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Posted: Jan 09, 2024 8:58 AMUpdated: Jan 09, 2024 9:50 AM

Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl For Kids' Sake 2024

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Tom Davis
BOWL FOR KIDS' SAKE is the Big Brothers Big Sisters annual peer-to-peer fundraising campaign that supports their one-to-one mentoring program that matches volunteer mentors (Bigs) with children (Littles) who need help with self-esteem, decision-making, and other areas of life.
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION, Area Director Charlene Dew and the event's chairpersson Kathy Romesburg invited you to get your teams together to bowl March 7 or 8 starting at 7:00 PM at the Red Apple Bowling Center or March 7 or 14 at 11:30 AM at the Phillips 66 Bowling Lanes if your team is comprised of the P66 or COP employees.

TEAM | $900+  |  INDIVIDUAL  $150+  
Community Matching Gift for Donations $25+ when the donor is not eligible for a corporate matching gift program.  
Corporate Matching Gift : ConocoPhillips [$50+], CPChem [$50+], Phillips 66 [$25+], ONEGas [$30+]
For more information regarding entries, log on to https://give.bigoklahoma.org/campaign/bartlesville-bowl-for-kids-sake-2024/c479581

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