Osage County
Posted: May 28, 2024 2:45 PMUpdated: May 28, 2024 2:45 PM
Confusion on Agenda Wording at Tuesday's Board Meeting

At the final regularly scheduled Board of Osage County Commissioners meeting of each month, there is normally an agenda item that reads, “Audit and allow purchase orders for payment and payroll for payment.”
At Tuesday's meeting, the line, “payroll for payment,” was left off the agenda, causing Chairman Charlie Cartwright some concern and a desire to speak to Assistant District Attorney Ashley Kane after the meeting. During the meeting, the Board did vote to approve the purchase orders for payment.
After adjourning the meeting, Cartwright spoke with Kane and decided to call an emergency meeting on the spot to approve the payroll for payment, as Cartwright said not approving the agenda item would have delayed county employees from getting their paychecks.
If the Board had not approved the item on Tuesday, a special meeting would have to have been called for the payroll to be approved.
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