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Posted: Mar 13, 2021 10:03 AMUpdated: Mar 13, 2021 4:09 PM

Dewey Awaits More Information on the Investigation into NFHS Racist Rant

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Tom Davis
Moore and Piedmont Public Schools have terminated their contracts with NFHS following an announcer's racist comments made Thursday night before a girl's basketball game between Norman High School and Midwest City as Dewey High School awaits the findings in the investigation into the incident.
The OSSAA has recommended that schools partner with NFHS Networks for the state basketball tournament. 
We spoke with Dewey Supt. of Public Schools Vince Vincent regarding the issue and the agreement they have with NFHS.
Vincent said:
"Certainly after hearing of  the incident and the comments that were made in the broadcast, it was disgusting. He added "I am currently in the position of determining and investigating the relationships that were involved  with those individuals who made those comments on the broadcast and how they are connected and if they are actually connected in any way to NFHS. We're currently in that mode right now. As more information comes about and it is shared publicly, we will be able to define where we stand and what our relationship will be or continue to be or won't be with NFHS."
Press Release from Midwest City: 

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