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Posted: Jul 17, 2023 9:51 AMUpdated: Jul 17, 2023 9:51 AM

Bartlesville Radio Auction is Coming

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Tom Davis
The KWON KYFM KRIG KPGM 26th Annual Auction is on Saturday morning, July 29, with the doors opening at 8am and the bidding starting at 9 am, at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Dewey, OK.
You'll get instant savings on brand new merchandise and gift certificates!
Bartlesville Radio's Promotions Directior Tina Romine said we are shopping at local advertisers buying brand new merchandise and gift certificates, and, when we auction them off, you will get guaranteed savings. That's because the bidding will stop at 80% off the retail price. However, many items won't even get to the full 80%. You mght pay only 40-50-or 60% of retail. It's an auction...you set the prices...you get the bargains!
MORE INFO AT https://bartlesvilleauction.weebly.com/


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