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Posted: Jan 12, 2024 9:27 AMUpdated: Jan 12, 2024 9:30 AM

Trash, Trash, and More Trash

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Cheynne Gilkey

Bartlesville is pretty clean. From our residential areas to our little parks. Of course there may be some areas that you may think are quite the opposite, but Bartlesville is cleaner than most.

Keith Henry, Public Works Director of Bartlesville Ok., simulates a little of what trash pickup looks like in Bartlesville.

Although Henry admits that his team only covers the residential areas, he explains that businesses and other commercial areas have a choice between the City of Bartlesville and private companies like Osage Waste Disposal. Business owners also have a choice on how many times a week they get their trash picked up and how many bins they have.

Henry mentions a new add-on to this year’s services that may come in handy during spring cleaning.

Henry says that they run trash 6 days a week. They have a separate department that picks up trash at our local park called Park Management Department. A staff member who picks up all the trash from the trash bins around the park as well as cleans all the bathrooms. If more staff is needed if there is an event or accident at any of these parks then more staff will be provided.

(Photo curtsy of City of Bartlesville Departments page).

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