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Washington Co.

Posted: Jan 11, 2024 9:28 AMUpdated: Jan 11, 2024 9:31 AM

Republican and Other Conservatives of Washington County Presents The Real Grassroots

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Tom Davis
Republican and Other Conservatives of Washington County (ROC-WC) invites you to a special free event on  Monday, January 15, 6:30 - 7:45 PM at Crossing 2nd in Bartlesville: The Real Grassroots.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Republican and Other Conservatives of Washington County Administrator Quinn Schipper and Communtiy Relations Director Juli Merciez  invited  everyone this free event which will feature. Americans for Prosperity (AFP). 
Juli said, "AFP is the premier grassroots advocacy organization transforming policy around the country. But what is "grassroots" anyway?! AFP presenters Michael Morrison and Bradley Wade will answer that question and explain how the AFP network delivers tangible results at the local, state, and national levels. "
Quinn reminded everyone that this is Election Year 2024 and that ROC-WC promotes Republican and conservative values through an informed, active electorate. He said, "Your voice, values, and vote influence the outcome of elections throughout the year - from School Boards to the Oval Office."
Both our guests invited everyone to show up, connect, learn, and grow with like-minded associates committed to developing, electing, and supporting conservative political leaders. 
Quinn said, "ROC-WC's monthly meetings are strategic, purposeful, and fun! Invite a friend, arrive early, enjoy dinner, and expect to meet other great people just like you!"
For more information, email info@rocwc.com.

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