Washington County
Posted: Nov 16, 2023 2:07 PMUpdated: Nov 16, 2023 8:43 PM
'Parenting in Jail' Program Success in Washington County

A breakthrough program at the Washington County Jail is having incredible success in rehabilitating inmates who have children.
The “Parenting in Jail” class at the Washington County Detention Center began in August 2022 through a partnership with Tulsa-based Family & Children Services. The program teaches skills to incarcerated parents in hopes of better serving their families when they are released.
Undersheriff Jon Copeland says he has been impressed with the differences he noticed in inmate behavior since the parenting classes started.
An educator from Family & Children Services comes to the Washington County Jail two to three times per week to hold the parenting classes for both male and female inmates. Each course lasts approximately 6 weeks. Once an inmate makes significant progress and meets benchmarks, they can proceed to weekly visits with their children.
This week, Bartlesville Radio was invited to observe the parenting class for female inmates. Four women are currently enrolled in the program, with 10-12 others on a waiting list to participate.
Family & Children Services Program Director Lucie Doll says the success rate in Washington County is one of the highest in the six Northeast Oklahoma county jails where the course is offered.
State Sen. Julie Daniels also observed the parenting class this week. She says she is amazed with the program’s success and that Washington County is on the cutting edge.
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