Posted: Jan 12, 2024 10:54 AMUpdated: Jan 12, 2024 10:55 AM
Price Tower: January Art Exhibits and More
Tom Davis
The historic Price Tower in Bartlesville has a busy month of January underway.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Cynthia Blanchard with the Price Tower announced a pair of art exhibits. The first is the opening reception on January 19 from 6pm to 8pm with a gallery discussion with local artist, Jon Lindblom.
Linblom's works have been seen all over Bartlesville and have been featured in several charity auctions. This is your opportunity to see this collection at one place.
Cynthia said the Price Tower has been busy in the arts community by bringing in local musical artists as well. She also metnioned they have been talks with the new Buffalo Roam Movie Studio in Bartlesville to collaborate on a variety of projects.
Another opening will be held for “Angels of Pandora: An AI/Human Collaboration” on display January 19 – March 24.
The inspiration for this angelic series began with a reflection on how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our society. Throughout history, art, religion, and technology have always coexisted affecting the evolution of the other. The current moment marks a monumental shift as technology can now truly collaborate with humanity. Through a series of ethereal works, this exhibition invites you to witness the collaboration of the “digital and biological imagination.”
Upon viewing the exhibition, a narrative unfolds, capturing the full spectrum of emotions that arise when contemplating our future: fear, anxiety, intrigue, uncertainty, beauty, and hope. Join me as we unlock Pandora’s box of possibilities that emerge when technology and human creativity intertwine.
This show is made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Oklahoma Arts Council.
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