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Posted: Apr 15, 2024 6:53 AMUpdated: Apr 15, 2024 6:53 AM

CASA NE Oklahoma: There is Still Time to Make a Difference in the Life of a Child Living in Foster Care

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Tom Davis


April is designated as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time for communities across the nation to raise awareness and promote safety strategies so that every child has the opportunity to grow up free from abuse and neglect. 


This year’s national theme is “Building A Hopeful Future, Together,” focusing on creating a nurturing and supportive environment for children and families across the nation.


During the month, CASA of Northeast Oklahoma is hosting their annual Paper Doll Project, where businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals are joining together to sponsor “foster” dolls during CASA of Northeast Oklahoma’s Paper Doll Project.   A paper doll is a wooden cutout of a small child, size 3T to 4T, which are named, dressed, and displayed in a business or public location.  It brings awareness to the plight of children living in foster care, while raising needed financial support so CASA of Northeast Oklahoma can recruit and train additional volunteers.


Beginning this year, there is a new twist.  The event, now called “Battle of the Counties”, will be held during the month of April in all six counites (Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Ottawa, Rogers, and Washington) where CASA provides services to children in foster care.  Each county will compete to see who can raise the most funds and have the most dolls displayed during the month of April.  The winning county of the "Battle of the Counties" will have the honor of being presented with our new Champion Traveling Trophy to display for the year.  The clothing and items collected during the campaign, unless otherwise designated, will be distributed to foster children in the counties where they are collected.


“The paper doll project is a favorite community project because it allows everyone the opportunity to join in and show support for children living in foster care, as well as their families,” said Angela Henderson, Executive Director.  “Everyone is so creative in how they dress and display the dolls it is easy to build awareness and support.”


Having enough dolls to host the event in all six counties at once is no small task.  It is directly due to the generosity of businesses like Pixley Lumber Company and Spectrum Paint for donating plywood and paint.  Also, the hard work and creativity of Northeast Technology Center (Construction Class), Pryor Campus and Northeast Technology Center EAST, Claremore Campus.


“We couldn’t do this project without these talented students,” said Henderson.


 There is still time to join in.  Participation is as easy as calling Mark Ogle at 918-694-2510 or emailing him at mark@casaneok.org and telling him to “count you in”.  He will make sure you get your doll or dolls right away.


CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Northeast Oklahoma’s mission is to actively speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in district and tribal courts in northeast Oklahoma.  CASA promotes and supports quality volunteer representation for children to provide each child with a safe, permanent, and nurturing home.  CASA’s vision is that every child who experiences abuse or neglect has a CASA volunteer appointed to represent his or her best interests.  For more information about volunteer opportunities and how you can help “Change A Child’s Story”, please visit www.casaneok.org/volunteer-your-time or call 918-923-7276.  To make a donation by mail, please address it to CASA of Northeast Oklahoma, 1222 N. Florence Ave., Suite A, Claremore, Oklahoma 74017.

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