City of Bartlesville
Posted: Aug 22, 2023 10:18 AMUpdated: Aug 22, 2023 10:18 AM
Bartlesville's Water Supply Down Slightly

Nathan Thompson
Bartlesville's water supply has dropped slightly as summertime temperatures continue to heat up, the city reported Tuesday.
According to reading, the overall water supply is at 73.3%, which is down 1.1% percent point from last week. Hulah Lake is at 111.9% capacity, Hudson Lake is at 80.4% and Copan Lake is at 48.5% of capacity. The Caney River is flowing at 100%.
Bartlesville is currently in Stage 1 of the water shortage ordinance, which requires city staff to conduct a public awareness campaign to encourage conservation.
There are no restrictions for water customers in Stage 1.
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