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Posted: Jun 13, 2024 10:27 AMUpdated: Jun 13, 2024 10:27 AM

Lankford Protecting Title IX Rights

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Ty Loftis
Oklahoma Senator James Lankford introduced a resolution in coordination with his Republican colleagues to protect Title IX Rights. This is being introduced in the wake of the Biden Administration challenging to erase biological sex from Title IX protections. 
Lankford had this to say on the importance of keeping Title IX rights the same for everyone:
“Title IX is meant to prevent sex-based discrimination, but the Biden Administration is trying to erase biological sex altogether. Expanding Title IX to include ‘gender identity’ deprives women and girls of equal protections, compels speech and violates parental rights.”
Opposition to this final Title IX regulation is mainly aimed at the Education Department imposing sexual orientation and gender identity. 

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