Posted: Apr 02, 2024 7:24 PMUpdated: Apr 03, 2024 3:32 PM
6 of 10 Bartlesville Charter Changes Fail

Nathan Thompson
Six of the 10 proposed City Charter changes in Bartlesville failed Tuesday night during a special election.
Voters rejected moving City Council elections from the November ballot to April and extending council terms from two years to three years; restricting city employees from running for City Council within three years of leaving city employment, redefining City Council recall petition parameters, providing the city manager additional abilities to enter into contracts for purchases, permitting the City Council from being forced to re-adopt meeting rules of procedure each time the charter changes, and requiring the City Council to adopt a new code of ethics after each charter amendment.
Electors in Bartlesville approved charter changes that would require a candidate for City Council to reside in their ward for six months prior to an election, requiring City Council members to immediately be disqualified from representing their ward if they move out of the ward, clarifying language regarding special meeting notices and that council terms begin at 12:01 p.m. on the first Monday following an election.
Below are the unofficial results from Tuesday's election in the city of Bartlesville.
19 Precincts of 19 Reporting
Proposition 1 (Moving City Council elections to April, Extending terms to 3 years)
Yes: 970 39.56%
No: 1,482 60.44%
Proposition 2 (Council candidate must live in ward for 6 months)
Yes: 1,402 57.7%
No: 1,028 42.3%
Proposition 3 (City employees must wait 3 years after leaving to run for City Council)
Yes: 1,167 47.87%
No: 1,271 52.13%
Proposition 4 (Refining City Council recall petition parameters)
Yes: 1,078 44.18%
No: 1,362 55.82%
Proposition 5 (Streamlining purchases and contracts for city manager)
Yes: 1,123 46.27%
No: 1,304 53.73%
Proposition 6 (Disqualifying City Council member if they move wards during term)
Yes: 1,519 62.87%
No: 897 37.13%
Proposition 7 (Special meeting notices)
Yes: 1,763 72.76%
No: 660 27.24%
Proposition 8 (Readoption of rules following charter change)
Yes: 930 38.54%
No: 1,483 61.46%
Proposition 9 (Council term beginning time)
Yes: 1,581 65.33%
No: 839 34.67%
Proposition 10 (Readopting Code of Ethics)
Yes: 1,162 47.86%
No: 1,266 52.14%
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