State of Oklahoma
Posted: Jan 06, 2021 10:14 AMUpdated: Jan 06, 2021 11:07 AM
Rep. Strom Named Chairman of A&B General Government
State Representative Judd Strom, a Republican from Copan, accepted appointment to Chairman of the House A&B General Government Committee on Tuesday.
Rep. Strom said he had the opportunity to come into the committee two years ago and work as vice chairman under Chairman Charles Ortega. He said he was even excited then to be in that position.
Being the Chairman of the House A&B General Government Committee has been number one on Rep. Strom's list. Rep. Strom said it is one of the smaller budget committees, but he gets to work with government agencies. He said the position gives him the opportunity to work with government agencies to improve and deliver the services you expect while eliminating wasteful spending within those agencies.
Rep. Strom gets to work with government agencies such as the Legislative Service Bureau, Emergency Management, the State Election Board, and the Office of Management and Enterprise Services. He'll work closely alongside the Governor's Office as well.
The most important thing legislators do at the Capitol is appropriate your tax dollars, and Rep. Strom said making sure those dollars are spent appropriately, effectively, and efficiently matters. He said government needs to provide the services you expect based on the fact that you send tax dollars to Oklahoma City.
Rep. Strom said the A&B General Government Committee will meet with agency heads throughout the month of January. He said budgets will be discussed. The committee will also discuss with the agency heads about how much money they got last year, how they spent the money, how they improved their services, and how they worked to spend their money efficiently.
The A&B General Government Committee will also go through the requests made by the government agencies. Rep. Strom said they'll ask the agencies what they'll provide for the extra monies that they're requesting. He said they'll also check if the agencies received federal grant monies and how they spent those dollars. Ultimately, the committee will ask the agencies how they'll get along if they had less monies to work with.
The negotiations will be tough, but Rep. Strom said he is ready to have those discussions. He said the discussions are necessary and they have them every year. He added that he hopes they're able to find common ground during the negotiations.
To be the Chairman of the A&B General Government Committee is a honor to Rep. Strom. Rep. Strom said he is currently at work in an empty Capitol building. He said he is looking to serve you to the best of his ability.
The 58th Legislature formally began on Tuesday with a constitutionally-required Organizational Day meeting to officially seat members, install officers and approve rules. All House of Representatives committee leadership and Republican majority leadership appointments have been made for the 58th Oklahoma Legislature.
The office of House District 10 is always open to you. Rep. Strom said the office has a new legislative assistant in Alecia Shannon who will take your calls and get to Rep. Strom as soon as possible. He said you can always reach him by phone as well.
For contact information for Rep. Strom's office, click here.
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