposed amendments to the City Charter. The changes include a requirement that City Council candidates must have lived in their ward for six months prior to filing for the seat; City Council members who move from their ward during their term are no longer eligible to hold the seat; a slight language change for notices of special meetings; and changing the time in which a council term begins.
Gov. Stitt's approval was the final step for the new Charter to go into effect. It was last updated in 2010.

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