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Posted: Sep 14, 2022 12:00 AMUpdated: Sep 14, 2022 8:09 AM

AT&T Offers Reward for Catching Copper Thieves

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Victoria Edwards

AT&T is having a bad year with thievery throughout the United States and lately, especially in Oklahoma. AT&T officials have said they are not sure if it is a single person conducting all of the theft or a group of people working in multiple locations or copycats from the original theft.

AT&T has begun offering awards of various amounts in each area where theft occurred. In Oklahoma, the company is offering a substantial award for information leadaing to the capture of thieves who ripped off copper cable in the counties of Washington, Osage and Rogers in our listening area. Thefts have also taken place in Tulsa, Muskogee, McAlester and Pittsburg, Kansas.

The reward is $5000 for information related to thefts in these counties and it is available only until November 1. The information must directly lead to an arrest for the reward to be collected. If you have information, contact A&T Asset PRotection at 1-800-807-4205.

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