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Posted: Aug 30, 2022 8:31 AMUpdated: Aug 30, 2022 8:31 AM

First Harry Wright Show on Wednesday Night

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Evan Fahrbach

Bartlesville High football will start its season on Friday, as the Bruins head to Claremore to visit the Zebras for Week One.

We will talk BHS football with Bruin head coach Harry Wright on Wednesday night during the first edition of this year’s Bruin Coach’s Show live from Dink’s Pitt BBQ.

This will air just after 6:00 on KWON – AM 1400, FM 93.3 and 95.1 with a video livestream on KWONTV.com. Coach Wright will talk about practice thus far, then give us a preview of the game on Friday.

Installation of a game plan for the Zebras started some last week, but has ramped up over the past few days. Wright details some of the timeline.

Join us live on Wednesday night at Dinks and if you can’t make it, listen or watch to hear the full preview.


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