Washington County
Posted: Nov 19, 2020 12:08 PMUpdated: Nov 19, 2020 12:08 PM
County on Track to Surpass 2018 Tobacco Tax Collections

Washington County recently received its monthly tobacco tax spreadsheet from the Oklahoma Tax Commission, and it shows that collections are up this month.
County Treasurer Melissa Thornbrugh said Washington County's tobacco tax collections jumped up slightly this November compared to last November. She said the County received $4,727.60 last year compared to this year's $5,047.32. That is just over a six-percent increase in tobacco tax collection this November compared to last.
Back in 2018, Washington County had a yearly tobacco tax collection of $72,821. Thornbrugh said they currently have $59,483 in collections in 2020. She said Washington County is on track to potentially surpass their collections from 2018. She added that Washington County's yearly target for tobacco tax collections is $60,000.
Thornbrugh said the tobacco tax collections go into Washington County's general account and budget every year. She said Washington County's general fund includes personal services, maintenance and operations, capital outlay, and everything else that makes the County function.
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