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City of Bartlesville

Posted: May 30, 2022 9:29 AMUpdated: May 30, 2022 2:30 PM

White Rose: Honoring Fallen Veterans on Memorial Day

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Garrett Giles

White Rose Cemetery is the site for a Memorial Day service in the City of Bartlesville.

American Legion Post 105 Adjutant Bill Teel was the guest speaker on Monday morning. Teel said more than one-million American veterans have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line-of-duty from the American Revolution to the War on Terror. He said they died so we can cherish the things we love: God, country, and family.

Teel said Memorial Day is not all about picnics and parades, though there is nothing wrong with celebrating the American way of life. He said Memorial Day is about gratitude and remembrance as we honor the men and women that made it possible for us to gather in peace.

Between Memorial Park Cemetery and White Rose Cemetery in Bartlesville, volunteers placed over 3,400 American flags on graves for Memorial Day. 

Mayri Hebert, a Veteran, a Blue Star Mother, and a member of a Gold Star Family, had the honor of presenting a wreath in the White Rose Cemetery mausoleum. This was done in honor of fallen soldiers.

Pictured left: American Legion Post 105 Adjutant Bill Teel addresses a full mausoleum at White Rose Cemetery on Memorial Day.

Also during the service, John B. Kane, a descendant of the first families of Bartlesville, gave the invocation. Boy Scout Troop 6 performed the flag opening and closing ceremonies, and led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tom Windle and the Sons of the American Revolution concluded the ceremony with a rifle presentation.

A Memorial Day ceremony has been held at the City of Bartlesville-owned White Rose Cemetery for more than a century. Services for the holiday have been held there since 1900. The cemetery was laid out south of Bartlesville, Indian Territory in 1899.

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