Posted: Jun 11, 2024 9:23 AMUpdated: Jun 11, 2024 9:32 AM
Senator Julie Daniels on COMMUNITY CONNECTION

Tom Davis
Senator Julie Daniels is running for re-election.
Senator Daniels said she has loved participating in the discussions and decisions in the past three years at the Capitol on behalf of the people she serves in District 29. She said she would like to continue that work and increase her level of engagement in Oklahoma City.
Being more responsive to individual constituents and what they want to have addressed is something else Senator Daniels has been working hard to do. She said trying to improve how agencies respond to those questions is issue is also important to her moving forward.
Some of Bartlesville Senator Daniels' accomplishments last legislative session include revised provisions of the Workers Compensation System to include increased benefits for injured works. She would work with Governor Stitt to deposit $200 million in savings to the legislature's budget stabilization fund as well.
Senator Daniels would also play a key role in the modernization of judicial district boundaries to broaden the pool of potential candidates for seats on the Oklahoma Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals. She said to get more powerful people to apply, they needed to change the districts.
That change was significant. Senator Daniels said it is not something every day people would think about, but it does directly affect the kinds of decisions the Oklahoma Supreme Court makes, which affects us all.
Senator Daniels authored a campus free speech bill to protect First Amendment rights. That passed significantly.
Other accolades:
Conservative credibility:
Champion of Free Enterprise:
Gender transistion bill:
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