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Osage County

Posted: Jun 14, 2024 3:34 PMUpdated: Jun 14, 2024 3:34 PM

Candidates Look for Support in District One Commissioner Race

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Ty Loftis

Dr. Everett Piper resigned from his post as County Commissioner for District One in Osage County earlier this year, which led to an open seat that will be filled after Tuesday's election results come in.


Two men are looking to fill that spot. Randall Jones, who held that position for four years before Piper defeated him in 2022 and Anthony Hudson, who served as Piper's first deputy and worked under Jones as well.


Jones says that the Board works for the people of Osage County and it is important to be transparent and that right now it is crucial to let the citizens of Osage County be heard. Jones adds that he is proud of what he was able to accomplish during his four years in office, but is disappointed by how things have went since leaving office.


Jones pointed to the 30 miles of new roads that the county built while he was in office, while also maintaining several bridges and roads. As someone who was in office when the discussion of the current courthouse annex got under way, Jones also wanted to make a correction, saying the bond was set at 10.7 million dollars. Jones added these thoughts as to how the Board was to handle the money in dealing with the bond.


Hudson was unavailable for comment, but as he was stepping down, Piper had this to say on why Hudson would make for the best fit as county commissioner.


While Hudson was unavailable for comment, here is an excerpt from an ad we currently have running on our radio stations speaking to why he wants the job of county commissioner.


Click here to hear the full interview with Jones. 


Election day is Tuesday, June 18th. 

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