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Posted: Jan 31, 2024 2:31 AMUpdated: Jan 31, 2024 2:34 AM

City of Bartlesville Seeks Input for Comprehensive Plan

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Tom Davis / Kelsey Walker

The City of Bartlesville is seeking public input as it continues the process of updating its comprehensive plan for growth and development. As part of the public input phase, a website and survey have been launched to inform and engage the public.

The comprehensive plan, called "Endeavor 2045," is an initiative that was identified as a priority in the City's recently completed Bartlesville NEXT Strategic Plan, an organizational blueprint that outlines the City's priorities, goals and action steps into the foreseeable future.

“Endeavor 2045 will serve as the city’s guide for how we grow, progress and prosper together for the next 20-plus years,” said Larry Curtis, Community Development director. “The policies created through this planning process will guide both short-term and long-term decision making by elected officials and staff and shape guidelines for residents, businesses and other stakeholders.”

A comprehensive plan is a community’s primary guide on how and where it will grow and transform. It establishes policies for the city's physical development, including the location, character and extent of land uses, streets, parks, water, sewer, drainage and other public facilities, open spaces, economic development and more.

“Comprehensive plans are required for communities by Oklahoma law,” said Curtis. “They provide the legal foundation for decisions on providing public infrastructure and services and managing the city’s land use and development patterns.”

Endeavor 2045 will replace Bartlesville’s current comprehensive plan, which was adopted in 1999. The new comprehensive plan will address topics such as land use, transportation, housing, economic development, infrastructure, parks and recreation, natural resources and environmental sustainability and more, with a focus on managing growth and enhancing quality of life.

The Endeavor 2045 website includes details on the comprehensive planning process, interactive maps and other resources. The website can be found at http://endeavor2045.halff.com.

The community survey will gauge the public’s input on issues facing Bartlesville, including land use, housing, employment, transportation, and quality of life. To take the community survey, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Endeavor2045.

“We encourage community participation in this vital endeavor that will generate the legacy that we leave for our children and grandchildren in 2045,” said Curtis.

In-person community feedback sessions will also be announced soon. Adoption of the new comprehensive plan is anticipated this fall.

For more information, contact Greg Collins, Special Projects Manager, at 918.338.4241 or gscollins@cityofbartlesville.org


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