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Posted: Jun 12, 2023 1:59 PMUpdated: Jun 12, 2023 2:37 PM

Dewey Man Seen Over Courtroom Outburst

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Dalton Spence

A Dewey man who lost his cool in Washington County Court on Thursday, June 8, was seen again on Monday regarding the outburst.

Alex Kordel Boston appeared on a felony charge because of damage to a public building after tempers go the best of him during Thursday’s arraignments.

 While being read his charges, Boston was visibly upset clinching his fist and forearms after learning he could be extradited back to Missouri which was not ideal to Boston.

After receiving his next court date, jail camera footage shows Boston kicking a chair across the room, picking it up and throwing it toward the viewing area with it bouncing it off a wall and then proceeding to throw the chair toward the counter. A detention officer drew his Conducted Energy Weapon and began giving Boston instructions verbally before removing Boston from the courtroom.

Boston’s is being held over on his current $5,000 bond and his next court date is scheduled for June 23, at 9 a.m.

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