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Regional News

Posted: Aug 03, 2023 9:45 AMUpdated: Aug 03, 2023 9:45 AM

City of Sedan, Kan., Remains in Water Emergency

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Sheri Garris & Nathan Thompson

The city of Sedan, Kan., gets limited relief from the water emergency.

The lake intake pumps at Quivira Lake in Sedan have been shortened which has given the city of Sedan some slight relief in their current water emergency. Officials say the situation remains critical, as the intake structure has only another 36 inches before a catastrophic failure occurs.

Public Wholesale Water Supply District #20 and Chautauqua County Emergency Management are working toward a backup emergency system should that happen, but without substantial amount of rainfall to replenish the water source, Sedan will remain in a Stage 3 Water Emergency.

Officials say residents should continue take extreme water conservation measures and follow the recommendations set forth in the Stage 3.

Photo courtesy PWWSD #20


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