Posted: Nov 30, 2023 3:28 PMUpdated: Nov 30, 2023 11:06 PM
Dewey's Michael Cragun Named Patriot Auto November Student of the Month

Nathan Thompson
Dewey High School Senior Michael Cragun has been named one of the Patriot Auto Students of the Month for November, presented by Truity Credit Union and Bartlesville Radio.
Cragun is tied for first in his graduating class and has earned 12 college credit hours concurrently enrolled at Rogers State University and is enrolled in 6 more hours this semester. He was active in the Academic Team, Yearbook staff, a former intern at Truity Credit Union and is currently an intern at Phillips 66.
Cragun excels in volunteering in the community and with his church.
Cragun has also been a part of the "Hands of Jesus" program in Guthrie and numerous service projects in the community for the elderly, Agape Mission and Mary Martha Outreach.
Dewey High School Principal Josh Stowe says Goss is a huge asset to the student body.
"He is not afraid to stand up for what's right, but even more with his character, Michael is always quick to attempt to help his fellow students understand concepts and learn," Stowe said.
Cragun has been accepted to the University of Oklahoma, studying bio-medical engineering. He says he wants to create advanced prosthetics and exo-skeletons for those with disabilities. But before embarking on his college career, Cragun says he is going to spend two years in the mission field for his church.
Cragun will be honored along with several other extraordinary students and athletes in May at Patriot Auto's Night of Scholars and Champions at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, where thousands of dollars worth of scholarships will be awarded and the Student of the Year will be named. The Student of the Year will walk away with the keys to a brand new car, presented by Patriot Auto.
Cragun says he is honored to be selected as one of November's Students of the Month.
Our special thanks goes to our participating schools, Patriot Auto Group and Truity Credit Union.
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