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Posted: Mar 14, 2022 9:19 AMUpdated: Mar 14, 2022 9:21 AM

School Board Candidate Jonathan Bolding on COMMUNITY CONNECTION

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Tom Davis
Appearing on COMMUNITY CONNECTION on Monday was Jonathan Bolding who is running for Bartlesville School Board - District 2.
Bolding said his focus is on doing what is in the best interests of the children.
Bolding said,"It is my goal to continue the valuable work of the current board and ensure that our children have all the necessary tools to be successful.  An integral part of achieving that goal is providing every student with the appropriate educational materials that will equip and prepare them for a bright and promising future.
He added, "The primary role of school board members is to work with parents when it comes to their children's education.  My pledge is to collaborate and work alongside parents and make on the decisions that are in the best interests of the children."
Boldng said, "I believe it is time to make a contribution to Bartlesville Public Schools.  Many years ago, BPS supported me as a student and as a child of a teacher.  It would be an honor to serve our school system and give back to the community that invested in me."


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