Posted: May 31, 2024 9:34 AMUpdated: May 31, 2024 9:34 AM

Representative John B. Kane was our guest on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Friday and he gave us a review of this last legislative session.
Kane said, "We have reached a budget compromise that serves the people of Oklahoma. While it required compromise, and no one got everything they wanted, I am satisfied with the outcome. It is a fair and balanced budget; notably, the governor has publicly committed not to veto any portion of it."
Kane said about the budget, "This year's $12.47 billion budget, a decrease from last year's budget, maintains flat funding for many state agencies as requested by the governor in his State of the State address while addressing the concerns of Oklahomans statewide. The budget specifically targets Oklahomans' needs in areas such as education, public health and human services."
The Reperesentive said that the legislature allocated $240 million to develop new engineering and science facilities at the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. This investment will enhance access to STEM education and address the need for skilled professionals in Oklahoma's workforce. We also allocated $350 million for the new Oklahoma Capital Assets Maintenance and Protection Fund to cover deferred maintenance at state properties, state parks, and public colleges and universities.
In terms of public health and human services, Kane said, "We allocated funds to increase long-term care rates, expand the OSU Medical Center in Tulsa, and provide additional funding for the Department of Mental Health to address the mental health needs of children. We made significant investments in public safety, allocating $18 million for county sheriff pay raises and $10 million to support victims of domestic violence."
Kane said, "We achieved all this while putting nearly $5 billion into savings, ensuring Oklahoma remains fiscally responsible and prepared for future challenges. It was a great year, and I look forward to continuing to serve House District 11. I want to encourage any constituent with questions or concerns regarding legislation to reach out to my office at 405-557-7358 or at"
Representative Kane also let us know about a new facility in Ramona that trains athletes and is home to a world record set by a man from Lithuania.
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